130 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Adoption of Plantain Improved Technologies among Small Holder farmers in Edo state, Nigeria

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    This study examined the determinants of factors affecting the adoption of plantain improved technologies among small holder farmers in Edo state Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to ascertain the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers in the study area, determine the level of awareness and adoption of the improved technologies by respondents and constraints encountered. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select one hundred and fifty farmers for the study. A structured and pre-tested questionnaire was administered on the farmers. Descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis was used to analyze the collected information. The result revealed large proportion (82.0%) of the respondents were married, mean age was 56.9years, respondents level of education was high, mean farm size was 2.2 hectares, farming experience was high. The result of chi-square analysis showed that there were no significant association between level of adoption and sex, religion, marital status. The study recommended that agricultural development project should be encouraged to adopt plantain as mandate crop and farmers should be sensitized to know the potentials inherent in adopting plantain as income generation crop. Keywords: Improved Technologies, adoption, credit facilitie

    Assessing the Mechanical Performance of Ternary Blended Cement Concrete Incorporating Periwinkle Shell and Bamboo Leaf Ashes

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    The study investigates the mechanical properties of concrete incorporating Periwinkle Shell Ash (PSA) and Bamboo Leaf Ash (BLA) as cementitious binders. Concrete cube (100mm) prepared from a standardized prescribed mix of 1:2:4, batch by volume was taken as the reference mix. The cement component in the reference mix was replaced with combined % weight of periwinkle shell ash (10-30%) and bamboo leaf ash (10% fixed) given five blended mixes. Water-cement ratio of 0.60 was adopted for the reference and blended mixes. A total of 144 cube specimens were evaluated for compressive and tensile splitting strength at four curing ages up to 56 days. The results indicated that the compressive strength generally increases with curing age, and that the mix containing 80% cement-10%PSA-10%BLA, outperformed that of the reference mix at 28 and 56 days. The tensile splitting strength increase with curing age and decreases as the % weight of PSA increases from 15% to 30%. A higher tensile splitting strength value was attained with mix 2 than the reference mix at 14, 28 and 56 days.  The regression equation for the strengths relationship was obtained as FSP = 0.141 (Fcu) 0.873. The study concluded that mix 2 proportion is adequate for the production of ordinary structural mix concrete. Keywords: periwinkle shell ash, bamboo leaf ash, blended cement concrete, compressive strength, tensile Splitting strengt

    Planned cesarean myomectomy at term for huge intramural fibroids coexisting with pregnancy: A case report

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    With about 2–11% of pregnancy co‑existing with fibroids, one in 10 women will have complications related to myoma in pregnancy. The procedure of cesarean myomectomy has been much discouraged and the need to perform inevitable myomectomy during the cesarean section (CS) when fibroids obstruct wound closure has been presented. A case of a primigravida with huge uterine fibroids displacing the fetus into a persistent oblique lie and causing maternal discomfort is presented. A planned cesarean myomectomy was performed. Hemorrhage was controlled with tourniquet using Foley catheter, misoprostol, and high dose oxytocin infusion. The mother and baby had a satisfactory outcome. Elective cesarean myomectomy is safe but should only be done by an experienced surgeon and in centers equipped with facilities for comprehensive emergency obstetric care. Key words: Cesarean myomectomy; cesarean section; fibroids

    Ocular injuries caused by improvised explosion devices-case series of patients seen in National Eye Centre, Kaduna Nigeria

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    Aim: To highlight the pattern of ocular injuries as a result of improvised explosive devises by insurgents in Kaduna metropolis.Background: Ocular trauma is a cause of blindness in approximately half a million people worldwide and many more have suffered partial loss of sight. Trauma is the most important cause of unilateral loss of vision, particularly in developing countries. An improvised explosive device, also known as a roadside bomb, is a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than in conventional military action. In line with the insurgency in parts of northern Nigeria, there is need to identify the common associated ocular injuries with the view to recommending preventive measures and providing adequate resources to managing the challenges.Methodology: Consecutive patients who presented with bomb blast associated ocular injuries and consented to the study from December 2011 through November 2012 were prospectively followed up. Demographic, clinical and operative data was entered into preformed questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS V16.Results: Seven eyes of five patients (2 bilateral) met the inclusion criteria with a mean age of 20 years (7-29 years), male to female ratio of 1.5: 1. Only one of the seven affected eyes had presenting VA of 6/60, 2 had NPL and 4 HM. Open globe injury was present in 3 eyes (1-ruptured, 2 corneal laceration) and retinal detachment in two eyes.Conclusion: Bomb blast explosion is associated with catastrophic blinding ocular pathology thus the need to providing needed equipment/manpower to contain it  and seek lasting solutions to the wave violent insurgency


