285 research outputs found

    South Africa’s Electricity Consumption: A Sectoral Decomposition Analysis

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    South Africa's electricity consumption has increased sharply since the early 1990s. Here we conduct a sectoral decomposition analysis of the electricity consumption for the period 1993 to 2006, to determine the main drivers of this increase. The results show that the increase was due mainly to output- or production-related factors, with structural changes playing a secondary role. While there is some evidence of efficiency improvements, indicated here as a slowdown in the rate of increase in electricity intensity, it was not nearly sufficient to offset the combined production and structural effects that propelled electricity consumption higher.

    Electricity Intensities of the OECD and South Africa: A Comparison

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    Improving a country’s electricity efficiency is considered one of the important ways to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to meet its commitments concerning climate change mitigation. In this paper, we conduct a comparative analysis between South Africa and OECD members’ total and sectoral electricity intensities. This is done to establish a sense of South Africa’s relative performance in this regard, to ascertain the possible scope for improvement and, if such scope exists, to determine in which of the industrial sectors

    Modelling South African grain farmers’ preferences to adopt derivative contracts using discrete choice models

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    This paper applies a discrete choice model to determine specific characteristics that influence South African grain farmers’ preferences to hedge against uncertainties. This is the first empirical study on South African grain producers’ preferences to adopt derivative contracting and is based on the survey data of Grain South Africa for 2006. With the application of separate binary logit models for each major grain commodity, this paper establishes that different grain farmers are significantly heterogeneous. The results also show that grain farmers’ preferences to adopt derivative contracting are mostly influenced by the farmers’ prediction of daily grain prices and trends, farm size and various geographic characteristics. From a policy perspective it has been indicated that food and income insecurity will be reduced if farmers can adopt derivative contracting at large scale since it will enable the producers to produce staple food on a continuous basis at a relatively profitable level.Discrete choice models, micro-analysis of farmers, agricultural markets and marketing,

    Modeling the Marginal Revenue of Water in Selected Agricultural Commodities: A Panel Date Approach

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    South Africa is a water-stressed country where water availability is an important constraint to economic and social development, and will become even more so in the future if this scarce resource is not managed effectively. In order to manage this scarce supply of water, we need to value it. This study focuses on the value of water in the agricultural sector, in particular the marginal revenue of water for six irrigation commodities namely avocados, bananas, grapefruit, mangoes, oranges and sugarcane. A quadratic production function was fitted with an SUR model specification in a panel data study from 1975 to 2002 to obtain marginal revenue functions for each of the six commodities. We found that mangoes are the most efficient commodity in its water use relative to revenue generated (marginal revenue of water equals R25.43/m3 in 2002) and sugarcane the least efficient (marginal revenue of water equals R1.67/m3 in 2002). The marginal revenue of water is not an indication of the true “market” price. Neither is it an indication what the administered price should be. The marginal revenue of water is rather a guideline for policy makers to determine which industries or commodities within an industry can generate the largest revenue per unit water applied.Marginal revenue, water efficiency, panel data

    Cyber security education is as essential as “The Three R’s”

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    Smartphones have diffused rapidly across South African society and constitute the most dominant information and communication technologies in everyday use. That being so, it is important to ensure that all South Africans know how to secure their smart devices. This requires a high level of security awareness and knowledge. As yet, there is no formal curriculum addressing cyber security in South African schools. Indeed, it seems to be left to Universities to teach cyber security principles, and they currently only do this when students take computing-related courses. The outcome of this approach is that only a very small percentage of South Africans, i.e. those who take computing courses at University, are made aware of cyber security risks and know how to take precautions. Moreover, because this group is overwhelmingly male, this educational strategy disproportionately leaves young female South Africans vulnerable to cyber attacks. We thus contend that cyber security ought to be taught as children learn the essential “3 Rs” – delivering requisite skills at University level does not adequately prepare young South Africans for a world where cyber security is an essential skill. Starting to provide awareness and knowledge at primary school, and embedding it across the curriculum would, in addition to ensuring that people have the skills when they need them, also remove the current gender imbalance in cyber security awareness

