6,853 research outputs found

    One-Pot Synthesis of Single-Source Precursors for Nanocrystalline LED Phosphors M2Si5N8:Eu2+ (M = Sr, Ba)

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    Highly efficient red-emitting nitridosilicate phosphors Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ and Ba1.5Sr0.5Si5N8:Eu2+ (doping level 1%) applicable to phosphor converted pc-LEDs were synthesized in nanocrystalline form at low temperatures employing a novel single-source precursor approach. Synthesis starts from nanocrystalline silicon and uses mixed metal amides M(NH2)2 with M = Sr, Ba, Eu as reactive intermediates. In a second approach, a single-source precursor mixture obtained from a one-pot reaction of the corresponding elements (Sr/Ba, Eu, Si) was obtained in supercritical ammonia. Thermoanalytical in situ investigations gain a deeper insight into the degradation mechanism of the mixed metal amide precursors and revealed the onset for the formation of the 2-5-8 phosphor materials at temperatures slightly above 900°C. Formation of the products is complete below 1400°C. Under these conditions, the nitridosilicate phosphors form spherically shaped particles with crystallites of 200 nm in size. Spherical particles are desirable for phosphor application because light extraction may be improved by decreased light trapping and re-absorption losses. As a major advantage of the one-pot precursor approach, the exact Sr/Ba content in the solid solution series Sr2−xBaxSi2N8:Eu2+ and the doping concentration of Eu2+ can easily be controlled in a wide range by the relative amount of the elemental starting materials (Sr, Ba, Eu, Si). Simultaneously, thorough mixing of these elements down to an atomic level (Sr, Ba, Eu) or at least at nanoscopic dimensions (silicon) is achieved by the solution approach. As a consequence, no milling and pre-reaction steps are necessary which might give rise to contamination. Advantageously, this approach can easily be extended to large-scale processes by simultaneously preserving complete mixing. Furthermore, the influence of the starting materials (single-source precursor, nanocrystalline silicon) and the reaction conditions on the crystal shape and finally on the luminescence properties of the products was investigated. The obtained nanophosphors exhibit luminescence properties comparable to coarsely crystalline nitridosilicate phosphor powders prepared by conventional high-temperature processing

    Anti-phospholipid-antibodies in patients with relapsing polychondritis

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    Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is an extremly rare multisystemic disease thought to be of autoimmune origin. In order to assess if RP is associated with anti-phospholipid antibodies (aPL), clinical data and sera of 21 patients with RP were collected in a multicentre study. Concentration of anti-cardiolipin antibodies (aCL) (IgG-, IgM-and IgA-isotypes), anti-phosphatidylserine-antibodies (aPS) (IgG-and IgM-isotypes) and anti-β-2-glycoprotein I-antibodies (aβ2 GPI) were measured by ELISA. In eight patients aCL were found to be elevated. One patient had elevated aPS. No patient had elevated aβ2 GPI. No patient had clinical signs and symptoms of a aPL syndrome. Interestingly, the two RP patients with the highest aPL had concomitant systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Therefore the presence of elevated aPL in RP is probably more closely related to an associated SLE than to RP itself. There is no convincing evidence that aPL are associated with RP

    Ba3Ga3N5 - A Novel Host Lattice for Eu2+ - Doped Luminescent Materials with Unexpected Nitridogallate Substructure

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    The alkaline earth nitridogallate Ba3Ga3N5 was synthesized from the elements in a sodium flux at 760°C utilizing weld shut tantalum ampules. The crystal structure was solved and refined on the basis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Ba3Ga3N5 (space group C2/c (No. 15), a = 16.801(3), b = 8.3301(2), c = 11.623(2) Å, β = 109.92 (3)°, Z = 8) contains a hitherto unknown structural motif in nitridogallates, namely, infinite strands made up of GaN4 tetrahedra, each sharing two edges and at least one corner with neighboring GaN4 units. There are three Ba2+ sites with coordination numbers six or eight, respectively, and one Ba2+ position exhibiting a low coordination number 4 corresponding to a distorted tetrahedron. Eu2+ - doped samples show red luminescence when excited by UV irradiation at room temperature. Luminescence investigations revealed a maximum emission intensity at 638 nm (FWHM =2123 cm−1). Ba3Ga3N5 is the first nitridogallate for which parity allowed broadband emission due to Eu2+ - doping has been found. The electronic structure of both Ba3Ga3N5 as well as isoelectronic but not isostructural Sr3Ga3N5 was investigated by DFT methods. The calculations revealed a band gap of 1.53 eV for Sr3Ga3N5 and 1.46 eV for Ba3Ga3N5

