206 research outputs found

    Scattering of massless bosonic fields by Kerr black holes: On-axis incidence

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    We study the scattering of monochromatic bosonic plane waves impinging upon a rotating black hole, in the special case that the direction of incidence is aligned with the spin axis. We present accurate numerical results for electromagnetic Kerr scattering cross sections for the first time, and give a unified picture of the Kerr scattering for all massless bosonic fields

    Fermion scattering by a Schwarzschild black hole

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    We study the scattering of massive spin-half waves by a Schwarzschild black hole using analytical and numerical methods. We begin by extending a recent perturbation theory calculation to next order to obtain Born series for the differential cross section and Mott polarization, valid at small couplings. We continue by deriving an approximation for glory scattering of massive spinor particles by considering classical timelike geodesics and spin precession. Next, we formulate the Dirac equation on a black hole background, and outline a simple numerical method for finding partial wave series solutions. Finally, we present our numerical calculations of absorption and scattering cross sections and polarization, and compare with theoretical expectations.Comment: Minor changes, 1 figure added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. 36 pages, 13 figure

    Regularization of the Teukolsky Equation for Rotating Black Holes

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    We show that the radial Teukolsky equation (in the frequency domain) with sources that extend to infinity has well-behaved solutions. To prove that, we follow Poisson approach to regularize the non-rotating hole, and extend it to the rotating case. To do so we use the Chandrasekhar transformation among the Teukolsky and Regge-Wheeler-like equations, and express the integrals over the source in terms of solutions to the homogeneous Regge-Wheeler-like equation, to finally regularize the resulting integral. We then discuss the applicability of these results.Comment: 14 pages, 1 Table, REVTE

    Spacetime Splitting, Admissible Coordinates and Causality

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    To confront relativity theory with observation, it is necessary to split spacetime into its temporal and spatial components. The (1+3) timelike threading approach involves restrictions on the gravitational potentials (gμν)(g_{\mu \nu}), while the (3+1) spacelike slicing approach involves restrictions on (gμν)(g^{\mu \nu}). These latter coordinate conditions protect chronology within any such coordinate patch. While the threading coordinate conditions can be naturally integrated into the structure of Lorentzian geometry and constitute the standard coordinate conditions in general relativity, this circumstance does not extend to the slicing coordinate conditions. We explore the influence of chronology violation on wave motion. In particular, we consider the propagation of radiation parallel to the rotation axis of stationary G\"odel-type universes characterized by parameters η>0\eta > 0 and λ>0\lambda > 0 such that for η1\eta 1) chronology is protected (violated). We show that in the WKB approximation such waves can freely propagate only when chronology is protected.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor typos corrected, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Inferring black hole charge from backscattered electromagnetic radiation

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    We compute the scattering cross section of Reissner-Nordström black holes for the case of an incident electromagnetic wave. We describe how scattering is affected by both the conversion of electromagnetic to gravitational radiation, and the parity dependence of phase shifts induced by the black hole charge. The latter effect creates a helicity-reversed scattering amplitude that is nonzero in the backward direction. We show that from the character of the electromagnetic wave scattered in the backward direction it is possible, in principle, to infer if a static black hole is charged

    Electromagnetic wave scattering by Schwarzschild black holes

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    We analyze the scattering of a planar monochromatic electromagnetic wave incident upon a Schwarzschild black hole. We obtain accurate numerical results from the partial wave method for the electromagnetic scattering cross section, and show that they are in excellent agreement with analytical approximations. The scattering of electromagnetic waves is compared with the scattering of scalar, spinor and gravitational waves. We present a unified picture of the scattering of all massless fields for the first time.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Rainbow scattering in the gravitational field of a compact object

