859 research outputs found

    Collisional excitation of [C II], [O I] and CO in Massive Galaxies

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    Many massive galaxies at the centres of relaxed galaxy clusters and groups have vast reservoirs of cool (~10,000 K) and cold (~100 K) gas. In many low redshift brightest group and cluster galaxies this gas is lifted into the hot ISM in filamentary structures, which are long lived and are typically not forming stars. Two important questions are how far do these reservoirs cool and if cold gas is abundant what is the cause of the low star formation efficiency? Heating and excitation of the filaments from collisions and mixing of hot particles in the surrounding X-ray gas describes well the optical and near infra-red line ratios observed in the filaments. In this paper we examine the theoretical properties of dense, cold clouds emitting in the far infra-red and submillimeter through the bright lines of [C II]157 \mu m , [O I]63 \mu m and CO, exposed to these energetic ionising particles. While some emission lines may be optically thick we find this is not sufficient to model the emission line ratios. Models where the filaments are supported by thermal pressure support alone also cannot account for the cold gas line ratios but a very modest additional pressure support, either from turbulence or magnetic fields can fit the observed [O I]/[C II] line ratios by decreasing the density of the gas. This may also help stabilise the filaments against collapse leading to the low rates of star formation. Finally we make predictions for the line ratios expected from cold gas under these conditions and present diagnostic diagrams for comparison with further observations. We provide our code as an Appendix.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Accurate determination of the free-free Gaunt factor. II - relativistic Gaunt factors

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    When modelling an ionised plasma, all spectral synthesis codes need the thermally averaged free-free Gaunt factor defined over a very wide range of parameter space in order to produce an accurate prediction for the spectrum. Until now no data set exists that would meet these needs completely. We have therefore produced a table of relativistic Gaunt factors over a much wider range of parameter space than has ever been produced before. We present tables of the thermally averaged Gaunt factor covering the range log10(gamma^2) = -6 to 10 and log10(u) = -16 to 13 for all atomic numbers Z = 1 through 36. The data were calculated using the relativistic Bethe-Heitler-Elwert (BHE) approximation and were subsequently merged with accurate non-relativistic results in those parts of the parameter space where the BHE approximation is not valid. These data will be incorporated in the next major release of the spectral synthesis code Cloudy. We also produced tables of the frequency integrated Gaunt factor covering the parameter space log10(gamma^2) = -6 to 10 for all values of Z between 1 and 36. All the data presented in this paper are available online.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Radiative cooling in collisionally and photo ionized plasmas

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    We discuss recent improvements in the calculation of the radiative cooling in both collisionally and photo ionized plasmas. We are extending the spectral simulation code Cloudy so that as much as possible of the underlying atomic data is taken from external databases, some created by others, some developed by the Cloudy team. This paper focuses on recent changes in the treatment of many stages of ionization of iron, and discusses its extensions to other elements. The H-like and He-like ions are treated in the iso-electronic approach described previously. Fe II is a special case treated with a large model atom. Here we focus on Fe III through Fe XXIV, ions which are important contributors to the radiative cooling of hot, 1e5 to 1e7 K, plasmas and for X-ray spectroscopy. We use the Chianti atomic database to greatly expand the number of transitions in the cooling function. Chianti only includes lines that have atomic data computed by sophisticated methods. This limits the line list to lower excitation, longer wavelength, transitions. We had previously included lines from the Opacity Project database, which tends to include higher energy, shorter wavelength, transitions. These were combined with various forms of the g-bar approximation, a highly approximate method of estimating collision rates. For several iron ions the two databases are almost entirely complementary. We adopt a hybrid approach in which we use Chianti where possible, supplemented by lines from the Opacity Project for shorter wavelength transitions. The total cooling including the lightest thirty elements differs significantly from some previous calculations

    Accurate determination of the free-free Gaunt factor; I - non-relativistic Gaunt factors

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    Modern spectral synthesis codes need the thermally averaged free-free Gaunt factor defined over a very wide range of parameter space in order to produce an accurate prediction for the spectrum emitted by an ionized plasma. Until now no set of data exists that would meet this need in a fully satisfactory way. We have therefore undertaken to produce a table of very accurate non-relativistic Gaunt factors over a much wider range of parameters than has ever been produced before. We first produced a table of non-averaged Gaunt factors, covering the parameter space log10(epsilon_i) = -20 to +10 and log10(w) = -30 to +25. We then continued to produce a table of thermally averaged Gaunt factors covering the parameter space log10(gamma^2) = -6 to +10 and log10(u) = -16 to +13. Finally we produced a table of the frequency integrated Gaunt factor covering the parameter space log10(gamma^2) = -6 to +10. All the data presented in this paper are available online.Comment: 10 pages, 5 tables, 3 figures. Fixed typo in Eq. 1

