5,379 research outputs found

    Permeability evolution in sorbing media. Analogies between organic-rich shale and coal

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    Shale gas reservoirs like coalbed methane (CBM) reservoirs are promising targets for geological sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2). However, the evolution of permeability in shale reservoirs on injection of CO2 is poorly understood unlike CBM reservoirs. In this study, we report measurements of permeability evolution in shales infiltrated separately by nonsorbing (He) and sorbing (CO2) gases under varying gas pressures and confining stresses. Experiments are completed on Pennsylvanian shales containing both natural and artificial fractures under nonpropped and propped conditions. We use the models for permeability evolution in coal (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Under Revision) to codify the permeability evolution observed in the shale samples. It is observed that for a naturally fractured shale, the He permeability increases by approximately 15% as effective stress is reduced by increasing the gas pressure from 1 MPa to 6 MPa at constant confining stress of 10 MPa. Conversely, the CO2 permeability reduces by a factor of two under similar conditions. A second core is split with a fine saw to create a smooth artificial fracture and the permeabilities are measured for both nonpropped and propped fractures. The He permeability of a propped artificial fracture is approximately 2- to 3fold that of the nonpropped fracture. The He permeability increases with gas pressure under constant confining stress for both nonpropped and propped cases. However, the CO2 permeability of the propped fracture decreases by between one-half to one-third as the gas pressure increases from 1 to 4 MPa at constant confining stress. Interestingly, the CO2 permeability of nonpropped fracture increases with gas pressure at constant confining stress. The permeability evolution of nonpropped and propped artificial fractures in shale is found to be similar to those observed in coals but the extent of permeability reduction by swelling is much lower in shale due to its lower organic content. Optical profilometry is used to quantify the surface roughness. The changes in surface roughness indicate significant influence of proppant indentation on fracture surface in the shale sample. The trends of permeability evolution on injection of CO2 in coals and shales are found analogous; therefore, the permeability evolution models previously developed for coals are adopted to explain the permeability evolution in shales

    Aspect sensitivity of VHF echoes from field aligned irregularities in meteor trails and thin ionization layers

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    International audienceThe aspect sensitivity of VHF echoes from field aligned irregularities (FAI) within meteor trails and thin ionization layers is studied using numerical models. Although the maximum power is obtained when a radar is pointed perpendicular to the field line (B), substantial power can be obtained off the B direction if the ionization trail/layer is thin. When the FAI length along B is 20 m, the power observed 6° off B is about 10 db below that perpendicular to the B direction. Meteoric FAI echoes can potentially be used to determine the diffusion rate in the mesopause region. Based on the aspect sensitivity analysis, we conclude that the range spread trail echoes far off B observed by powerful VHF radars are likely due to overdense meteors. Our simulation also shows that ionospheric FAI echoes can have an altitude smearing effect of about 4 km if the vertical extension of a FAI-layer is around 100 m, which has often been observed at Arecibo. The altitude smearing effect can account for the fact that the Es-layers observed by the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar are typically much narrower than FAI-layers and the occurrence of double spectral peaks around the Es-layer altitude in FAI echoes

    Binary Induced Neutron-Star Compression, Heating, and Collapse

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    We analyze several aspects of the recently noted neutron star collapse instability in close binary systems. We utilize (3+1) dimensional and spherical numerical general relativistic hydrodynamics to study the origin, evolution, and parametric sensitivity of this instability. We derive the modified conditions of hydrostatic equilibrium for the stars in the curved space of quasi-static orbits. We examine the sensitivity of the instability to the neutron star mass and equation of state. We also estimate limits to the possible interior heating and associated neutrino luminosity which could be generated as the stars gradually compress prior to collapse. We show that the radiative loss in neutrinos from this heating could exceed the power radiated in gravity waves for several hours prior to collapse. The possibility that the radiation neutrinos could produce gamma-ray (or other electromagnetic) burst phenomena is also discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Revised Relativistic Hydrodynamical Model for Neutron-Star Binaries

