1,736 research outputs found

    The Reflected (Un)Real: Space in Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Probleme Probleme”

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    In her 1977 short story “Probleme Probleme,” Ingeborg Bachmann plays with space and representations of reality in a way that reflects the disillusionment of Austria’s post-war generation. Beatrix’s two desires in the short story – to look at herself in the mirror and to sleep – both suggest a resistance to living in the real world and a dependence on the illusions of her dreams, mirrors, and the beauty salon. Although the older patrons of the salon and Beatrix try to hide from the responsibility for the past and present, the mirrors and the salon prove to be temporary illusions that are unsustainable. Sleep and mirrors become ways to avoid reality rather than coming to terms with it, which, for Bachmann, is ultimately unproductive and naïve


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    Small businesses need skills to make financial records so that they can increase family income. This service activity aims to provide knowledge in carrying out financial records for small businesses in the GPM Silo Klasis in Ambon City. The method used is lecture, practice and evaluation. The result of this activity is that the training participants can make financial records for small businesses.   berisi tentang isu dan fokus pengabdian, tujuan pengabdian, metode/pendekatan/strategi riset pengabdian, dan hasil pengabdian masyarakat (maksimal 150 kata). (Cambria, size 12 font Italic

    "She's a little blood-spattered angel": The portrayal of Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill (2003-2004).

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    ABSTRACT This dissertation explores the ambiguous portrayal of the character Beatrix Kiddo as a feminist icon in Quentin Tarantino’s films Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2003-2004). The main contention of this essay is that even if Beatrix was regarded as a feminist figure by the critics at the time of the films’ release, there are many ambiguities regarding the character that question this approach. This essay starts with an introduction to the different feminist waves and the action film genre in order to provide a context for the reading of the films that follows. For the analysis of the films I offer a section on the portrayal of female characters in Quentin Tarantino’s films and then I focus on three basic features present in both of them – identity, (lack of) sorority and motherhood – and the contrasting information that they offer on the character. As I will argue, Beatrix Kiddo is a character full of ambivalence and she might not be the feminist icon she appears to be at first. RESUMEN Este trabajo de fin de grado analiza la ambigüedad en la representación del personaje Beatrix Kiddo como icono feminista en las películas de Quentin Tarantino Kill Bill Vol. 1 y Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2003-2004). El argumento principal de este trabajo es que incluso si los críticos consideraban a Beatrix una figura feminista cuando las películas fueron estrenadas, hay muchas ambigüedades con respecto a este personaje que cuestionan este enfoque. Este ensayo comienza con una introducción sobre los distintos movimientos feministas y el cine de acción para proporcionar un contexto para el análisis de las películas que le sigue. Para el análisis ofrezco una sección sobre la representación de los personajes femeninos en las películas de Quentin Tarantino y después me centro en tres elementos básicos que están presentes en las dos – identidad, (falta de) sororidad y maternidad – y la información contrastante que presentan sobre el personaje. Como razonaré en este trabajo, Beatrix Kiddo es un personaje lleno de ambivalencias y puede que no sea el icono feminista que aparenta ser en un principio.<br /

    Moving epidemic method (MEM) applied to virology data as a novel real time tool to predict peak in seasonal influenza healthcare utilisation. The Scottish experience of the 2017/18 season to date

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    Scotland observed an unusual influenza A(H3N2)- dominated 2017/18 influenza season with healthcare services under significant pressure. We report the application of the moving epidemic method (MEM) to virology data as a tool to predict the influenza peak activity period and peak week of swab positivity in the current season. This novel MEM application has been successful locally and is believed to be of potential use to other countries for healthcare planning and building wider community resilience

    Witch(craft) Subversion in Live Events (Performance Art) in Croatia: From Art to Everyday Praxis

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    This paper offers an interpretative review of artists on the Croatian scene who use in their actions and performances the strategy of ‘witchcraft performance’ as matrix of subversion of the existing model of ‘desirable appearance’, as performative deviation from the desirable image of womanhood, but also as a kind of decision to express protest and subversion. Some women artists, like Neda Šimić‐Božinović and Xena L. Županić, alongside the performance of witchcraft subversion, are also united by the voco‐performance with which they approximate animal vocalisation as the source of logos

    Pengaruh Model Number Head Together (NHT) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran number head together dan Student Teams Achievement Division apakah hasil belajar terdapat peningkatan atau tidak. Dimana untuk model pembelajaran number head together dilakukan dikelas IV A yaitu kelas eksperimen dan untuk model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Division dilakukan dikelas&nbsp; IV B yaitu kelas kontrol.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan pretest &nbsp;dan posttest. Soal pretest dilakukan karena untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal siswa, kemudian setelah itu baru dikenakan penerapan menggunakan model pembelajaran, kemudian yang ketiga baru diberikan soal posttest soal ini digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah meningkat atau tidak hasil belajar siswa. Data yang diperoleh akan diuji dengan menggunakan Paired Sampel T-Test dengan bantuan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 25,0 for windows. Kelas yang dikenai model pembelajaran number head together menghasilkan pemahaman yang leih baik dibandingkan dengan kelas yang di kenai model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Division, dari penelitian terdapat juga perbedaan pemahaman dari kelas yang dikenai model number head together dan model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Division, kedua kelas tersebut sama sama kelas yang aktif sehingga mempunyai rasa untuk saling bersaing antar kelompok dalam satu kelasnya. Sehingga setelah melakukan penelitian dapat terlihat dari hasil pengerjaan soal pretest untuk kelas eksperimen 75,33 % sedangkan kelas kontrol 67,73 % dan untuk soal posttest &nbsp;kelas ekperimen mendapatkan 84,52% dan kelas kontrol mendapatkan 74,42%

    Oklevelek Aragóniai Beatrix hagyatékából

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    Ikonológia-ikonográfia mint a történeti pedagógia segédtudománya

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    1994-ben W. J. T. Mitchell és Gottfried Boehm egyidejűleg bejelentették a humántudományokban bekövetkezett képi fordulatot. Deklarációjuk itthon is visszhangra talált, s a mai napig úgy hivatkoznak a közleményre, mint az ikonológia/ikonográfiatudomány diszciplinarizálódásának eseményére. (Hornyik, 2006) Mind Mitchell, mind pedig Boehm egy orákulum, Richard Rorty nyomában haladtak: Rorty szerint az antik és a középkori keresztény világ olyan filozófiát vallott, amely a dolgokkal foglalkozott. Az újkor gondolkodására ezzel szemben az ideák felé fordulás vált jellemzővé, míg napjaink kutatóinak figyelmét a szavak kötik le

    Beatrix Potter Through the Years

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    E. Purcell, P. MacCotter, J. Nyhan and J. Sheehan (eds), Kings, Clerics and Vikings: Essays in Honour of Donnchadh Ó Corráin (Four Courts Press; Dublin, 2015)

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