178 research outputs found

    2772 Magnetospheric Physics: Plasma waves and instabilities; 6984 Radio Science: Waves in plasma

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    [1] Waves with frequencies in the vicinity of the proton cyclotron frequency and its harmonics are commonly observed from the Fast Auroral Snapshot spacecraft when traversing regions of auroral particle acceleration. In areas of upward current, largeamplitude electromagnetic waves with frequencies within 5% of the local proton gyrofrequency p and its harmonics are often observed where upstreaming ion beams exist. These waves have electric field (E 1 ) and magnetic field (B 1 ) amplitudes of up to 1 V m À1 and 2 nT with the ratio E 1 /B 1 as small as c. The waves occur in the low-altitude portion of the primary auroral acceleration potential, where plasma densities are 1 cm À3 . It is shown how these waves grow through inverse Landau resonance with a cold field-aligned electron beam superimposed on an accelerated and magnetically mirrored plasma sheet electron component in the absence of any significant plasma densities at energies below $100 eV. Significantly, the drift velocity of the cold beam (v oeb ) is several times larger than its thermal velocity v eb , and it is this feature that allows the wave to become electromagnetic at cyclotron harmonics while simultaneously giving rise to broadband electrostatic emissions spanning the first few cyclotron harmonics as is observed

    Solving ill-posed bilevel programs

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    This paper deals with ill-posed bilevel programs, i.e., problems admitting multiple lower-level solutions for some upper-level parameters. Many publications have been devoted to the standard optimistic case of this problem, where the difficulty is essentially moved from the objective function to the feasible set. This new problem is simpler but there is no guaranty to obtain local optimal solutions for the original optimistic problem by this process. Considering the intrinsic non-convexity of bilevel programs, computing local optimal solutions is the best one can hope to get in most cases. To achieve this goal, we start by establishing an equivalence between the original optimistic problem an a certain set-valued optimization problem. Next, we develop optimality conditions for the latter problem and show that they generalize all the results currently known in the literature on optimistic bilevel optimization. Our approach is then extended to multiobjective bilevel optimization, and completely new results are derived for problems with vector-valued upper- and lower-level objective functions. Numerical implementations of the results of this paper are provided on some examples, in order to demonstrate how the original optimistic problem can be solved in practice, by means of a special set-valued optimization problem

    Restricted Attentional Capacity within but Not between Sensory Modalities: An Individual Differences Approach

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    Background Most people show a remarkable deficit to report the second of two targets when presented in close temporal succession, reflecting an attentional blink (AB). An aspect of the AB that is often ignored is that there are large individual differences in the magnitude of the effect. Here we exploit these individual differences to address a long-standing question: does attention to a visual target come at a cost for attention to an auditory target (and vice versa)? More specifically, the goal of the current study was to investigate a) whether individuals with a large within-modality AB also show a large cross-modal AB, and b) whether individual differences in AB magnitude within different modalities correlate or are completely separate. Methodology/Principal Findings While minimizing differential task difficulty and chances for a task-switch to occur, a significant AB was observed when targets were both presented within the auditory or visual modality, and a positive correlation was found between individual within-modality AB magnitudes. However, neither a cross-modal AB nor a correlation between cross-modal and within-modality AB magnitudes was found. Conclusion/Significance The results provide strong evidence that a major source of attentional restriction must lie in modality-specific sensory systems rather than a central amodal system, effectively settling a long-standing debate. Individuals with a large within-modality AB may be especially committed or focused in their processing of the first target, and to some extent that tendency to focus could cross modalities, reflected in the within-modality correlation. However, what they are focusing (resource allocation, blocking of processing) is strictly within-modality as it only affects the second target on within-modality trials. The findings show that individual differences in AB magnitude can provide important information about the modular structure of human cognition

    An extended multisensory temporal binding window in autism spectrum disorders

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) form a continuum of neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by deficits in communication and reciprocal social interaction, as well as by repetitive behaviors and restricted interests. Sensory disturbances are also frequently reported in clinical and autobiographical accounts. However, surprisingly few empirical studies have characterized the fundamental features of sensory and multisensory processing in ASD. The current study is structured to test for potential differences in multisensory temporal function in ASD by making use of a temporally dependent, low-level multisensory illusion. In this illusion, the presentation of a single flash of light accompanied by multiple sounds often results in the illusory perception of multiple flashes. By systematically varying the temporal structure of the audiovisual stimuli, a “temporal window” within which these stimuli are likely to be bound into a single perceptual entity can be defined. The results of this study revealed that children with ASD report the flash-beep illusion over an extended range of stimulus onset asynchronies relative to children with typical development, suggesting that children with ASD have altered multisensory temporal function. These findings provide valuable new insights into our understanding of sensory processing in ASD and may hold promise for the development of more sensitive diagnostic measures and improved remediation strategies

    The Disk Wind in the Young Binaries and the Origin of the Cyclic Activity of Young Stars