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    We report on numerical results from a revised hydrodynamic simulation of binary neutron-star orbits near merger. We find that the correction recently identified by Flanagan significantly reduces but does not eliminate the neutron-star compression effect. Although results of the revised simulations show that the compression is reduced for a given total orbital angular momentum, the inner most stable circular orbit moves to closer separation distances. At these closer orbits significant compression and even collapse is still possible prior to merger for a sufficiently soft EOS. The reduced compression in the corrected simulation is consistent with other recent studies of rigid irrotational binaries in quasiequilibrium in which the compression effect is observed to be small. Another significant effect of this correction is that the derived binary orbital frequencies are now in closer agreement with post-Newtonian expectations.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Multipole structure and coordinate systems

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    Multipole expansions depend on the coordinate system, so that coefficients of multipole moments can be set equal to zero by an appropriate choice of coordinates. Therefore, it is meaningless to say that a physical system has a nonvanishing quadrupole moment, say, without specifying which coordinate system is used. (Except if this moment is the lowest non-vanishing one.) This result is demonstrated for the case of two equal like electric charges. Specifically, an adapted coordinate system in which the potential is given by a monopole term only is explicitly found, the coefficients of all higher multipoles vanish identically. It is suggested that this result can be generalized to other potential problems, by making equal coordinate surfaces coincide with the potential problem's equipotential surfaces.Comment: 2 figure

    Multi-Instrument Observations of an MSTID over Arecibo Observatory

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    The Penn State All-Sky Imager (PSASI) at Arecibo Observatory provides planar horizontal context to the vertical ionospheric profiles obtained by the Incoherent Seatter Radar (TSR). Electric field measurements from the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS) satellite are mapped down geomagnetic field lines to the height of the airglow layer; allowing multi-instrument studies of field-aligned irregularities with radar, imager, and satellite. A Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance (MSTID) was observed during such a conjunction near the December solstice of 2009

    Finite temperature effects on cosmological baryon diffusion and inhomogeneous Big-Bang nucleosynthesis

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    We have studied finite temperature corrections to the baryon transport cross sections and diffusion coefficients. These corrections are based upon the recently computed renormalized electron mass and the modified state density due to the background thermal bath in the early universe. It is found that the optimum nucleosynthesis yields computed using our diffusion coefficients shift to longer distance scales by a factor of about 3. We also find that the minimum value of 4He^4 He abundance decreases by ΔYp0.01\Delta Y_p \simeq 0.01 while DD and 7Li^7 Li increase. Effects of these results on constraints from primordial nucleosynthesis are discussed. In particular, we find that a large baryonic contribution to the closure density (\Omega_b h_{50}^{2} \lsim 0.4) may be allowed in inhomogeneous models corrected for finite temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quasar Proper Motions and Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves

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    We report observational upper limits on the mass-energy of the cosmological gravitational-wave background, from limits on proper motions of quasars. Gravitational waves with periods longer than the time span of observations produce a simple pattern of apparent proper motions over the sky, composed primarily of second-order transverse vector spherical harmonics. A fit of such harmonics to measured motions yields a 95%-confidence limit on the mass-energy of gravitational waves with frequencies <2e-9 Hz, of <0.11/h*h times the closure density of the universe.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Also available at http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu:80/people/cgwinn/cgwinn_group/index.htm

    Irrotational binary neutron stars in quasiequilibrium

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    We report on numerical results from an independent formalism to describe the quasi-equilibrium structure of nonsynchronous binary neutron stars in general relativity. This is an important independent test of controversial numerical hydrodynamic simulations which suggested that nonsynchronous neutron stars in a close binary can experience compression prior to the last stable circular orbit. We show that, for compact enough stars the interior density increases slightly as irrotational binary neutron stars approach their last orbits. The magnitude of the effect, however, is much smaller than that reported in previous hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.