    Developing teacher competencies through the open and distance learning approach in Zimbabwe

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    The main purpose of the study was to gain insights into the effectiveness of the open and distance learning approach (ODLA) as an empowering tool in upgrading rural teachers’ professionalism. The data to address the problem was collected by means of a case study methodology.  The results of the study indicate that female teachers involved in the study perceive the ODLA to be enabling in several respects. Firstly, the ODLA provided rural teachers with the flexibility and opportunities to switch careers midway. Secondly, the ODLA provided female teachers with new professional knowledge, skills and competences with minimal disruptions to their family, social and work commitments. Thirdly, the ODLA was regarded as cost effective in terms of access, affordability, effort and time management. In light of the above, this study calls for further comparative studies of ODLA to other teacher education models in improving teacher proficiencies in resource-stressed environments

    The impact of an electricity generation tax on the South African economy

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    In the 2008 budget of the Minister of Finance, the South African Government proposed to impose a 2 cents/kilowatt-hour (c/kWh) tax on the sale of electricity generated from non-renewable sources; this tax is to be collected at source by the producers/generators of electricity. The intention of this measure is to serve a dual purpose of protecting the environment and helping to manage the current electricity supply shortages by reducing demand. The objective here is to evaluate the impact of such an electricity generation tax on the South African, SACU and SADC economies. The paper firstly considers the theoretical foundations of an electricity generation tax supported by international experiences in this regard. This section also contrasts the suitability of a permit with a tax system to achieve CO2 emission reduction. We subsequently apply the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model to evaluate the impact of an electricity generation tax on the South African, SACU and SADC economies. We simulate the proposed tax as a 10 percent increase in the output price of electricity. We assume a closure rule that allows unskilled labour to migrate and a limited skilled workforce. As expected, the electricity generation tax will reduce demand. Due to the decrease in domestic demand, export volume increases and import volume decreases, this is despite a weaker terms of trade. We also found that unemployment for unskilled labour increases and wages of skilled workers are expected to decrease. A unilateral electricity generation tax will benefit other SACU and SADC countries through an improvement in relative competitiveness, as shown by the improvement of the terms of trade for these regions. If, however, the benefits of pollution abatement are internalised, then electricity generation tax is expected to yield a positive effect on the South African economy.

    The development of a management error orientation questionnaire.

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    The aim of this study was to develop a Management Error Orientation Questionnaire (MEOQ) to be used as an instrument to measure the attitude of management towards errors in the workplace. The sample comprised of 232 managers from a variety of business sectors. A factor analysis on 59 items yielded three factors and these factors were interpreted as the attitude of dealing with errors, the risk of errors and error strain. The three scales were subjected to an item analysis and yielded significant levels of reliability

    Compliance with infection control recommendations in South African dental practices: a review of studies published between 1990 and 2007

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    Published ArticleIn a country where the prevalence of infectious diseases ranks among the highest in the world, infection control in health care facilities should not be debatable. This unfortunately does not seem to be the case in South African oral health care facilities. This study is a systematic review of available literature on the adherence of South African oral health care professionals to infection control recommendations. Nine focus areas were investigated with regard to infection control practices: knowledge of infectious occupational hazards; personal hygiene and care of hands; correct application of personal protective equipment; use of environmental barriers and disposable items; sterilisation (recirculation) of instruments and handpieces; disinfection (surfaces) and sound housekeeping; management of waste disposal; quality control of dental unit waterlines, biofilms and water; as well as other special considerations. Although South African studies are limited and most of them relied on self-reports, which could have resulted in a serious overestimation of compliance, even these studies indicate serious shortcomings with regard to infection control practices in oral health care facilities in this country. This review highlights opportunity for improvement. Furthermore, it identifies possibilities for future research in infection control and also opportunities to improve infection control education for all oral health care workers in the country

    Tailoring IT Education for Effective IT Professionals in a Third World Setting

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    Small group learning combined with innovative teaching methods were introduced at tertiary level to teach computer-related subjects. Teams were constituted according to Belbin’s theory of effective team building. A study conducted over two years showed that certain qualities needed in the IT field were lacking in these students