12,230 research outputs found

    Electron collision in harsh environments

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    Electron-impact rotational excitation of symetric-top molecular ions

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    We present electron-impact rotational excitation calculations for polyatomic molecular ions. The theory developed in this paper is an extension of the work of RabadĂĄn et al (RabadĂĄn I, Sarpal B K and Tennyson J 1998 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 31 2077) on linear molecular ions to the case of symmetric-top species. The H3+ and H3O+ ions, as well as their deuterated forms D3+ and D3O+, are used as test cases and cross sections are obtained at various levels of approximation for impact energies up to 5 eV. As in the linear case, the widely used Coulomb–Born (CB) approximation is found to be unreliable in two major aspects: transitions with ΔJ > 1 are entirely dominated by short-range interactions and threshold effects are important at very low energies. Electron collisional selection rules are found to be consistent with the CB theory. In particular, dominant transitions are those for which ΔJ ≀ 2 and ΔK = 0

    Low-energy electron collisions with water: elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering

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    Differential, integral and momentum transfer cross sections for the vibrationally elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering of electrons from water at low collision energies (E < 7 eV) are reported. The R-matrix method is used to compute the body-fixed T-matrices while the scattering calculations are performed within the fixed-nuclei approximation corrected with the standard Born-closure formula. Our calculations are compared with the very recent experimental results of Cho et al (2003 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 68 115). The differential and momentum transfer cross sections are in good agreement with the experimental results. The relative contribution of the rotationally inelastic processes is investigated in some detail. In particular, the importance of the pure elastic process at very low energy is emphasized

    Electromagnetic topology: Characterization of internal electromagnetic coupling

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    The main principles are presented of a method dealing with the resolution of electromagnetic internal problems: Electromagnetic Topology. A very interesting way is to generalize the multiconductor transmission line network theory to the basic equation of the Electromagnetic Topology: the BLT equation. This generalization is illustrated by the treatment of an aperture as a four port junction. Analytical and experimental derivations of the scattering parameters are presented. These concepts are used to study the electromagnetic coupling in a scale model of an aircraft, and can be seen as a convenient means to test internal electromagnetic interference

    Weak maser emission of methyl formate toward Sagittarius B2(N) in the Green Bank Telescope PRIMOS Survey

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    A non-LTE radiative transfer treatment of cis-methyl formate (HCOOCH3) rotational lines is presented for the first time using a set of theoretical collisional rate coefficients. These coefficients have been computed in the temperature range 5-30 K by combining coupled-channel scattering calculations with a high accuracy potential energy surface for HCOOCH3-He. The results are compared to observations toward the Sagittarius B2(N) molecular cloud using the publicly available PRIMOS survey from the Green Bank Telescope. A total of 49 low-lying transitions of methyl formate, with upper levels below 25 K, are identified. These lines are found to probe a presumably cold (~30 K), moderately dense (~1e4 cm-3) and extended region surrounding Sgr B2(N). The derived column density of ~4e14 cm-2 is only a factor of ~10 larger than the column density of the trans conformer in the same source. Provided that the two conformers have the same spatial distribution, this result suggests that strongly non-equilibrium processes must be involved in their synthesis. Finally, our calculations show that all detected emission lines with a frequency below 30 GHz are (collisionally pumped) weak masers amplifying the continuum of Sgr B2(N). This result demonstrates the importance and generality of non-LTE effects in the rotational spectra of complex organic molecules at centimetre wavelengths.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, accepted in The Astrophysical Journal (january 4 2014

    A search for clusters and groups of galaxies on the line of sight towards 8 lensed quasars

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    In this paper we present new ESO/VLT FORS1 and ISAAC images of the fields around eight gravitationally lensed quasars: CTQ414, HE0230-2130, LBQS1009-0252, B1030+074, HE1104-1805, B1359+154, H1413+117 and HE2149-2745. When available and deep enough, HST/WFPC2 data were also used to infer the photometric redshifts of the galaxies around the quasars. The search of galaxy overdensities in space and redshift, as well as a weak-shear analysis and a mass reconstruction are presented in this paper. We find that there are most probably galaxy groups towards CTQ414, HE0230-2130, B1359+154, H1413+117 and HE2149-2745, with a mass ~ 4x10^14 M_sol h^-1. Considering its photometric redshift, the galaxy group discovered in the field around HE1104-1805 is associated with the quasar rather than with the lensing potential.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures(.jpg