    Properties of Dust Grains in Planetary Nebulae -- I. The Ionized Region of NGC 6445

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    In this paper we study new infrared spectra of the evolved planetary nebula NGC 6445 obtained with ISO. These data show that the thermal emission from the grains is very cool and has a low flux compared to H beta. A model of the ionized region is constructed, using the photo-ionization code CLOUDY 90.05. Based on this model, we show from depletions in the gas phase elements that little grain destruction can have occurred in the ionized region of NGC 6445. We also argue that dust-gas separation in the nebula is not plausible. The most likely conclusion is that grains are residing inside the ionized region of NGC 6445 and that the low temperature and flux of the grain emission are caused by the low luminosity of the central star and the low optical depth of the grains. This implies that the bulk of the silicon-bearing grains in this nebula were able to survive exposure to hard UV photons for at least several thousands of years, contradicting previously published results. A comparison between optical and infrared diagnostic line ratios gives a marginal indication for the presence of a t^2-effect in the nebula. However, the evidence is not convincing and other explanations for the discrepancy are also plausible. The off-source spectrum taken with ISO-LWS clearly shows the presence of a warm cirrus component with a temperature of 24 K as well as a very cold component with a temperature of 7 K. Since our observation encompasses only a small region of the sky, it is not clear how extended the 7 K component is and whether it contributed significantly to the FIRAS spectrum taken by COBE. Because our line of sight is in the galactic plane, the very cold component could be a starless core.Comment: 36 pages, 8 tables, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Expanded Iron UTA spectra -- probing the thermal stability limits in AGN clouds

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    The Fe unresolved transition array (UTAs) produce prominent features in the 15-17?A wavelength range in the spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Here we present new calculations of the energies and oscillator strengths of inner- shell lines from Fe XIV, Fe XV, and Fe XVI. These are crucial ions since they are dominant at inflection points in the gas thermal stability curve, and UTA excitation followed by autoionization is an important ionization mechanism for these species. We incorporate these, and data reported in previous papers, into the plasma simulation code Cloudy. This updated physics is subsequently employed to reconsider the thermally stable phases in absorbing media in Active Galactic Nuclei. We show how the absorption profile of the Fe XIV UTA depends on density, due to the changing populations of levels within the ground configuration.Comment: ApJ in pres

    The Evolution of NGC 7027 at Radio Frequencies: A New Determination of the Distance and Core Mass

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    We present the results of a 25-year program to monitor the radio flux evolution of the planetary nebula NGC7027. We find significant evolution of the spectral flux densities. The flux density at 1465 MHz, where the nebula is optically thick, is increasing at a rate of 0.251+-0.015 % per year, caused by the expansion of the ionized nebula. At frequencies where the emission is optically thin, the spectral flux density is changing at a rate of -0.145+-0.005 % per year, caused by a decrease in the number of ionizing photons coming from the central star. A distance of 980+-100 pc is derived. By fitting interpolated models of post-AGB evolution to the observed changes, we find that over the 25-yr monitoring period, the stellar temperature has increased by 3900+-900 K and the stellar bolometric luminosity has decreased by 1.75+-0.38 %. We derive a distance-independent stellar mass of 0.655+-0.01 solar masses adopting the Bloecker stellar evolution models, or about 0.04 solar masses higher when using models of Vassiliadis & Wood which may provide a better fit. A Cloudy photoionization model is used to fit all epochs at all frequencies simultaneously. The differences between the radio flux density predictions and the observed values show some time-independent residuals of typically 1 %. A possible explanation is inaccuracies in the radio flux scale of Baars et al. We propose an adjustment to the flux density scale of the primary radio flux calibrator 3C286, based on the Cloudy model of NGC7027. We also calculate precise flux densities for NGC7027 for all standard continuum bands used at the VLA, as well as for some new 30GHz experiments.Comment: submitted to the Astrophysical Journa