150 research outputs found

    Seasonal patterns in mindfulness in people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

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    Background: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a well-known, effective treatment in the prevention of relapse in Major Depression Disorder (MDD). However, a recent study in people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) showed that MBCT given in spring was ineffective in preventing a next depressive episode. To test the hypothesis that people with SAD may experience sufficient levels of mindfulness in spring and therefore less benefit from MBCT, this study examines variations in levels of mindfulness over seasons. Methods: This longitudinal prospective study followed 77 people with SAD over a two-year period. Participants filled out a self-report questionnaire, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) on a quarterly basis. Results: Levels of mindfulness differed throughout the seasons, with overall results suggesting lower levels of mindfulness in winter. Limitations: The results are limited by the small sample size and varying levels of mindfulness over the two years of the study period. Conclusion: Findings suggest a seasonal component in levels of mindfulness exists, implying that people with SAD are less mindful during the winter compared to other seasons. Future research is needed to examine to what extent the motivation of people with SAD to participate in MBCT and benefit from it is higher in the winter

    New Tricks (1996)

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    Welcome to the latest issue of New Tricks, a literary magazine published by the DSU chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, an international honor society for English students. Literary magazines, showcasing talents of DSU students and faculty, have been published intermittently by DSU organizations. In 1995 Sigma Tau Delta chose the magazine as its major project, along with several activities emphasizing literary appreciation. This project has been made possible through the efforts of several already very busy people. We would like to thank all the students and faculty who submitted their works. We extend special thanks to James Swanson and to John Laflin for their help and guidance with this project

    Molecular Assessment of Bacterial Vaginosis by Lactobacillus Abundance and Species Diversity

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    Background To date, women are most often diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (BV) using microscopy based Nugent scoring or Amsel criteria. However, the accuracy is less than optimal. The aim of the present study was to confirm the identity of known BV-associated composition profiles and evaluate indicators for BV using three molecular methods. Methods Evaluation of indicators for BV was carried out by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of the V5-V7 region, a tailor-made 16S rRNA oligonucleotide-based microarray, and a PCR-based profiling technique termed IS-profiling, which is based on fragment variability of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region. An inventory of vaginal bacterial species was obtained from 40 females attending a Dutch sexually transmitted infection outpatient clinic, of which 20 diagnosed with BV (Nugent score 7–10), and 20 BV negative (Nugent score 0–3). Results Analysis of the bacterial communities by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed two clusters in the BV negative women, dominated by either Lactobacillus iners or Lactobacillus crispatus and three distinct clusters in the BV positive women. In the former, there was a virtually complete, negative correlation between L. crispatus and L. iners. BV positive subjects showed cluster profiles that were relatively high in bacterial species diversity and dominated by anaerobic species, including Gardnerella vaginalis, and those belonging to the Families of Lachnospiraceae and Leptotrichiaceae. Accordingly, the Gini-Simpson index of species diversity, and the relative abundance Lactobacillus species appeared consistent indicators for BV. Under the conditions used, only the 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing method was suitable to assess species diversity, while all three molecular composition profiling methods were able to indicate Lactobacillus abundance in the vaginal microbiota. Conclusion An affordable and simple molecular test showing a depletion of the genus Lactobacillus in combination with an increased species diversity of vaginal microbiota could serve as an alternative and practical diagnostic method for the assessment of BV

    The beneficial effect of sulforaphane on platelet responsiveness during caloric load:a single-intake, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial in healthy participants

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    Background and aims: As our understanding of platelet activation in response to infections and/or inflammatory conditions is growing, it is becoming clearer that safe, yet efficacious, platelet-targeted phytochemicals could improve public health beyond the field of cardiovascular diseases. The phytonutrient sulforaphane shows promise for clinical use due to its effect on inflammatory pathways, favorable pharmacokinetic profile, and high bioavailability. The potential of sulforaphane to improve platelet functionality in impaired metabolic processes has however hardly been studied in humans. This study investigated the effects of broccoli sprout consumption, as a source of sulforaphane, on urinary 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 (TXB2), a stable thromboxane metabolite used to monitor eicosanoid biosynthesis and response to antithrombotic therapy, in healthy participants exposed to caloric overload. Methods: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial 12 healthy participants were administered 16g of broccoli sprouts, or pea sprouts (placebo) followed by the standardized high-caloric drink PhenFlex given to challenge healthy homeostasis. Urine samples were collected during the study visits and analyzed for 11-dehydro-TXB2, sulforaphane and its metabolites. Genotyping was performed using Illumina GSA v3.0 DTCBooster. Results: Administration of broccoli sprouts before the caloric load reduced urinary 11-dehydro-TXB2 levels by 50% (p = 0.018). The amount of sulforaphane excreted in the urine during the study visits correlated negatively with 11-dehydro-TXB2 (rs = −0.377, p = 0.025). Participants carrying the polymorphic variant NAD(P)H dehydrogenase quinone 1 (NQO1*2) showed decreased excretion of sulforaphane (p = 0.035). Conclusion: Sulforaphane was shown to be effective in targeting platelet responsiveness after a single intake. Our results indicate an inverse causal relationship between sulforaphane and 11-dehydro-TXB2, which is unaffected by the concomitant intake of the metabolic challenge. 11-Dehydro-TXB2 shows promise as a non-invasive, sensitive, and suitable biomarker to investigate the effects of phytonutrients on platelet aggregation within hours. Clinical trial registration: [https://clinicaltrials.gov/], identifier [NCT05146804].</p

    Improved Phylogenomic Taxon Sampling Noticeably Affects Nonbilaterian Relationships