    Resonance fluorescence of GaAs quantum dots with near-unity photon indistinguishability

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    Photonic quantum technologies call for scalable quantum light sources that can be integrated, while providing the end user with single and entangled photons on-demand. One promising candidate are strain free GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots obtained by droplet etching. Such quantum dots exhibit ultra low multi-photon probability and an unprecedented degree of photon pair entanglement. However, different to commonly studied InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots obtained by the Stranski-Krastanow mode, photons with a near-unity indistinguishability from these quantum emitters have proven to be elusive so far. Here, we show on-demand generation of near-unity indistinguishable photons from these quantum emitters by exploring pulsed resonance fluorescence. Given the short intrinsic lifetime of excitons confined in the GaAs quantum dots, we show single photon indistinguishability with a raw visibility of Vraw=(94.2±5.2)%V_{raw}=(94.2\pm5.2)\,\%, without the need for Purcell enhancement. Our results represent a milestone in the advance of GaAs quantum dots by demonstrating the final missing property standing in the way of using these emitters as a key component in quantum communication applications, e.g. as an entangled source for quantum repeater architectures

    Non-perturbative electron dynamics in crossed fields

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    Intense AC electric fields on semiconductor structures have been studied in photon-assisted tunneling experiments with magnetic field applied either parallel (B_par) or perpendicular (B_per) to the interfaces. We examine here the electron dynamics in a double quantum well when intense AC electric fields F, and tilted magnetic fields are applied simultaneously. The problem is treated non-perturbatively by a time-dependent Hamiltonian in the effective mass approximation, and using a Floquet-Fourier formalism. For B_par=0, the quasi-energy spectra show two types of crossings: those related to different Landau levels, and those associated to dynamic localization (DL), where the electron is confined to one of the wells, despite the non-negligible tunneling between wells. B_par couples parallel and in-plane motions producing anti-crossings in the spectrum. However, since our approach is non-perturbative, we are able to explore the entire frequency range. For high frequencies, we reproduce the well known results of perfect DL given by zeroes of a Bessel function. We find also that the system exhibits DL at the same values of the field F, even as B_par non-zero, suggesting a hidden dynamical symmetry in the system which we identify with different parity operations. The return times for the electron at various values of field exhibit interesting and complex behavior which is also studied in detail. We find that smaller frequencies shifts the DL points to lower field F, and more importantly, yields poorer localization by the field. We analyze the explicit time evolution of the system, monitoring the elapsed time to return to a given well for each Landau level, and find non-monotonic behavior for decreasing frequencies.Comment: REVTEX4 + 11 eps figs, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comment on "Magnetoviscosity and relaxation in ferrofluids"

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    It is shown and discussed how the conventional system of hydrodynamic equations for ferrofluids was derived. The set consists of the equation of fluid motion, the Maxwell equations, and the magnetization equation. The latter was recently revised by Felderhof [Phys. Rev. E, v.62, p.3848 (2000)]. His phenomenological magnetization equation looks rather like corresponding Shliomis' equation, but leads to wrong consequences for the dependence of ferrofluid viscosity and magnetization relaxation time on magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dissipation in ferrofluids: Mesoscopic versus hydrodynamic theory

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    Part of the field dependent dissipation in ferrofluids occurs due to the rotational motion of the ferromagnetic grains relative to the viscous flow of the carrier fluid. The classical theoretical description due to Shliomis uses a mesoscopic treatment of the particle motion to derive a relaxation equation for the non-equilibrium part of the magnetization. Complementary, the hydrodynamic approach of Liu involves only macroscopic quantities and results in dissipative Maxwell equations for the magnetic fields in the ferrofluid. Different stress tensors and constitutive equations lead to deviating theoretical predictions in those situations, where the magnetic relaxation processes cannot be considered instantaneous on the hydrodynamic time scale. We quantify these differences for two situations of experimental relevance namely a resting fluid in an oscillating oblique field and the damping of parametrically excited surface waves. The possibilities of an experimental differentiation between the two theoretical approaches is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    Experimental realization of a topological Anderson insulator

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    We experimentally demonstrate that disorder can induce a topologically non-trivial phase. We implement this “Topological Anderson Insulator” in arrays of evanescently coupled waveguides and demonstrate its unique features