1,501 research outputs found

    An extension theorem for conformal gauge singularities

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    We analyse conformal gauge, or isotropic, singularities in cosmological models in general relativity. Using the calculus of tractors, we find conditions in terms of tractor curvature for a local extension of the conformal structure through a cosmological singularity and prove a local extension theorem.Comment: 43 pages, no figures, version as published in JMP, small changes, updated reference

    How should public health professionals engage with lay epidemiology?

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    "Lay epidemiology" is a term used to describe the processes through which health risks are understood and interpreted by laypeople. It is seen as a barrier to public health when the public disbelieves or fails to act on public health messages. Two elements to lay epidemiology are proposed: (a) empirical beliefs about the nature of illness and (b) values about the place of health and risks to health in a good life. Both elements have to be dealt with by effective public health schemes or programmes, which would attempt to change the public's empirical beliefs and values. This is of concern, particularly in a context in which the lay voice is increasingly respected. Empirically, the scientific voice of standard epidemiology should be deferred to by the lay voice, provided a clear distinction exists between the measurement of risk, which is empirical, and its weighting, which is based on values. Turning to engagement with values, health is viewed to be an important value and is discussed and reflected on by most people. Public health professionals are therefore entitled and advised to participate in that process. This view is defended against some potential criticisms

    Destiny: A Candidate Architecture for the Joint Dark Energy Mission

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    Destiny is a simple, direct, low cost mission to determine the properties of dark energy by obtaining a cosmologically deep supernova (SN) type Ia Hubble diagram. Operated at L2, its science instrument is a 1.65m space telescope, featuring a grism-fed near-infrared (NIR) (0.85-1.7micron) survey camera/spectrometer with a 0.12 square degree field of view. During its two-year primary mission, Destiny will detect, observe, and characterize ~3000 SN Ia events over the redshift interval 0.4<z<1.7 within a 3 square degree survey area. In conjunction with ongoing ground-based SN Ia surveys for z<0.8, Destiny mission data will be used to construct a high-precision Hubble diagram and thereby constrain the dark energy equation of state from a time when it was strongly matter-dominated to the present when dark energy dominates. The grism-images simultaneously provide broad-band photometry, redshifts, and SN classification, as well as time-resolved diagnostic data for investigating additional SN luminosity diagnostics. Destiny will be used in its third year as a high resolution, wide-field imager to conduct a multicolor NIR weak lensing (WL) survey covering 1000 square degrees. The large-scale mass power spectrum derived from weak lensing distortions of field galaxies as a function of redshift will provide independent and complementary constraints on the dark energy equation of state. The combination of SN and WL is much more powerful than either technique on its own. Used together, these surveys will have more than an order of magnitude greater sensitivity than will be provided by ongoing ground-based projects. The dark energy parameters, w_0 and w_a, will be measured to a precision of 0.05 and 0.2 respectively.Comment: Contains full color figure

    Towards a classification of vacuum near-horizons geometries

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    We prove uniqueness of the near-horizon geometries arising from degenerate Kerr black holes within the collection of nearby vacuum near-horizon geometries.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; minor changes to match published versio

    Isotropic cosmological singularities: other matter models

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    Isotropic cosmological singularities are singularities which can be removed by rescaling the metric. In some cases already studied (gr-qc/9903008, gr-qc/9903009, gr-qc/9903018) existence and uniqueness of cosmological models with data at the singularity has been established. These were cosmologies with, as source, either perfect fluids with linear equations of state or massless, collisionless particles. In this article we consider how to extend these results to a variety of other matter models. These are scalar fields, massive collisionless matter, the Yang-Mills plasma of Choquet-Bruhat, or matter satisfying the Einstein-Boltzmann equation.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, no figure

    Scalar--flat K\"ahler metrics with conformal Bianchi V symmetry

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    We provide an affirmative answer to a question posed by Tod \cite{Tod:1995b}, and construct all four-dimensional Kahler metrics with vanishing scalar curvature which are invariant under the conformal action of Bianchi V group. The construction is based on the combination of twistor theory and the isomonodromic problem with two double poles. The resulting metrics are non-diagonal in the left-invariant basis and are explicitly given in terms of Bessel functions and their integrals. We also make a connection with the LeBrun ansatz, and characterise the associated solutions of the SU(\infty) Toda equation by the existence a non-abelian two-dimensional group of point symmetries.Comment: Dedicated to Maciej Przanowski on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Minor corrections. To appear in CQ