6,532 research outputs found

    Intrinsic selection biases of ground-based gravitational wave searches for high-mass BH-BH mergers

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    The next generation of ground-based gravitational wave detectors may detect a few mergers of comparable-mass M\simeq 100-1000 Msun ("intermediate-mass'', or IMBH) spinning black holes. Black hole spin is known to have a significant impact on the orbit, merger signal, and post-merger ringdown of any binary with non-negligible spin. In particular, the detection volume for spinning binaries depends significantly on the component black hole spins. We provide a fit to the single-detector and isotropic-network detection volume versus (total) mass and arbitrary spin for equal-mass binaries. Our analysis assumes matched filtering to all significant available waveform power (up to l=6 available for fitting, but only l<= 4 significant) estimated by an array of 64 numerical simulations with component spins as large as S_{1,2}/M^2 <= 0.8. We provide a spin-dependent estimate of our uncertainty, up to S_{1,2}/M^2 <= 1. For the initial (advanced) LIGO detector, our fits are reliable for M∈[100,500]M⊙M\in[100,500]M_\odot (M∈[100,1600]M⊙M\in[100,1600]M_\odot). In the online version of this article, we also provide fits assuming incomplete information, such as the neglect of higher-order harmonics. We briefly discuss how a strong selection bias towards aligned spins influences the interpretation of future gravitational wave detections of IMBH-IMBH mergers.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, accepted by PRD. v2 is version accepted for publication, including minor changes in response to referee feedback and updated citation

    Dynamics of Multidimensional Secession

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    We explore a generalized Seceder Model with variable size selection groups and higher dimensional genotypes, uncovering its well-defined mean-field limiting behavior. Mapping to a discrete, deterministic version, we pin down the upper critical size of the multiplet selection group, characterize all relevant dynamically stable fixed points, and provide a complete analytical description of its self-similar hierarchy of multiple branch solutions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, PR

    Optimization of double drive pulse pumping in Ne-like Ge x-ray lasers

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    Pumping of the Ne-like Ge x-ray laser with two 100 ps duration pulses (a prepulse and main pulse) is investigated using a fluid and atomic physics code coupled to a 3D ray tracing postprocessor code. The modeling predicts the optimum ratio of the irradiance of the two pulses for the maximum x-ray laser output resulting from the balance between the relative lower electron density gradients and wider gain region which is produced with a larger prepulse and the higher peak gain coefficients produced with a small prepulse. With a longer pulse interval between prepulse and main pulse, a relatively lower optimum pulse ratio is found. The threshold irradiance of the main driving pulse with a prepulse required to make an order of magnitude enhancement of laser output compared to irradiation without a prepulse is also found at 3-4x10(13) W/cm(2) for Ne-like Ge. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics

    The short-term effects of management changes on watertable position and nutrients in shallow groundwater in a harvested peatland forest

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    This work was funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Environmental Protection Agency under the STRIVE program 2007 – 2013.peer-reviewedManagement changes such as drainage, fertilisation, afforestation and harvesting (clearfelling) of forested peatlands influence watertable (WT) position and groundwater concentrations of nutrients. This study investigated the impact of clearfelling of a peatland forest on WT and nutrient concentrations. Three areas were examined: (1) a regenerated riparian peatland buffer (RB) clearfelled four years prior to the present study (2) a recently clearfelled coniferous forest (CF) and (3) a standing, mature coniferous forest (SF), on which no harvesting took place. The WT remained consistently below 0.3 m during the pre-clearfelling period. Results showed there was an almost immediate rise in the WT after clearfelling and a rise to 0.15 m below ground level (bgl) within 10 months of clearfelling. Clearfelling of the forest increased dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations (from an average of 28–230 μg L−1) in the shallow groundwater, likely caused by leaching from degrading brash mats.Environmental Protection AgencyDepartment of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Hydro-Thermal Vent Mapping with Multiple AUV's AZORES-2001

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    LONG TERM GOAL: The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and the Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon (IST) have a long standing memorandum of agreement dating back to 1994 for the exchange of scientific ideas, visits of faculty and students, and to perform collaborative work. In the past we have collaborated on joint papers, the shared supervision of doctoral work, and a shared effort on the evaluation of AUV control system methodology. This is a NICOP project aimed at developing the technology of multiple cooperating AUV's in a shallow water vent-mapping mission. The missions to be conducted in the AZORES Islands will develop multi-vehicle cooperative strategies and control using radio and acoustic communications. Results of both sonar and video images will be obtained in which the Portuguese vehicle – INFANTE, and a surface catamaran (DELFIM) will perform broad area survey to identify vent clusters, while the NPS vehicle – ARIES, will be used to reacquire vent cluster locations, and perform local area searches with close in video data gathering.Award # N0001400AF0000

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of H2_2 dissociation on Si(001)

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    We present quantum Monte Carlo calculations for various reaction pathways of H2_2 with Si(001), using large model clusters of the surface. We obtain reaction energies and energy barriers noticeably higher than those from approximate exchange-correlation functionals. In improvement over previous studies, our adsorption barriers closely agree with experimental data. For desorption, the calculations give barriers for conventional pathways in excess of the presently accepted experimental value, and pinpoint the role of coverage effects and desorption from steps.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Validation of S. Pombe sequence assembly by microarray hybridization

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    We describe a method to make physical maps of genomes using correlative hybridization patterns of probes to random pools of BACs. We derive thereby an estimated distance between probes, and then use this estimated distance to order probes. To test the method, we used BAC libraries from Schizzosaccharomyces pombe. We compared our data to the known sequence assembly, in order to assess accuracy. We demonstrate a small number of significant discrepancies between our method and the map derived by sequence assembly. Some of these discrepancies may arise because genome order within a population is not stable; imposing a linear order on a population may not be biologically meaningful

    A non-linear optimal estimation inverse method for radio occultation measurements of temperature, humidity and surface pressure

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    An optimal estimation inverse method is presented which can be used to retrieve simultaneously vertical profiles of temperature and specific humidity, in addition to surface pressure, from satellite-to-satellite radio occultation observations of the Earth's atmosphere. The method is a non-linear, maximum {\it a posteriori} technique which can accommodate most aspects of the real radio occultation problem and is found to be stable and to converge rapidly in most cases. The optimal estimation inverse method has two distinct advantages over the analytic inverse method in that it accounts for some of the effects of horizontal gradients and is able to retrieve optimally temperature and humidity simultaneously from the observations. It is also able to account for observation noise and other sources of error. Combined, these advantages ensure a realistic retrieval of atmospheric quantities. A complete error analysis emerges naturally from the optimal estimation theory, allowing a full characterisation of the solution. Using this analysis a quality control scheme is implemented which allows anomalous retrieval conditions to be recognised and removed, thus preventing gross retrieval errors. The inverse method presented in this paper has been implemented for bending angle measurements derived from GPS/MET radio occultation observations of the Earth. Preliminary results from simulated data suggest that these observations have the potential to improve NWP model analyses significantly throughout their vertical range.Comment: 18 (jgr journal) pages, 7 figure
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