1,877 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional orbits of metal-poor halo stars and the formation of the Galaxy

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    We present the three-dimensional orbital motions of metal-poor stars in conjunction with their metal abundances, for the purpose of getting insight into the formation process of the Galaxy. Our sample stars, which include metal-deficient red giants and RR Lyrae variables observed by the Hipparcos satellite, are least affected by known systematics, stemmed from kinematic bias, metallicity calibration, and secondary metal contamination of stellar surface. We find, for the stars in the metallicity range of [Fe/H]<-1, that there is no evidence for the correlation between [Fe/H] and their orbital eccentricities e. Even for [Fe/H]<-1.6, about 16% of the stars have e less than 0.4. We show that the e distribution of orbits for [Fe/H]<-1.6 is independent of the height |z| away from the Galactic plane, whereas for [Fe/H]>-1.6 the stars at |z|>1 kpc are systematically devoid of low-e orbits with e<0.6. This indicates that low-e stars with [Fe/H]<-1.6 belong to the halo component, whereas the rapidly-rotating thick disk with a scale height about 1 kpc has a metal-weak tail in the range of -1.6<[Fe/H]<-1. The fraction of this metal-weak thick disk appears to be only less than 20%. The significance of these results for the early evolution of the Galaxy is briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, AASTeX, to appear in ApJ Letter

    A new measurement of the baryonic fraction using the sparse NGC 3258 group of galaxies

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    New X-ray observations of the sparse NGC 3258 group of galaxies made by the ASCA satellite with good spectral and spatial resolution has revealed that this group has a gravitational potential deep enough to prohibit significant mass removal from the system. The baryonic fraction within 240 kpc is found to be 0.065 +0.051/-0.020 for h_{50}=1, where h_{50}=H_0/50 km/s/Mpc, in good agreement with the universal value of 0.05 +/-0.01 predicted by standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis for a Universe with Omega_0=1 and h_{50}=1. Since the deep potential of the NGC 3258 group ensures that all pristine intragroup gas has been retained, the baryonic fraction of the NGC 3258 group is indicative of the universal value. Consequently it seems premature to rule out a critical Universe.Comment: 19 pages Latex, using aasms4.sty, paper also available at http://www.dsri.dk/~kristian To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Kinematics of Metal-Poor Stars in the Galaxy. II. Proper Motions for a Large Non-Kinematically Selected Sample

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    We present a revised catalog of 2106 Galactic stars, selected without kinematic bias, and with available radial velocities, distance estimates, and metal abundances in the range 0.0 <= [Fe/H] <= -4.0. This update of the Beers and Sommer-Larsen (1995) catalog includes newly-derived homogeneous photometric distance estimates, revised radial velocities for a number of stars with recently obtained high-resolution spectra, and refined metallicities for stars originally identified in the HK objective-prism survey (which account for nearly half of the catalog) based on a recent re-calibration. A subset of 1258 stars in this catalog have available proper motions, based on measurements obtained with the Hipparcos astrometry satellite, or taken from the updated Astrographic Catalogue (AC 2000; second epoch positions from either the Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog or the Tycho Catalogue), the Yale/San Juan Southern Proper Motion (SPM) Catalog 2.0, and the Lick Northern Proper Motion (NPM1) Catalog. Our present catalog includes 388 RR Lyrae variables (182 of which are newly added), 38 variables of other types, and 1680 non-variables, with distances in the range 0.1 to 40 kpc.Comment: 31 pages, including 8 figures, to appear in AJ (June 2000), full paper with all figures embedded available at http://pluto.mtk.nao.ac.jp/people/chiba/preprint/halo4

    Probing the Site for r-Process Nucleosyntheis with Abundances of Barium and Magnesium in Extremely Metal-Poor Stars

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    We suggest that if the astrophysical site for r-process nucleosynthesis in the early Galaxy is confined to a narrow mass range of Type II supernova (SN II) progenitors, with a lower mass limit of Mms = 20 Msun, a unique feature in the observed distribution of [Ba/Mg] vs.[Mg/H] for extremely metal-poor stars can be adequately reproduced. We associate this feature, a bifurcation of the observed elemental ratios into two branches in the Mg abundance interval -2.7 < [Mg/H] < -2.3, with two distinct processes. The first branch, which we call the ``y''-branch, is associated with the production of Ba and Mg from individual massive supernovae. We conclude that SNe II with Mms = 20 Msun are the dominant source of r-process nucleosynthesis in the early Galaxy. An SN-induced chemical evolution model with this Mms-dependent Ba yield creates the y-branch, reflecting the different nucleosynthesis yields of [Ba/Mg] for each SN II with Mms > 20 Msun. The second branch, which we call the ``i''-branch, is associated with the elemental abundance ratios of stars which were formed in the dense shells of the interstellar medium swept up by SNe II with Mms < 20 Msun that do not synthesize r-process elements, and applies to stars with observed Mg abundances in the range [Mg/H] < -2.7. The Ba abundances in these stars reflect those of the interstellar gas at the (later) time of their formation. The existence of a [Ba/Mg] i-branch strongly suggests that SNe II which are associated with stars of progenitor mass Mms < 20 Msun are infertile sources for the production of r-process elements. We predict the existence of this i-branch for other r-process elements, such as europium (Eu), to the extent that their production site is in common with Ba.Comment: 6 pages including 3 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    New limits on a cosmological constant from statistics of gravitational lensing

