10,150 research outputs found

    Partial differential equations from integrable vertex models

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    In this work we propose a mechanism for converting the spectral problem of vertex models transfer matrices into the solution of certain linear partial differential equations. This mechanism is illustrated for the Uq[sl^(2)]U_q[\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(2)] invariant six-vertex model and the resulting partial differential equation is studied for particular values of the lattice length.Comment: 19 pages. v2: affiliation and references updated, minor changes, accepted for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Water quality monitor

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    The preprototype water quality monitor (WQM) subsystem was designed based on a breadboard monitor for pH, specific conductance, and total organic carbon (TOC). The breadboard equipment demonstrated the feasibility of continuous on-line analysis of potable water for a spacecraft. The WQM subsystem incorporated these breadboard features and, in addition, measures ammonia and includes a failure detection system. The sample, reagent, and standard solutions are delivered to the WQM sensing manifold where chemical operations and measurements are performed using flow through sensors for conductance, pH, TOC, and NH3. Fault monitoring flow detection is also accomplished in this manifold assembly. The WQM is designed to operate automatically using a hardwired electronic controller. In addition, automatic shutdown is incorporated which is keyed to four flow sensors strategically located within the fluid system

    Selfduality for coupled Potts models on the triangular lattice

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    We present selfdual manifolds for coupled Potts models on the triangular lattice. We exploit two different techniques: duality followed by decimation, and mapping to a related loop model. The latter technique is found to be superior, and it allows to include three-spin couplings. Starting from three coupled models, such couplings are necessary for generating selfdual solutions. A numerical study of the case of two coupled models leads to the identification of novel critical points

    Critical and Tricritical Hard Objects on Bicolorable Random Lattices: Exact Solutions

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    We address the general problem of hard objects on random lattices, and emphasize the crucial role played by the colorability of the lattices to ensure the existence of a crystallization transition. We first solve explicitly the naive (colorless) random-lattice version of the hard-square model and find that the only matter critical point is the non-unitary Lee-Yang edge singularity. We then show how to restore the crystallization transition of the hard-square model by considering the same model on bicolored random lattices. Solving this model exactly, we show moreover that the crystallization transition point lies in the universality class of the Ising model coupled to 2D quantum gravity. We finally extend our analysis to a new two-particle exclusion model, whose regular lattice version involves hard squares of two different sizes. The exact solution of this model on bicolorable random lattices displays a phase diagram with two (continuous and discontinuous) crystallization transition lines meeting at a higher order critical point, in the universality class of the tricritical Ising model coupled to 2D quantum gravity.Comment: 48 pages, 13 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Two-dimensional O(n) model in a staggered field

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    Nienhuis' truncated O(n) model gives rise to a model of self-avoiding loops on the hexagonal lattice, each loop having a fugacity of n. We study such loops subjected to a particular kind of staggered field w, which for n -> infinity has the geometrical effect of breaking the three-phase coexistence, linked to the three-colourability of the lattice faces. We show that at T = 0, for w > 1 the model flows to the ferromagnetic Potts model with q=n^2 states, with an associated fragmentation of the target space of the Coulomb gas. For T>0, there is a competition between T and w which gives rise to multicritical versions of the dense and dilute loop universality classes. Via an exact mapping, and numerical results, we establish that the latter two critical branches coincide with those found earlier in the O(n) model on the triangular lattice. Using transfer matrix studies, we have found the renormalisation group flows in the full phase diagram in the (T,w) plane, with fixed n. Superposing three copies of such hexagonal-lattice loop models with staggered fields produces a variety of one or three-species fully-packed loop models on the triangular lattice with certain geometrical constraints, possessing integer central charges 0 <= c <= 6. In particular we show that Benjamini and Schramm's RGB loops have fractal dimension D_f = 3/2.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    Tax evasion dynamics and Zaklan model on Opinion-dependent Network

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    Within the context of agent-based Monte-Carlo simulations, we study the well-known majority-vote model (MVM) with noise applied to tax evasion on Stauffer-Hohnisch-Pittnauer (SHP) networks. To control the fluctuations for tax evasion in the economics model proposed by Zaklan, MVM is applied in the neighborhood of the critical noise qcq_{c} to evolve the Zaklan model. The Zaklan model had been studied recently using the equilibrium Ising model. Here we show that the Zaklan model is robust because this can be studied besides using equilibrium dynamics of Ising model also through the nonequilibrium MVM and on various topologies giving the same behavior regardless of dynamic or topology used here.Comment: 14 page, 4 figure

    Combinatorics of bicubic maps with hard particles

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    We present a purely combinatorial solution of the problem of enumerating planar bicubic maps with hard particles. This is done by use of a bijection with a particular class of blossom trees with particles, obtained by an appropriate cutting of the maps. Although these trees have no simple local characterization, we prove that their enumeration may be performed upon introducing a larger class of "admissible" trees with possibly doubly-occupied edges and summing them with appropriate signed weights. The proof relies on an extension of the cutting procedure allowing for the presence on the maps of special non-sectile edges. The admissible trees are characterized by simple local rules, allowing eventually for an exact enumeration of planar bicubic maps with hard particles. We also discuss generalizations for maps with particles subject to more general exclusion rules and show how to re-derive the enumeration of quartic maps with Ising spins in the present framework of admissible trees. We finally comment on a possible interpretation in terms of branching processes.Comment: 41 pages, 19 figures, tex, lanlmac, hyperbasics, epsf. Introduction and discussion/conclusion extended, minor corrections, references adde

    New critical frontiers for the Potts and percolation models

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    We obtain the critical threshold for a host of Potts and percolation models on lattices having a structure which permits a duality consideration. The consideration generalizes the recently obtained thresholds of Scullard and Ziff for bond and site percolation on the martini and related lattices to the Potts model and to other lattices.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Non-Universal Critical Behaviour of Two-Dimensional Ising Systems

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    Two conditions are derived for Ising models to show non-universal critical behaviour, namely conditions concerning 1) logarithmic singularity of the specific heat and 2) degeneracy of the ground state. These conditions are satisfied with the eight-vertex model, the Ashkin-Teller model, some Ising models with short- or long-range interactions and even Ising systems without the translational or the rotational invariance.Comment: 17 page

    Critical and Multicritical Semi-Random (1+d)-Dimensional Lattices and Hard Objects in d Dimensions

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    We investigate models of (1+d)-D Lorentzian semi-random lattices with one random (space-like) direction and d regular (time-like) ones. We prove a general inversion formula expressing the partition function of these models as the inverse of that of hard objects in d dimensions. This allows for an exact solution of a variety of new models including critical and multicritical generalized (1+1)-D Lorentzian surfaces, with fractal dimensions dF=k+1d_F=k+1, k=1,2,3,..., as well as a new model of (1+2)-D critical tetrahedral complexes, with fractal dimension dF=12/5d_F=12/5. Critical exponents and universal scaling functions follow from this solution. We finally establish a general connection between (1+d)-D Lorentzian lattices and directed-site lattice animals in (1+d) dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, tex, harvmac, epsf, references adde
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