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    We present results of numerical modeling of the cyclic brightness modulation in the young binary systems with the eccentric orbits and low-mass secondary components. Brightness variations of the primary is due to the periodical extinction variations on the line-of-sight caused by the disk wind of the secondary and a common envelope it produces. A matter distribution in the envelope has been calculated in the ballistic approach. Calculations showed that for the young binaries with the elliptic orbits parameters of the photometric minima (their depth, duration and the shape of light curves) depend not only on the disk wind parameters and an inclination of the binary orbit to the line-of-sight but also on the longitude of the periastron. A modulation of the scattered radiation of the common envelope with a phase of the orbital period has been investigated in the single scattering approach. It is shown that an amplitude of the modulation is maximal when the system is seen edge-on and has also a non-zero value in the binaries observed pole-on. Possible applications of the theory to the young stellar objects are discussed. In particular, an attention is payed to a resemblance of the light curves in some models with light curves of the objects suspected as candidates to FUORs.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Astronomy Letter

    Synthesis and propagation of complement C3 by microglia/monocytes in the aging retina

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    INTRODUCTION Complement activation is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which may be mediated in part by para-inflammatory processes. We aimed to investigate the expression and localization of C3, a crucial component of the complement system, in the retina during the course of aging. METHODS SD rats were born and reared in low-light conditions, and euthanized at post-natal (P) days 100, 450, or 750. Expression of C3, IBA1, and Ccl- and Cxcl- chemokines was assessed by qPCR, and in situ hybridization. Thickness of the ONL was assessed in retinal sections as a measure of photoreceptor loss, and counts were made of C3-expressing monocytes. RESULTS C3 expression increased significantly at P750, and correlated with thinning of the ONL, at P750, and up-regulation of GFAP. In situ hybridization showed that C3 was expressed by microglia/monocytes, mainly from within the retinal vasculature, and occasionally the ONL. The number of C3-expressing microglia increased significantly by P750, and coincided spatiotemporally with thinning of the ONL, and up-regulation of Ccl- and Cxcl- chemokines. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that recruited microglia/monocytes contribute to activation of complement in the aging retina, through local expression of C3 mRNA. C3 expression coincides with age-related thinning of the ONL at P750, although it is unclear whether the C3-expressing monocytes are a cause or consequence. These findings provide evidence of activation of complement during natural aging, and may have relevance to cellular events underling the pathogenesis of age-related retinal diseases.Funding provided by Australian Research Council Centres of Excellence Program Grant (CE0561903)

    Education, health, and labor-force supply:Broadening human capital for national development in Malawi

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    Education and health are both capital investments in national development, often viewed as independent factors on a country’s labor force supply and productivity. This study uses the 2010–2011 Third Integrated Household Survey in Malawi to propose an Education-enhanced Health Human Capital (EHHC) model where education influences labor force supply directly as well as indirectly through improvements in adult health. Relative to the Health Human Capital (HHC) model, the EHHC model better fits the available data, capturing the multiple effects of education. A national economic simulation of the 2013 age 13 cohort in Malawi confirms the importance of education as a tool for national development. Specifically, if the mean education of the age 13 cohort increased from the present national mean to the completion of secondary school, the total effects of education would lead to a predicted increase in annual tax revenue of 580 million Malawian Kwacha

    Macular thickness measurements in healthy Norwegian volunteers: an optical coherence tomography study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethnic, intersubject, interoperator and intermachine differences in measured macular thickness seem to exist. Our purpose was to collect normative macular thickness data in Norwegians and to evaluate the association between macular thickness and age, gender, parity, and contraception status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retinal thickness was measured by Stratus Optical Coherence Tomography in healthy subjects. Mean macular thickness (MMT) was analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA with three dependent regional MMT-variables for interaction with age, gender, parity and oral contraception use. Exploratory correlation with age by the Pearson correlation test, both before and after stratification by gender was performed. Differences in MMT between older and younger subjects, between oral contraception users and non-users, as well as parous and nulliparous women were studied by post-hoc Student's t-tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Central MMT in Norwegians was similar to values earlier reported in whites. MMT in central areas of 1 and 2.25 mm in diameter were higher in males than in females. In younger subjects (≤43 years) differences in MMT between genders were larger than in the mixed age group, whereas in older subjects (>43 years) the small differences did not reach the set significance level. No differences were found in minimal foveolar thickness (MMFT) between the genders in any age group.</p> <p>Mean foveal thickness (1 mm in diameter) was positively associated with age in females (r = 0.28, p = 0.03). MMFT was positively associated with age in all groups and reached significance both in females and in mixed gender group (r = 0.20, p = 0.041 and r = 0.26, p = 0.044 respectively).</p> <p>Mean foveal thickness and MMFT were significantly higher in parous than in nulliparous women, and age-adjusted ANOVA for MMFT revealed a borderline effect of parity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Age and gender should be taken into consideration when establishing normal ranges for MMT in younger subjects. The gender difference in retinal thickness in young, but not older adults suggests a gonadal hormonal influence. The possible association between parity and retinal structure and its clinical relevance, should be studied further.</p

    Track D Social Science, Human Rights and Political Science

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138414/1/jia218442.pd
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