137 research outputs found

    Role of promoter hypermethylation in Cisplatin treatment response of male germ cell tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Male germ cell tumor (GCT) is a highly curable malignancy, which exhibits exquisite sensitivity to cisplatin treatment. The genetic pathway(s) that determine the chemotherapy sensitivity in GCT remain largely unknown. RESULTS: We studied epigenetic changes in relation to cisplatin response by examining promoter hypermethylation in a cohort of resistant and sensitive GCTs. Here, we show that promoter hypermethylation of RASSF1A and HIC1 genes is associated with resistance. The promoter hypermethylation and/or the down-regulated expression of MGMT is seen in the majority of tumors. We hypothesize that these epigenetic alterations affecting MGMT play a major role in the exquisite sensitivity to cisplatin, characteristic of GCTs. We also demonstrate that cisplatin treatment induce de novo promoter hypermethylation in vivo. In addition, we show that the acquired cisplatin resistance in vitro alters the expression of specific genes and the highly resistant cells fail to reactivate gene expression after treatment to demethylating and histone deacetylase inhibiting agents. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that promoter hypermethylation of RASSF1A and HIC1 genes play a role in resistance of GCT, while the transcriptional inactivation of MGMT by epigenetic alterations confer exquisite sensitivity to cisplatin. These results also implicate defects in epigenetic pathways that regulate gene transcription in cisplatin resistant GCT

    Dissecting conformational contributions to glycosidase catalysis and inhibition

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    Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) are classified into >100 sequence-based families. These enzymes process a wide variety of complex carbohydrates with varying stereochemistry at the anomeric and other ring positions. The shapes that these sugars adopt upon binding to their cognate GHs, and the conformational changes that occur along the catalysis reaction coordinate is termed the conformational itinerary. Efforts to define the conformational itineraries of GHs have focussed upon the critical points of the reaction: substrate-bound (Michaelis), transition state, intermediate (if relevant) and product-bound. Recent approaches to defining conformational itineraries that marry X-ray crystallography of enzymes bound to ligands that mimic the critical points, along with advanced computational methods and kinetic isotope effects are discussed

    Effect of B7.1 Costimulation on T-Cell Based Immunity against TAP-Negative Cancer Can Be Facilitated by TAP1 Expression

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    Tumors deficient in expression of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) usually fail to induce T-cell-mediated immunity and are resistant to T-cell lysis. However, we have found that introduction of the B7.1 gene into TAP-negative (TAP−) or TAP1-transfected (TAP1+) murine lung carcinoma CMT.64 cells can augment the capacity of the cells to induce a protective immune response against wild-type tumor cells. Differences in the strength of the protective immune responses were observed between TAP− and TAP1+ B7.1 expressing CMT.64 cells depending on the doses of γ-irradiated cell immunization. While mice immunized with either high or low dose of B7.1-expressing TAP1+ cells rejected TAP− tumors, only high dose immunization with B7.1-expressing TAP− cells resulted in tumor rejection. The induced protective immunity was T-cell dependent as demonstrated by dramatically reduced antitumor immunity in mice depleted of CD8 or CD4 cells. Augmentation of T-cell mediated immune response against TAP− tumor cells was also observed in a virally infected tumor cell system. When mice were immunized with a high dose of γ-irradiated CMT.64 cells infected with vaccinia viruses carrying B7.1 and/or TAP1 genes, we found that the cells co-expressing B7.1 and TAP1, but not those expressing B7.1 alone, induced protective immunity against CMT.64 cells. In addition, inoculation with live tumor cells transfected with several different gene(s) revealed that only B7.1- and TAP1-coexpressing tumor cells significantly decreased tumorigenicity. These results indicate that B7.1-provoked antitumor immunity against TAP− cancer is facilitated by TAP1-expression, and thus both genes should be considered for cancer therapy in the future

    Dyskryminacja kobiet na słowackim rynku pracy i modele dyskryminacji

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    The paper deals with the problem of women's discrimination in the labour market. Significant differences, among women and men in the labour market, are especially in unemployment rate in reward system, and high horizontal and vertical segregation of women. The aspects of discrimination arise despite of existing legislation, which gender discrimination strictly prohibits. An analysis of arguments, consequences and models of women's discrimination in the labour market can significantly help to remedy this undesirable phenomenon in our economy and society.Artykuł dotyczy problemu dyskryminacji kobiet na rynku pracy. Na rynku pracy występują istotne różnice pomiędzy kobietami i mężczyznami, dotyczy to w szczególności systemu wynagrodzenia, poziomej i pionowej segregacji kobiet. Pomimo istniejącego prawodawstwa zakazującego dyskryminacji płci, nadal występuje to zjawisko. Analiza argumentów, konsekwencji i modeli dyskryminacji kobiet na rynku pracy, może znacząco przyczynić się do poprawy tego niekorzystnego zjawiska, występujące w naszej gospodarce i społeczeństwie
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