184 research outputs found

    Job Growth in Early Transition: Comparing Two Paths

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    Small start-up firms are the engine of job creation in early transition and yet little is known about the characteristics of this new sector. We seek to identify patterns of job growth in this sector in terms of niches left from central planning and ask about differences in job creation across two different transition economies: Estonia, which experienced rapid destruction of the pre-existing firms, and the Czech Republic, which reduced the old sector gradually. We find job growth within industries to be quantitatively more important than job growth due to across-industry reallocation. Furthermore, the industrial composition of startups is strikingly similar in the two countries. We offer convergence to "western" industry firm-size distributions as an explanation. We also find regularities in wage evolution across new and old firms, including small differences in job quality across the two transition paths.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39888/3/wp503.pd

    A Calculation of the Full Neutrino Phase Space in Cold+Hot Dark Matter Models

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    This paper presents a general-relativistic N-body technique for evolving the phase space distribution of massive neutrinos in linear perturbation theory. The method provides a much more accurate sampling of the neutrino phase space for the HDM initial conditions of N-body simulations in a cold+hot dark matter universe than previous work. Instead of directly sampling the phase space at the end of the linear era, we first compute the evolution of the metric perturbations by numerically integrating the coupled, linearized Einstein, Boltzmann, and fluid equations for all particle species. We then sample the phase space shortly after neutrino decoupling at redshift z=10^9 when the distribution is Fermi-Dirac. To follow the trajectory of each neutrino, we subsequently integrate the geodesic equations for each neutrino in the perturbed background spacetime from z=10^9 to z=13.55, using the linearized metric found in the previous calculation to eliminate discreteness noise. The positions and momenta resulting from this integration represent a fair sample of the full neutrino phase space and can be used as HDM initial conditions for N-body simulations of nonlinear structure evolution in this model. A total of 21 million neutrino particles are used in a 100 Mpc box, with Omega_cdm=0.65, Omega_hdm=0.30, Omega_baryon=0.05, and Hubble constant H_0=50. We find that correlations develop in the neutrino densities and momenta which are absent when only the zeroth-order Fermi-Dirac distribution is considered.Comment: 20 pages, AAS LaTeX v3.0, figures and/or postscript available by anonymous ftp to arcturus.mit.edu, MIT CSR-93-1

    Export-Oriented International Joint Venture: Endogenous Set-Up Costs and Information Gathering

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    We analyze the formation of an export-oriented international joint venture (IJV) between a multinational corporation (MNC) and a domestic firm under demand uncertainty and in a principal-agent framework. The MNC possesses a superior production technology and is better at predicting foreign market demand. The domestic firm can reduce set-up costs of the IJV with effort levels that is endogenously determined. We examine how the MNC\u27s preference for, and the ownership structure of, a joint venture depend on the efficiency of information gathering and of cost reduction, and on the nature of credit markets. We find, inter alia, that when the credit constraint is severe the MNC does not push the domestic firm to its reservation profit level. A relaxation of the credit constraint facing the domestic firm never makes it better off and in fact makes the domestic firm worse off when the credit constraint is severe

    Market structure and hospital–insurer bargaining in the Netherlands

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    In 2005, competition was introduced in part of the hospital market in the Netherlands. Using a unique dataset of transactions and list prices between hospitals and insurers in the years 2005 and 2006, we estimate the influence of buyer and seller concentration on the negotiated prices. First, we use a traditional structure–conduct–performance model (SCP-model) along the lines of Melnick et al. (J Health Econ 11(3): 217–233, 1992) to estimate the effects of buyer and seller concentration on price–cost margins. Second, we model the interaction between hospitals and insurers in the context of a generalized bargaining model similar to Brooks et al. (J Health Econ 16: 417–434, 1997). In the SCP-model, we find that the market shares of hospitals (insurers) have a significantly positive (negative) impact on the hospital price–cost margin. In the bargaining model, we find a significant negative effect of insurer concentration, but no significant effect of hospital concentration. In both models, we find a significant impact of idiosyncratic effects on the market outcomes. This is consistent with the fact that the Dutch hospital sector is not yet in a long-run equilibrium

    An inquiry into good hospital governance: A New Zealand-Czech comparison

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    BACKGROUND: This paper contributes to research in health systems literature by examining the role of health boards in hospital governance. Health care ranks among the largest public sectors in OECD countries. Efficient governance of hospitals requires the responsible and effective use of funds, professional management and competent governing structures. In this study hospital governance practice in two health care systems – Czech Republic and New Zealand – is compared and contrasted. These countries were chosen as both, even though they are geographically distant, have a universal right to 'free' health care provided by the state and each has experienced periods of political change and ensuing economic restructuring. Ongoing change has provided the impetus for policy reform in their public hospital governance systems. METHODS: Two comparative case studies are presented. They define key similarities and differences between the two countries' health care systems. Each public hospital governance system is critically analysed and discussed in light of D W Taylor's nine principles of 'good governance'. RESULTS: While some similarities were found to exist, the key difference between the two countries is that while many forms of 'ad hoc' hospital governance exist in Czech hospitals, public hospitals in New Zealand are governed in a 'collegiate' way by elected District Health Boards. These findings are discussed in relation to each of the suggested nine principles utilized by Taylor. CONCLUSION: This comparative case analysis demonstrates that although the New Zealand and Czech Republic health systems appear to show a large degree of convergence, their approaches to public hospital governance differ on several counts. Some of the principles of 'good governance' existed in the Czech hospitals and many were practiced in New Zealand. It would appear that the governance styles have evolved from particular historical circumstances to meet each country's specific requirements. Whether or not current practice could be improved by paying closer attention to theoretical models of 'good governance' is debatable

    A Theory of Ageements in the Shadow of Conflict: The Genesis of Bargaining Power

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    We present a novel approach to N-person bargaining, based on the idea that the agreement reached in a negotiation is determined by how the direct conflict resulting from disagreement would be resolved. Our basic building block is the disagreement function, which maps each set of feasible outcomes into a disagreement point. Adding this function to the description of a bargaining problem, a weak axiom based on individual rationality leads to a unique solution: the agreement in the shadow of conflict, ASC. This agreement may be construed as the limit of a sequence of partial agreements, each of which is reached as a function of the parties' relative power in the disagreement scenario. As a result, we identify a link between the circumstances of bargaining and the bargaining powers within it. The rich get the law passed by means of force and arms or get it accepted by fear to their might, aren't things this way? Plato, Republic. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media LLC.Esteban gratefully acknowledges financial support from Barcelona Economics (CREA), the European Commission contract CIT2-CT-2004506084, the MCYT research grant SEC-2003-1961 and from the Generalitat de Catalunya.Peer Reviewe