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    We present new limits on cosmological parameters from the statistics of gravitational lensing, based on the recently revised knowledge of the luminosity function and internal dynamics of E/S0 galaxies that are essential in lensing high-redshift QSOs. We find that the lens models using updated Schechter parameters for such galaxies, derived from the recent redshift surveys combined with morphological classification, are found to give smaller lensing probabilities than earlier calculated. Inconsistent adoption of these parameters from a mixture of various galaxy surveys gives rise to systematic biases in the results. We also show that less compact dwarf-type galaxies which largely dominate the faint part of the Schechter-form luminosity function contribute little to lensing probabilities, so that earlier lens models overestimate incidents of small separation lenses. Applications of the lens models to the existing lens surveys indicate that reproduction of both the lensing probability of optical sources and the image separations of optical and radio lenses is significantly improved in the revised lens models. The likelihood analyses allow us to conclude that a flat universe with Omega=0.3(+0.2-0.1) and Omega+Lambda=1 is most preferable, and a matter-dominated flat universe with Lambda=0 is ruled out at 98 % confidence level. These new limits are unaffected by inclusion of uncertainties in the lens properties.Comment: 30 pages, 9 ps figures, AASTeX, ApJ in pres

    Electrical transport properties of bulk MgB2 materials synthesized by the electrolysis on fused mixtures of MgCl2, NaCl, KCl and MgB2O4

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    Electrolysis was carried out on fused mixtures of MgCl2, NaCl, KCl and MgB2O4 under an Ar flow at 600C. Electrical resistivity measurements for the grown deposits show an onset of superconducting transition at 37 K in the absence of applied magnetic field. The resistivity decreases down to zero below 32 K. From an applied-field dependence of resistivity, an upper critical field and a coherence length were calculated to be 9.7 T and 5.9 nm at 0 K, respectively

    Lie tori of rank 1

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    This article is based on a talk presented by the first author at the conference on Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications held in GuarujĂĄ, Brazil in May 2004. The article surveys some recent progress by a number of authors in the study of extended affine Lie algebras and some closely related Lie algebras called Lie tori

    Evolution of the electronic structure across the filling-control and bandwidth-control metal-insulator transitions in pyrochlore-type Ru oxides

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    We have performed photoemission and soft x-ray absorption studies of pyrochlore-type Ru oxides, namely, the filling-control system Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 and the bandwidth-control system Sm2−x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7, which show insulator-to-metal transition with increasing Ca and Bi concentration, respectively. Core levels and the O 2pp valence band in Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 show almost the same amount of monotonous upward energy shifts with Ca concentration, which indicates that the chemical potential is shifted downward due to hole doping. The Ru 4dd band in Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 is also shifted toward the Fermi level (EFE_F) with hole doping and the density of states (DOS) at EFE_F increases. The core levels in Sm2−x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7, on the other hand, do not show clear energy shifts except for the Ru 3dd core level, whose line shape change also reflects the increase of metallic screening with Bi concentration. We observe pronounced spectral weight transfer from the incoherent to the coherent parts of the Ru 4d t2gt_{2g} band with Bi concentration, which is expected for a bandwidth-control Mott-Hubbard system. The increase of the DOS at EFE_F is more abrupt in the bandwidth-control Sm2−x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7 than in the filling-control Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7, in accordance with a recent theoretical prediction. Effects of charge transfer between the Bi 6spsp band and the Ru 4dd band are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Unavoidable Selection Effects in the Analysis of Faint Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field: Probing the Cosmology and Merger History of Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We present a detailed analysis of the number count and photometric redshift distribution of faint galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), paying a special attention to the selection effects including the cosmological dimming of surface brightness of galaxies. We find a considerably different result from previous studies ignoring the selection effects, and these effects should therefore be taken into account in the analysis. We find that the model of pure luminosity evolution (PLE) of galaxies in the Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) universe predicts much smaller counts than those observed at faint magnitude limits by a factor of more than 10, so that a very strong number evolution of galaxies with \eta > 3-4 must be invoked to reproduce the I_{814} counts, when parametrized as \phi^* \propto (1+z)^\eta. However we show that such a strong number evolution under realistic merging processes of galaxies can not explain the steep slope of the B_{450} and V_{606} counts, and it is seriously inconsistent with their photometric redshift distribution. We find that these difficulties still persist in an open universe with \Omega_0 > 0.2, but are resolved only when we invoke a Λ\Lambda-dominated flat universe, after examining various systematic uncertainties in modeling the formation and evolution of galaxies. The present analysis revitalizes the practice of using faint number counts as an important cosmological test, giving one of the arguments against the EdS universe and suggests acceleration of the cosmic expansion by vacuum energy density. While a modest number evolution of galaxies with \eta ~ 1 is still necessary even in a Lambda-dominated universe, a stronger number evolution with \eta > 1 is rejected from the HDF data, giving a strong constraint on the merger history of galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, final version matching publication in ApJ. Some references added. The complete ps file of Table 3 is available at http://th.nao.ac.jp/~totani/images/paper/ty2000-table3.p
