8 research outputs found

    Analytical System with Decision Tree for Economic Benefit

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    Data processing is an important aspect of business decision support systems (DSS). A good analytical system to process these data is essential to implement as a primary pillar for the development of complex expert systems. Businesses themselves are constantly confronted with deciding on investment opportunities to improve their performance. An important criterion for selecting investment is its profitability which cannot be easily determined when investing in analytical systems. Currently, there are two types of approaches to evaluating investments into information systems: normative and positive approaches. The simplest form of decisional analytical modeling is the decision tree (normative approach). The purpose of the article is to illustrate decision tree analysis as a component of an analytical system for evaluating two decision alternatives. The test case is demonstrated on an example of decision-making in agriculture

    Agricultural E-Government: Design of Quality Evaluation Method Based on ISO SQuaRE quality Model

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    The paper briefly describes the current use of e-government services in the Czech Republic with focus on use of e-services in agriculture. The term agricultural e-government is defined here. There are several methods for evaluation of service and e-service quality however, no relevant method based on ISO software quality standards was found yet. Proposed CABAG (Communication between Agricultural Businesses and Government) method enables to evaluate quality of agricultural electronic services by means of ISO/IEC 25010 quality in use model giving list of quality characteristics, sub characteristics and quality requirements. The overall quality of agricultural e-service is represented as an aggregated result of expected level minus actual level of implementation for each particular requirement. The method can be used both for end users and providers (or owners) of e-services. Pieces of knowledge introduced in this paper resulted from solution of Internal Grant Agency (IGA) of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague grant number 20131038 “Analýza a návrh modelu hodnocení kvality e-služeb v sektoru zemědělství” (Analysis and design of quality evaluation model of e-services in agriculture)

    Business Informatics and its Role in Agriculture in the Czech Republic

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    Presented paper deals with analysis of use of business informatics in agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic. The source data for the paper were gathered in the survey among agricultural enterprises from various regions of the Czech Republic. There are results of the survey and the overview of the current state of the use of business informatics is described here. Main findings are that it is the owner of the farm who mostly works with business informatics and for most of them the informatics is a necessary technological solution. The investments in farms are currently directed to mobile hardware equipment. Most frequently used programs are accounting information systems, stock control and specialized programs for plant production and livestock

    Towards Framework for Economic Value of Analytical Systems in Agriculture: Proposal of Research

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    An important criterion for agricultural businesses and farmers who make investment decisions is the profitability of their investments. If the profitability criterion is applied to investments in analytical systems, problems arise with determining the exact value of such criteria. Special approaches for assessing the benefits of such systems must be used to cope with this problem. This paper focuses on the economic evaluation of analytical systems, whose economic impact in agriculture is unclear. Two main types of research approaches are identified: normative approach and positive approach to the evaluation of analytical systems. These approaches can be used to identify the benefits of analytical systems for agricultural activities, and to express their economic value for the management of agricultural enterprises. A new research process and research phases for the design of a conceptual framework for analytical systems’ economic evaluation in agriculture is proposed based on this theoretical and research background

    Towards Framework for Economic Value of Analytical Systems in Agriculture: Proposal of Research

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    An important criterion for agricultural businesses and farmers who make investment decisions is the profitability of their investments. If the profitability criterion is applied to investments in analytical systems, problems arise with determining the exact value of such criteria. Special approaches for assessing the benefits of such systems must be used to cope with this problem. This paper focuses on the economic evaluation of analytical systems, whose economic impact in agriculture is unclear. Two main types of research approaches are identified: normative approach and positive approach to the evaluation of analytical systems. These approaches can be used to identify the benefits of analytical systems for agricultural activities, and to express their economic value for the management of agricultural enterprises. A new research process and research phases for the design of a conceptual framework for analytical systems’ economic evaluation in agriculture is proposed based on this theoretical and research background