41,063 research outputs found

    Chemoviscosity modeling for thermosetting resin systems, part 3

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    A new analytical model for simulating chemoviscosity resin has been formulated. The model is developed by modifying the well established Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) theory in polymer rheology for thermoplastic materials. By introducing a relationship between the glass transition temperature (T sub g (t)) and the degree of cure alpha(t) of the resin system under cure, the WLF theory can be modified to account for the factor of reaction time. Temperature-dependent functions of the modified WLF theory parameters C sub 1 (T) and C sub 2 (T) were determined from the isothermal cure data. Theoretical predictions of the model for the resin under dynamic heating cure cycles were shown to compare favorably with the experimental data. This work represents a progress toward establishing a chemoviscosity model which is capable of not only describing viscosity profiles accurately under various cure cycles, but also correlating viscosity data to the changes of physical properties associated with the structural transformations of the thermosetting resin systems during cure

    A characterization of positive linear maps and criteria of entanglement for quantum states

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    Let HH and KK be (finite or infinite dimensional) complex Hilbert spaces. A characterization of positive completely bounded normal linear maps from B(H){\mathcal B}(H) into B(K){\mathcal B}(K) is given, which particularly gives a characterization of positive elementary operators including all positive linear maps between matrix algebras. This characterization is then applied give a representation of quantum channels (operations) between infinite-dimensional systems. A necessary and sufficient criterion of separability is give which shows that a state ρ\rho on HKH\otimes K is separable if and only if (ΦI)ρ0(\Phi\otimes I)\rho\geq 0 for all positive finite rank elementary operators Φ\Phi. Examples of NCP and indecomposable positive linear maps are given and are used to recognize some entangled states that cannot be recognized by the PPT criterion and the realignment criterion.Comment: 20 page

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for local creation of quantum discord

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    We show that a local channel cannot create quantum discord (QD) for zero QD states of size d3d\geq3 if and only if either it is a completely decohering channel or it is a nontrivial isotropic channel. For the qubit case this propertiy is additionally characteristic to the completely decohering channel or the commutativity-preserving unital channel. In particular, the exact forms of the completely decohering channel and the commutativity-preserving unital qubit channel are proposed. Consequently, our results confirm and improve the conjecture proposed by X. Hu et al. for the case of d3d\geq3 and improve the result proposed by A. Streltsov et al. for the qubit case. Furthermore, it is shown that a local channel nullifies QD in any state if and only if it is a completely decohering channel. Based on our results, some protocols of quantum information processing issues associated with QD, especially for the qubit case, would be experimentally accessible.Comment: 8 page

    The Dynamical Yang-Baxter Relation and the Minimal Representation of the Elliptic Quantum Group

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    In this paper, we give the general forms of the minimal LL matrix (the elements of the LL-matrix are cc numbers) associated with the Boltzmann weights of the An11A_{n-1}^1 interaction-round-a-face (IRF) model and the minimal representation of the An1A_{n-1} series elliptic quantum group given by Felder and Varchenko. The explicit dependence of elements of LL-matrices on spectral parameter zz are given. They are of five different forms (A(1-4) and B). The algebra for the coefficients (which do not depend on zz) are given. The algebra of form A is proved to be trivial, while that of form B obey Yang-Baxter equation (YBE). We also give the PBW base and the centers for the algebra of form B.Comment: 23 page

    Chemoviscosity modeling for thermosetting resins

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    A chemoviscosity model, which describes viscosity rise profiles accurately under various cure cycles, and correlates viscosity data to the changes of physical properties associated with structural transformations of the thermosetting resin system during cure, was established. Work completed on chemoviscosity modeling for thermosetting resins is reported

    Studies on chemoviscosity modeling for thermosetting resins

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    A new analytical model for simulating chemoviscosity of thermosetting resins has been formulated. The model is developed by modifying the well-established Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) theory in polymer rheology for thermoplastic materials. By introducing a relationship between the glass transition temperature Tg(t) and the degree of cure alpha(t) of the resin system under cure, the WLF theory can be modified to account for the factor of reaction time. Temperature dependent functions of the modified WLF theory constants C sub 1 (t) and C sub 2 (t) were determined from the isothermal cure data. Theoretical predictions of the model for the resin under dynamic heating cure cycles were shown to compare favorably with the experimental data. This work represents progress toward establishing a chemoviscosity model which is capable of not only describing viscosity profiles accurately under various cure cycles, but also correlating viscosity data to the changes of physical properties associated with the structural transformation of the thermosetting resin systems during cure

    Entanglement detection beyond the CCNR criterion for infinite-dimensions

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    In this paper, in terms of the relation between the state and the reduced states of it, we obtain two inequalities which are valid for all separable states in infinite-dimensional bipartite quantum systems. One of them provides an entanglement criterion which is strictly stronger than the computable cross-norm or realignment (CCNR) criterion.Comment: 11 page

    q-deformed Supersymmetric t-J Model with a Boundary

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    The q-deformed supersymmetric t-J model on a semi-infinite lattice is diagonalized by using the level-one vertex operators of the quantum affine superalgebra Uq[sl(21)^]U_q[\hat{sl(2|1)}]. We give the bosonization of the boundary states. We give an integral expression of the correlation functions of the boundary model, and derive the difference equations which they satisfy.Comment: LaTex file 18 page

    Assessments of bilateral asymmetry with application in human skull analysis

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    As a common feature, bilateral symmetry of biological forms is ubiquitous, but in fact rarely exact. In a setting of analytic geometry, bilateral symmetry is defined with respect to a point, line or plane, and the well-known notions of fluctuating asymmetry, directional asymmetry and antisymmetry are recast. A meticulous scheme for asymmetry assessments is proposed and explicit solutions to them are derived. An investigation into observational errors of points representing the geometric structure of an object offers a baseline reference for asymmetry assessment of the object. The proposed assessments are applicable to individual, part or all point pairs at both individual and collective levels. The exact relationship between the developed treatments and the widely used Procrustes method in asymmetry assessment is examined. An application of the proposed assessments to a large collection of human skull data in the form of 3D landmark coordinates finds: (a) asymmetry of most skulls is not fluctuating, but directional if measured about a plane fitted to shared landmarks or side landmarks for balancing; (b) asymmetry becomes completely fluctuating if one side of a skull could be slightly rotated and translated with respect to the other side; (c) female skulls are more asymmetric than male skulls. The methodology developed in this study is rigorous and transparent, and lays an analytical base for investigation of structural symmetries and asymmetries in a wide range of biological and medical applications

    On Singularity Formation of a Nonlinear Nonlocal System

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    We investigate the singularity formation of a nonlinear nonlocal system. This nonlocal system is a simplified one-dimensional system of the 3D model that was recently proposed by Hou and Lei in [13] for axisymmetric 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with swirl. The main difference between the 3D model of Hou and Lei and the reformulated 3D Navier-Stokes equations is that the convection term is neglected in the 3D model. In the nonlocal system we consider in this paper, we replace the Riesz operator in the 3D model by the Hilbert transform. One of the main results of this paper is that we prove rigorously the finite time singularity formation of the nonlocal system for a large class of smooth initial data with finite energy. We also prove the global regularity for a class of smooth initial data. Numerical results will be presented to demonstrate the asymptotically self-similar blow-up of the solution. The blowup rate of the self-similar singularity of the nonlocal system is similar to that of the 3D model.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure