8 research outputs found

    Novel composite siro-spinning with forced migrations of filaments

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    In this study, a novel composite siro-spinning method with cyclically migrating filaments was developed as a simple and safe way to enhance filament-staple-fiber coherence. The novel composite siro-spinning method was theoretically demonstrated to produce a yarn with migrated filaments clasping both internal and external fibers. It was predicted that migrated filaments of the novel composite sirospun yarn were not straight enough to resist yarn tensile drawing as the filament parallelism with the yarn axis decreased. However, migrated filaments could clasp the staple fibers firmly to enhance filament-staple-fiber coherence, contributing an excellent frictional resistance of the novel composite yarn. Experiments were then conducted to validate the demonstration. Experimental results proved that the novel composite sirospun yarn had cyclic filament immersion and exposure appearance, resulting in medium hairiness and yarn imperfection after comparison with corefil sirospun and siro corefil yarns. The novel composite sirospun yarn with severe filament migrations had poor filament straightness, but filament deformations that were effective in clamping staple fibers. Therefore, the novel composite sirospun yarn had less strength, but greater frictional resistance than corefil sirospun and siro corefil yarns

    Surface morphology evolution of a polycrystalline diamond by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE)

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    The needle-like surface morphology evolution in oxygen plasma in combination with a secondary gas (Cl2, CHF3 or CF4) by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) on a free-standing polycrystalline diamond was investigated. The addition of CF4 can produce trans-polyacetylene (t-PA), which is similar to the result when the pure O2 etching takes place, and generate compact needle-tip particles. However, the t-PA disappears with the introduction of Cl or H ions. The optimised etching parameters for the needle-like structure formation are as following: Cl2/O2 ratio 20% and RF-power (RFP) 100 W, where more compact and even nano-needles are realised with an average etching rate of 2 μm/min. The Cl2/O2 plasma etching results indicate that the time-dependent etching mechanism of diamond nano-needles results from (1 1 1) crystal plane selective etching and preferential graphitisation at the twin-plane boundary and dislocation area

    Fast smoothing on diamond surface by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching

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    The synergetic effects of surface smoothing exhibited during the inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) of free-standing polycrystalline diamonds (PCDs) were investigated. Changing the assistive gas types generated variable surface oxidation states and chemical environments that resulted in different etching rates and surface morphologies. The main reaction bond mechanism (C-O) during ICP-RIE and the ratio of C-O-C/O-C=O associated with the existence of a uniform smooth surface with root mean square (RMS) roughness of 2.36 nm were observed. An optimal process for PCD smoothing at high etching rate (4.6 μm/min) was achieved as follows: 10% gas additions of CHF3 in O2 plasma at radio frequency power of 400 W. The further etched ultra-smooth surface with RMS roughness <0.5 nm at etching rate of 0.23 μm/min that being produced by transferring this optimum recipe on single crystal diamonds with surface patterns confirmed the effectiveness of the fast smoothing approach and its feasibility for diamond surface patterning

    The direct-current characteristics and surface repairing of a hydrogen-terminated free-standing polycrystalline diamond in aqueous solutions

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    As we know that more effective synthesis of diamond combined with physical and chemical properties of hydrogen termination in aqueous environment as well as device structure design can greatly facilitate the chemical and electrochemical applications of higher cost-performance diamond. For this purpose, the direct-current (DC) characteristics, surface reaction and reparation of a hydrogen-terminated DC arc jet plasma CVD polycrystalline diamond, which has a high cost-performance, were characterized by I-V experiments based on a FET-like structure device in multiple aqueous solutions. The variation trends of the I-V properties of device based on pH were similar in different aqueous solutions but could be affected by disparate ions (such as K + ions) or organic molecules (such as citric acid radicals or a benzene ring). Especially, owing to the founded replacement of hydrogen termination with hydroxyl (–OH), carboxyl radical (–COOH) or carbon-oxygen bond (–C–O–C–) in mixed solution, i.e., KHP + H 2 SO 4 (and +NaOH) solutions, the resistance of the device was remarkably increased from 13.57 kΩ to 95.78 kΩ. However, the raised resistance of surface reacted diamond (SRD) can be reduced prominently by repairing hydrogen termination through negative potential sweeps (NPS) at a low negative potential (−1 to −3 V) if the SRD was introduced as an electrode in a strong inorganic acid. What's more, the NPS repaired device, which subsequently stored for four weeks, was more sensitive than the original hydrogen plasma-treated diamond in aqueous solution environments. This repaired result was coming out of NPS re-formed C–H bonds with higher intensity. These findings will be the references of failure and reparation of diamond hydrogen termination in aqueous environment

    Ultra-smooth and hydrophobic nitrogen-incorporated ultranano-crystalline diamond film growth in C-H-O-N gas phase system via microwave plasma CVD