    Plasma wake inhibition at the collision of two laser pulses in an underdense plasma

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    An electron injector concept for laser-plasma accelerator was developed in ref [1] and [2] ; it relies on the use of counter-propagating ultrashort laser pulses. In [2], the scheme is as follows: the pump laser pulse generates a large amplitude laser wakefield (plasma wave). The counter-propagating injection pulse interferes with the pump laser pulse to generate a beatwave pattern. The ponderomotive force of the beatwave is able to inject plasma electrons into the wakefield. We have studied this injection scheme using 1D Particle in Cell (PIC) simulations. The simulations reveal phenomena and important physical processes that were not taken into account in previous models. In particular, at the collision of the laser pulses, most plasma electrons are trapped in the beatwave pattern and cannot contribute to the collective oscillation supporting the plasma wave. At this point, the fluid approximation fails and the plasma wake is strongly inhibited. Consequently, the injected charge is reduced by one order of magnitude compared to the predictions from previous models.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Many parameter Hoelder perturbation of unbounded operators

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    If u↩A(u)u\mapsto A(u) is a C0,αC^{0,\alpha}-mapping, for 0<α≀10< \alpha \le 1, having as values unbounded self-adjoint operators with compact resolvents and common domain of definition, parametrized by uu in an (even infinite dimensional) space, then any continuous (in uu) arrangement of the eigenvalues of A(u)A(u) is indeed C0,αC^{0,\alpha} in uu.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages; The result is generalized from Lipschitz to Hoelder. Title change

    The magnetic precursor of L1448-mm: Excitation differences between ion and neutral fluids

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    Shock modelling predicts an electron density enhancement within the magnetic precursor of C-shocks. Previous observations of SiO, H13CO+, HN13C and H13CN toward the young L1448-mm outflow showed an over-excitation of the ion fluid that was attributed to an electron density enhancement in the precursor. We re-visit this interpretation and test if it still holds when we consider different source morphologies and kinetic temperatures for the observed molecules, and also give some insight on the spatial extent of the electron density enhancement around L1448-mm. We estimate the opacities of H13CO+ and HN13C by observing the J=3\to2 lines of rarer isotopologues to confirm that the emission is optically thin. To model the excitation of the molecules, we use the large velocity gradient (LVG) approximation with updated collisional coefficients to i) re- analyse the observations toward the positions where the over-excitation of H13CO+ has previously been observed [i.e. toward L1448- mm at offsets (0,0) and (0,-10)], and ii) to investigate if the electron density enhancement is still required for the cases of extended and compact emission, and for kinetic temperatures of up to 400 K. We also report several lines of SiO, HN13C and H13CO+ toward new positions around this outflow, to investigate the spatial extent of the over-excitation of the ions in L1448-mm. From the isotopologue observations, we find that the emission of H13CO+ and HN13C from the precursor is optically thin if this emission is extended. Using the new collisional coefficients, an electron density enhancement is still needed to explain the excitation of H13CO+ for extended emission and for gas temperatures of\le 400 K toward L1448-mm (0,-10), and possibly also toward L1448-mm (0,0). For compact emission the data cannot be fitted. We do not find any evidence for the over-excitation of the ion fluid toward the newly observed positions around L1448-mm. The observed line emission of SiO, H13CO+ and HN13C toward L1448-mm (0,0) and (0,-10) is consistent with an electron density enhancement in the precursor component, if this emission is spatially extended. This is also true for the case of high gas temperatures (\le400 K) toward the (0,-10) offset. The electron density enhancement seems to be restricted to the southern, redshifted lobe of the L1448-mm outflow. Interferometric images of the line emission of these molecules are needed to confirm the spatial extent of the over-excitation of the ions and thus, of the electron density enhancement in the magnetic precursor of L1448-mm.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 9 pages, 3 figure
