161 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of spontaneous emission near a rough surface

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    We study the lifetime of the excited state of an atom or molecule near a plane surface with a given random surface roughness. In particular, we discuss the impact of the scattering of surface modes within the rough surface. Our study is completed by considering the lateral correlation length of the decay rate and the variance discussing its relation to the C0 correlation

    Discrimination between two mechanisms of surface-scattering in a single-mode waveguide

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    Transport properties of a single-mode waveguide with rough boundary are studied by discrimination between two mechanisms of surface scattering, the amplitude and square-gradient ones. Although these mechanisms are generically mixed, we show that for some profiles they can separately operate within non-overlapping intervals of wave numbers of scattering waves. This effect may be important in realistic situations due to inevitable long-range correlations in scattering profiles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Features in the diffraction of a scalar plane wave from doubly-periodic Dirichlet and Neumann surfaces

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    The diffraction of a scalar plane wave from a doubly-periodic surface on which either the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition is imposed is studied by means of a rigorous numerical solution of the Rayleigh equation for the amplitudes of the diffracted Bragg beams. From the results of these calculations the diffraction efficiencies of several of the lowest order diffracted beams are calculated as functions of the polar and azimuthal angles of incidence. The angular dependencies of the diffraction efficiencies display features that can be identified as Rayleigh anomalies for both types of surfaces. In the case of a Neumann surface additional features are present that can be attributed to the existence of surface waves on such surfaces. Some of the results obtained through the use of the Rayleigh equation are validated by comparing them with results of a rigorous Green's function numerical calculation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A new application of reduced Rayleigh equations to electromagnetic wave scattering by two-dimensional randomly rough surfaces

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    The small perturbations method has been extensively used for waves scattering by rough surfaces. The standard method developped by Rice is difficult to apply when we consider second and third order of scattered fields as a function of the surface height. Calculations can be greatly simplified with the use of reduced Rayleigh equations, because one of the unknown fields can be eliminated. We derive a new set of four reduced equations for the scattering amplitudes, which are applied to the cases of a rough conducting surface, and to a slab where one of the boundary is a rough surface. As in the one-dimensional case, numerical simulations show the appearance of enhanced backscattering for these structures.Comment: RevTeX 4 style, 38 pages, 16 figures, added references and comments on the satellites peak

    Explicit asymptotic modelling of transient Love waves propagated along a thin coating

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    The official published version can be obtained from the link below.An explicit asymptotic model for transient Love waves is derived from the exact equations of anti-plane elasticity. The perturbation procedure relies upon the slow decay of low-frequency Love waves to approximate the displacement field in the substrate by a power series in the depth coordinate. When appropriate decay conditions are imposed on the series, one obtains a model equation governing the displacement at the interface between the coating and the substrate. Unusually, the model equation contains a term with a pseudo-differential operator. This result is confirmed and interpreted by analysing the exact solution obtained by integral transforms. The performance of the derived model is illustrated by numerical examples.This work is sponsored by the grant from Higher Education of Pakistan and by the Brunel University’s “BRIEF” research award

    Acoustic black holes: horizons, ergospheres, and Hawking radiation

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    It is a deceptively simple question to ask how acoustic disturbances propagate in a non-homogeneous flowing fluid. This question can be answered by invoking the language of Lorentzian differential geometry: If the fluid is barotropic and inviscid, and the flow is irrotational (though possibly time dependent), then the equation of motion for the velocity potential describing a sound wave is identical to that for a minimally coupled massless scalar field propagating in a (3+1)-dimensional Lorentzian geometry. The acoustic metric governing the propagation of sound depends algebraically on the density, flow velocity, and local speed of sound. This rather simple physical system is the basis underlying a deep and fruitful analogy between the black holes of Einstein gravity and supersonic fluid flows. Many results and definitions can be carried over directly from one system to another. For example, I will show how to define the ergosphere, trapped regions, acoustic apparent horizon, and acoustic event horizon for a supersonic fluid flow, and will exhibit the close relationship between the acoustic metric for the fluid flow surrounding a point sink and the Painleve-Gullstrand form of the Schwarzschild metric for a black hole. This analysis can be used either to provide a concrete non-relativistic model for black hole physics, up to and including Hawking radiation, or to provide a framework for attacking acoustics problems with the full power of Lorentzian differential geometry.Comment: 34 pages, plain LaTeX. Revisions: Two references added. Minor changes to the discussion of draining-bathtub geometries, and their relationship to superfluid vortices and spinning cosmic string

    Chemical, Structural, and Morphological Changes of a MoVTeNb Catalyst during Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane

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    MoVTeNb mixed oxide, a highly active and selective catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to produce ethylene, exhibits the so-called M1 and M2 crystalline phases. The thermal stability of the MoVTeNb catalytic system was assessed under varying reaction conditions; to this end, the catalyst was exposed to several reaction temperatures spanning from 440 to 550 °C. Both the pristine and spent materials were analyzed by several characterization techniques. The catalyst was stable below 500 °C; a reaction temperature of ≥500 °C brings about the removal of tellurium from the intercalated framework channels of the M1 crystalline phase. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction patterns and microscopy results showed that the tellurium loss causes the progressive partial destruction of the M1 phase, thus decreasing the number of active sites and forming a MoO2 crystalline phase, which is inactive for this reaction. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the MoO2 phase development as a function of reaction temperature. From highresolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses it was noticed that tellurium departure occurs preferentially from the end sides of the needlelike M1 crystals, across the [001] plane. Detailed analysis of a solid deposited at the reactor outlet showrf that it consisted mainly of metallic tellurium, suggesting that the tellurium detachment occurs via reduction of Te4+ to Te0 due to a combination of reaction temperature and feed composition. Thus, in order to sustain the catalytic performance exhibited by MoVTeNb mixed oxide, hot spots along the reactor bed should be avoided or controlled, maintaining the catalytic bed temperature below 500 °C.This work was financially supported by the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo.Valente, JS.; Armendariz-Herrera, H.; Quintana-Solorzano, R.; Del Angel, P.; Nava, N.; Masso Ramírez, A.; López Nieto, JM. (2014). Chemical, Structural, and Morphological Changes of a MoVTeNb Catalyst during Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane. ACS Catalysis. 4:1292-1301. doi:10.1021/cs500143jS12921301