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    This study investigated the physico-chemical and geochemical properties of soils under sawah in Nigeria. It was found that soils under sawah were majorly sandy loam to sandy clay loam having acidic reactions, low exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na. These soils were deficient in available P, SiO2, S, Total Nitrogen and Total Carbon while SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 dominated total elemental composition, accounting for a cumulative average of 96.16%. Except total elemental TiO2 and K2O which showed average values >1%, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O and P2O5 showed average values <1%. Soils under sawah exhibited intermediated to extreme weathering degree with majority of the soil sampled falling into the category of extreme weathering. With extreme degree of weathering, rapid loss of mobile species such as basic cations from soil is imminent which may account for the results observed in this study. Thus, combination of conservative agricultural practices is recommended.   &nbsp

    Effects of Pinching Time on the Performance of three Tomato Varieties (Lycopersicon lycopersicum Mill) in Ogbomoso and Mokwa, Nigeria

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    Field experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso and Niger State College of Agriculture, Mokwa, in 2012 cropping season to examine the effects of pinching on fruit yield and nutritional qualities of three tomato varieties. The experiment had twelve treatments of three varieties (Ogbomoso Local, Mokwa Local and UC82B) of tomato and four pinching times (0, 2, 4 and 6) weeks after transplanting (WAT), replicated three times. The experiment was laid out as split plot arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design. Data were collected on plant height, number of flowers, number of fruits and total fruit yield. The determination of fruit phytochemical contents at full ripening, 6 fruit samples were randomly selected per plot and analysed for nutritional qualities such as crude Protein, Carotene, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Lycopene, Magnesium, Vitamin C contents. Data was analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) SAS package and treatment means compared using least significant difference (LSD) at 5% probability level. There were varietal differences in fresh fruit yield among the three varieties of tomato. UC82B gave the highest fruit yield (23.10 t ha-1) while Mokwa Local recorded the least (12.00 t ha-1). Pinching improved fruit yield of tomato. Plants pinched at 4 WAT gave the highest fruit yield (19.60 t ha-1) and the least obtained from un-pinched plants (12.50 t ha 1). Nutritional qualities (Lycopene, phosphorus, potassium) was best at PT of 6 WAT. It could be concluded from this experiment that, though highest yield of tomato (19.60 t ha-1) occurred with pinching at 4 WAT, the best nutritional qualities were obtained when pinched at 6 WAT. Also, UC82B was better than other varieties in terms of yield performance

    Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potentials of Indigenous Trees among Academic Parks in Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

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    Air quality, cool air temperatures, as well as captured carbon are enhanced by trees on campus. Human activities in and around academic areas within the university indicate possible high level of Carbon dioxide in thoe specific areas. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess the Carbon capture potentials of indigenous trees in selected academic area parks (COLAMRUD Park, COLANIM Park, COLERM Park, Motion Ground Park and Multi-purpose Building Park) of Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria using a non-destructive sampling technique. Results show that there are a total of 10 different tree species across the parks some of which include; Azadiratcha indicia, Albezia lebbeck, Entandrophragma cylindricum, Khaya senegalensis and Mangifera indica. The weight of Carbon captured was observed to be highest in the Entadophragma cylindricum (19.68 x 106 kgm-2) followed by Cedrela ordorata (10.84 x 106 kgm-2) while the least was Cola millenni (1.43 x 106 kgm-2). Carbon capture potential was significantly (pSS>CO>MI>AI>AL>KS>SM>TR>PL. The presence of trees on university campus boosts carbon sequestration, clear-felling of these trees species while constructing new structures should be extremely reduced and more trees should be introduced in places with much human daily activities

    Role of the Subunits Interactions in the Conformational Transitions in Adult Human Hemoglobin: an Explicit Solvent Molecular Dynamics Study

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    Hemoglobin exhibits allosteric structural changes upon ligand binding due to the dynamic interactions between the ligand binding sites, the amino acids residues and some other solutes present under physiological conditions. In the present study, the dynamical and quaternary structural changes occurring in two unligated (deoxy-) T structures, and two fully ligated (oxy-) R, R2 structures of adult human hemoglobin were investigated with molecular dynamics. It is shown that, in the sub-microsecond time scale, there is no marked difference in the global dynamics of the amino acids residues in both the oxy- and the deoxy- forms of the individual structures. In addition, the R, R2 are relatively stable and do not present quaternary conformational changes within the time scale of our simulations while the T structure is dynamically more flexible and exhibited the T\rightarrow R quaternary conformational transition, which is propagated by the relative rotation of the residues at the {\alpha}1{\beta}2 and {\alpha}2{\beta}1 interface.Comment: Reprinted (adapted) with permission from J. Phys. Chem. B DOI:10.1021/jp3022908. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Societ
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