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    We study the elastic scattering of a planar wave in the curved spacetime of a compact object such as a neutron star, via a heuristic model: a scalar field impinging upon a spherically symmetric uniform density star of radius R and mass M. For R<rc, there is a divergence in the deflection function at the light-ring radius rc ¼ 3GM=c2, which leads to spiral scattering (orbiting) and a backward glory; whereas for R>rc, there instead arises a stationary point in the deflection function which creates a caustic and rainbow scattering. As in nuclear rainbow scattering, there is an Airy-type oscillation on a Rutherford-like cross section, followed by a shadow zone. We show that, for R ∼ 3.5GM=c2, the rainbow angle lies close to 180°, and thus there arises enhanced backscattering and glory. We explore possible implications for gravitational wave astronomy and dark matter models

    Gravitational Couplings of Intrinsic Spin

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    The gravitational couplings of intrinsic spin are briefly reviewed. A consequence of the Dirac equation in the exterior gravitational field of a rotating mass is considered in detail, namely, the difference in the energy of a spin-1/2 particle polarized vertically up and down near the surface of a rotating body is Ωsinθ\hbar\Omega\sin\theta. Here θ\theta is the latitude and Ω=2GJ/(c2R3)\Omega = 2GJ/(c^2 R^3), where JJ and RR are, respectively, the angular momentum and radius of the body. It seems that this relativistic quantum gravitational effect could be measurable in the foreseeable future.Comment: LaTeX file, no figures, 16 page

    Resonance and absorption spectra of the Schwarzschild black hole for massive scalar perturbations: a complex angular momentum analysis

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    We reexamine some aspects of scattering by a Schwarzschild black hole in the framework of complex angular momentum techniques. More precisely, we consider, for massive scalar perturbations, the high-energy behavior of the resonance spectrum and of the absorption cross section by emphasizing analytically the role of the mass. This is achieved (i) by deriving asymptotic expansions for the Regge poles of the SS-matrix and then for the associated weakly damped quasinormal frequencies and (ii) by taking into account the analytic structure of the greybody factors which allows us to extract by resummation the physical information encoded in the absorption cross section.Comment: v2: Minor changes to match the published version. v3: Typos correcte

    Spin-2 Amplitudes in Black-Hole Evaporation

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    Quantum amplitudes for s=2s=2 gravitational-wave perturbations of Einstein/scalar collapse to a black hole are treated by analogy with s=1s=1 Maxwell perturbations. The spin-2 perturbations split into parts with odd and even parity. We use the Regge-Wheeler gauge; at a certain point we make a gauge transformation to an asymptotically-flat gauge, such that the metric perturbations have the expected falloff behaviour at large radii. By analogy with s=1s=1, for s=2s=2 natural 'coordinate' variables are given by the magnetic part Hij(i,j=1,2,3)H_{ij} (i,j=1,2,3) of the Weyl tensor, which can be taken as boundary data on a final space-like hypersurface ΣF\Sigma_F. For simplicity, we take the data on the initial surface ΣI\Sigma_I to be exactly spherically-symmetric. The (large) Lorentzian proper-time interval between ΣI\Sigma_I and ΣF\Sigma_F, measured at spatial infinity, is denoted by TT. We follow Feynman's +iϵ+i\epsilon prescription and rotate TT into the complex: TTexp(iθ)T\to{\mid}T{\mid} \exp(-i\theta), for 0<θπ/20<\theta\leq\pi/2. The corresponding complexified {\it classical} boundary-value problem is expected to be well-posed. The Lorentzian quantum amplitude is recovered by taking the limit as θ0+\theta\to 0_+. For boundary data well below the Planck scale, and for a locally supersymmetric theory, this involves only the semi-classical amplitude exp(iSclass(2)\exp(iS^{(2)}_{\rm class}, where Sclass(2)S^{(2)}_{\rm class} denotes the second-variation classical action. The relations between the s=1s=1 and s=2s=2 natural boundary data, involving supersymmetry, are investigated using 2-component spinor language in terms of the Maxwell field strength ϕAB=ϕ(AB)\phi_{AB}=\phi_{(AB)} and the Weyl spinor ΨABCD=Ψ(ABCD)\Psi_{ABCD}=\Psi_{(ABCD)}