2,955 research outputs found

    14N and 15N coupling constants of the oxidized primary donor P-860 of bacterial photosynthesis obtained by electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy

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    An electron spin echo modulation frequency analysis of P+-860 is performed in 14N chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum, and in 15N substituted reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides 2.4.1. For the 14N material two sets of nuclear quadrupole parameters are obtained. From the frequencies found for 15N reaction centers the perpendicular, parallel and isotropic hyperfine previous termcouplingnext term constants of three of the four bacteriochlorophyll nitrogen nuclei are inferred

    Развитие экстремального туризма в Крыму

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    Целью данной работы является на основе географического анализа факторов становления и особенностей развития экстремального туризма в Крыму разработать рекомендации по усовершенствованию данной отрасли туристской деятельности для создания привлекательного образа Крыма на международной арене

    Evidence for ubiquitous carbon grain destruction in hot protostellar envelopes

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    Earth is deficient in carbon and nitrogen by up to 4{\sim}4 orders of magnitude compared with the Sun. Destruction of (carbon- and nitrogen-rich) refractory organics in the high-temperature planet forming regions could explain this deficiency. Assuming a refractory cometary composition for these grains, their destruction enhances nitrogen-containing oxygen-poor molecules in the hot gas (300\gtrsim 300K) after the initial formation and sublimation of these molecules from oxygen-rich ices in the warm gas (150{\sim}150K). Using observations of 3737 high-mass protostars with ALMA, we find that oxygen-containing molecules (CH3_3OH and HNCO) systematically show no enhancement in their hot component. In contrast, nitrogen-containing, oxygen-poor molecules (CH3_3CN and C2_2H3_3CN) systematically show an enhancement of a factor 5{\sim} 5 in their hot component, pointing to additional production of these molecules in the hot gas. Assuming only thermal excitation conditions, we interpret these results as a signature of destruction of refractory organics, consistent with the cometary composition. This destruction implies a higher C/O and N/O in the hot gas than the warm gas, while, the exact values of these ratios depend on the fraction of grains that are effectively destroyed. This fraction can be found by future chemical models that constrain C/O and N/O from the abundances of minor carbon, nitrogen and oxygen carriers presented here.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Spectroscopic characterization of reaction centers of the (M)Y210W mutant of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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    The tyrosine-(M)210 of the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 has been changed to a tryptophan using site-directed mutagenesis. The reaction center of this mutant has been characterized by low-temperature absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, time-resolved sub-picosecond spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The charge separation process showed bi-exponential kinetics at room temperature, with a main time constant of 36 ps and an additional fast time constant of 5.1 ps. Temperature dependent fluorescence measurements predict that the lifetime of P* becomes 4–5 times slower at cryogenic temperatures. From EPR and absorbance-detected magnetic resonance (ADMR, LD-ADMR) we conclude that the dimeric structure of P is not significantly changed upon mutation. In contrast, the interaction of the accessory bacteriochlorophyll BA with its environment appears to be altered, possibly because of a change in its position

    Robust nuclear lamina-based cell classification of aging and senescent cells

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    Changes in the shape of the nuclear lamina are exhibited in senescent cells, as well as in cells expressing mutations in lamina genes. To identify cells with defects in the nuclear lamina we developed an imaging method that quantifies the intensity and curvature of the nuclear lamina. We show that this method accurately describes changes in the nuclear lamina. Spatial changes in nuclear lamina coincide with redistribution of lamin A proteins and local reduction in protein mobility in senescent cell. We suggest that local accumulation of lamin A in the nuclear envelope leads to bending of the structure. A quantitative distinction of the nuclear lamina shape in cell populations was found between fresh and senescent cells, and between primary myoblasts from young and old donors. Moreover, with this method mutations in lamina genes were significantly distinct from cells with wild-type genes. We suggest that this method can be applied to identify abnormal cells during aging, in in vitro propagation, and in lamina disorders