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    Despite expanding data sets and advances in phylogenomic methods, deep-level metazoan relationships remain highly controversial. Recent phylogenomic analyses depart from classical concepts in recovering ctenophores as the earliest branching metazoan taxon and propose a sister-group relationship between sponges and cnidarians (e.g., Dunn CW, Hejnol A, Matus DQ, et al. (18 co-authors). 2008. Broad phylogenomic sampling improves resolution of the animal tree of life. Nature 452:745–749). Here, we argue that these results are artifacts stemming from insufficient taxon sampling and long-branch attraction (LBA). By increasing taxon sampling from previously unsampled nonbilaterians and using an identical gene set to that reported by Dunn et al., we recover monophyletic Porifera as the sister group to all other Metazoa. This suggests that the basal position of the fast-evolving Ctenophora proposed by Dunn et al. was due to LBA and that broad taxon sampling is of fundamental importance to metazoan phylogenomic analyses. Additionally, saturation in the Dunn et al. character set is comparatively high, possibly contributing to the poor support for some nonbilaterian nodes

    Molecular assessment of bacterial vaginosis by Lactobacillus abundance and species diversity

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    __Background:__ To date, women are most often diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (BV) using microscopy based Nugent scoring or Amsel criteria. However, the accuracy is less than optimal. The aim of the present study was to confirm the identity of known BV-associated composition profiles and evaluate indicators for BV using three molecular methods. __Methods:__ Evaluation of indicators for BV was carried out by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of the V5-V7 region, a tailor-made 16S rRNA oligonucleotide-based microarray, and a PCR-based profiling technique termed IS-profiling, which is based on fragment variability of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region. An inventory of vaginal bacterial species was obtained from 40 females attending a Dutch sexually transmitted infection outpatient clinic, of which 20 diagnosed with BV (Nugent score 7-10), and 20 BV negative (Nugent score 0-3). __Results:__ Analysis of the bacterial communities by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed two clusters in the BV negative women, dominated by either Lactobacillus iners or Lactobacillus crispatus and three distinct clusters in the BV positive women. In the former, there was a virtually complete, negative correlation between L. crispatus and L. iners. BV positive subjects showed cluster profiles that were relatively high in bacterial species diversity and dominated by anaerobic species, including Gardnerella vaginalis, an

    Comparing the efficacy of a web-assisted calprotectin-based treatment algorithm (IBD-live) with usual practices in teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease:study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: To prevent clinical relapse in teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) there is a need to monitor disease activity continuously. Timely optimisation of medical treatment may nip a preclinical relapse in the bud and change the natural course of IBD. Traditionally, disease monitoring is done during scheduled visits, but this is when most teenagers report full control. IBD care could be more efficient if patients were seen at times of clinical need. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a web-assisted calprotectin-based treatment algorithm (IBD-live) compared with usual practices in teenagers with IBD. Methods/design: A randomized trial of web-based disease monitoring versus usual care is conducted at 10 Dutch IBD care centers. We plan to recruit 180 patients between 10-and 19-years old with quiescent IBD at baseline. Teenagers assigned to IBD-live will use the flarometer -an automatic cumulation of disease activity and fecal calprotectin measurements-to estimate probability of relapse. In case the flarometer indicates high risk the patient requires treatment intensification in accordance with national guidelines; low risk means that maintenance therapy is unchanged; and intermediate risk requires optimisation of drug adherence. Patients assigned to usual practice get the best accepted medical care with regular health checks. Primary outcome is the frequency of relapse at 52 weeks of follow-up. The diagnosis of relapse is based on a clinical activity index score >10 points necessitating remission induction therapy. Secondary outcomes include quality of life and cost-effectiveness. Discussion: Web-assisted monitoring of disease activity with rapid access for those with acute relapse may allow teenagers to develop skills that are required of adult patients (including communication and self-determination). Similar monitoring systems have been introduced for teenagers with asthma and diabetes, with a positive effect on disease control, but the intervention has not been evaluated in teenagers with IBD. A randomized trial in adult patients with ulcerative colitis showed that a web-assisted treatment algorithm is feasible, safe and cost-effective. Results of the current trial are expected to have important implications for teenagers with IBD that incurs substantial health burdens and economic costs

    The Tetraspanin Protein CD37 Regulates IgA Responses and Anti-Fungal Immunity

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    Immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion by plasma cells in the immune system is critical for protecting the host from environmental and microbial infections. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the generation of IgA+ plasma cells remain poorly understood. Here, we report that the B cell–expressed tetraspanin CD37 inhibits IgA immune responses in vivo. CD37-deficient (CD37−/−) mice exhibit a 15-fold increased level of IgA in serum and significantly elevated numbers of IgA+ plasma cells in spleen, mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue, as well as bone marrow. Analyses of bone marrow chimeric mice revealed that CD37–deficiency on B cells was directly responsible for the increased IgA production. We identified high local interleukin-6 (IL-6) production in germinal centers of CD37−/− mice after immunization. Notably, neutralizing IL-6 in vivo reversed the increased IgA response in CD37−/− mice. To demonstrate the importance of CD37—which can associate with the pattern-recognition receptor dectin-1—in immunity to infection, CD37−/− mice were exposed to Candida albicans. We report that CD37−/− mice are evidently better protected from infection than wild-type (WT) mice, which was accompanied by increased IL-6 levels and C. albicans–specific IgA antibodies. Importantly, adoptive transfer of CD37−/− serum mediated protection in WT mice and the underlying mechanism involved direct neutralization of fungal cells by IgA. Taken together, tetraspanin protein CD37 inhibits IgA responses and regulates the anti-fungal immune response