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    The ultra-smooth surface and hydrophobic nitrogen-incorporated ultra-nano-crystalline diamond (N-UNCD) was directly synthesized by equilibrating the etching effect of OH radical and growth promotion of CN and CH in the 5% CH4 added H2 plasma environment with additional feeding of constant 0.16% O2 and from 0.3% to 3.3% N2 contents. The initially decreasing and then increasing trend of surface roughness, i.e., from as-grown appearance with pits to smooth and then to worm-like surface, was resulted from the offset and even suppressive effect on OH etched holes by the faster growth rate that under the help of more N2 promoted chemical groups of CH and CN. In addition, chemical composition, i.e., the large amount of sp2 phases (sp2/sp3 ratio up to 1.399) and H termination of N-UNCD surface (proportion was 75.54 ± 3.8%), played an another enhancing function for repelling water (contact angle from 81.3° to 93.8°) although the surface roughness decreased to smoothest of 1.36 nm in Root-Mean-Square (RMS) in the presence of N2 addition from 0.3% to 1%. However, continuing adding N2 to 3.3%, the formed surface (RMS 8.98 nm) with worm-like ultra-nano diamond crystallites together with higher H reconstructed sp2 contents (sp2/sp3 ratio rose to 1.478) further boosted the hydrophobicity, at which the contact angle was finally increased to 110.2°. Therefore, in C-H-O-N gas system, ultra-smooth and uniform N-UNCD surface with excellent hydrophobicity can be obtained by a one-step method without any post-treatment

    Subsurface cleavage of diamond after high-speed three-dimensional dynamic friction polishing

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    To unfold the promise of diamond as an advanced technical material, single-crystal diamonds (SCDs) and polycrystalline diamonds (PCDs) were smoothed by high-precision three-dimensional movement dynamic friction polishing (3DM-DFP) to achieve the ultra-smooth surface with roughness <5 nm (even 1 nm) more effectively. However, this inevitably leads to subsurface damage growth, i.e., subsurface defects evolved from nearly damage free to partial defects, and to cleavage faults beneath the SCD surface, resulting from mechanical fatigue and/or the rate of energy input by increasing the linear polishing velocity (from 12 m s−1 to 60 m s−1). In this study it was elucidated, for the first time, the subsurface uniform tile-roof-like cleavage faults and its formation mechanism of diamond after 3DM-DFP at the superhigh speed of linear sliding velocity of 60 m s−1. And the generated subsurface damage would be extended to about 10 μm in depth of the (100) SCD and manifested as micro-cleavage fault region, transition area and compressive zone. Meanwhile, two Raman peaks of 1425 cm−1 (first-order) and 2200 cm−1 (second-order) are assigned to the subsurface damage, which is the amorphous carbon (quasi sp3 + sp2) resulting from the cleavage along (111) crystal planes, based on the fine analysis of Raman spectroscopy and the study of subsurface defect evolution in different types of diamonds. Moreover, the assignment of concomitant peaks of 1750 cm−1 (localized defects) and 2100 cm−1 (sp1 chains) were revealed

    Origin of the turn-on temperature behavior in WTe2.

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    A hallmark of materials with extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) is the transformative turn-on temperature behavior: when the applied magnetic field H is above certain value, the resistivity versus temperature ρ(T ) curve shows a minimum at a field dependent temperature T ∗, which has been interpreted as a magnetic-field-driven metal-insulator transition or attributed to an electronic structure change. Here, we demonstrate that ρ(T ) curves with turn-on behavior in the newly discovered XMR material WTe2 can be scaled as MR ∼ (H/ρ0) m with m ≈ 2 and ρ0 being the resistivity at zero field. We obtained experimentally and also derived from the observed scaling the magnetic field dependence of the turn-on temperature T ∗ ∼ (H − Hc) ν with ν ≈ 1/2, which was earlier used as evidence for a predicted metal-insulator transition. The scaling also leads to a simple quantitative expression for the resistivity ρ∗ ≈ 2ρ0 at the onset of the XMR behavior, which fits the data remarkably well. These results exclude the possible existence of a magnetic-field-driven metal-insulator transition or significant contribution of an electronic structure change to the low-temperature XMR in WTe2. This work resolves the origin of the turn-on behavior observed in several XMR materials and also provides a general route for a quantitative understanding of the temperature dependence of MR in both XMR and non-XMR materials

    Proton transport enabled by a field-induced metallic state in a semiconductor heterostructure

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    Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Tuning a semiconductor to function as a fast proton conductor is an emerging strategy in the rapidly developing field of proton ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs). The key challenge for PCFC researchers is to formulate the proton-conducting electrolyte with conductivity above 0.1 siemens per centimeter at low temperatures (300 to 600°C). Here we present a methodology to design an enhanced proton conductor by means of a NaxCoO2/CeO2 semiconductor heterostructure, in which a field-induced metallic state at the interface accelerates proton transport. We developed a PCFC with an ionic conductivity of 0.30 siemens per centimeter and a power output of 1 watt per square centimeter at 520°C. Through our semiconductor heterostructure approach, our results provide insight into the proton transport mechanism, which may also improve ionic transport in other energy applications