8 research outputs found


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    Objective: In the present study, evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Coix lacryma-jobi by CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity test, and evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of by egg albumin-induced paw edema, and complete Freund's adjuvant-induced arthritis model were done.Methods: Plant extract was prepared by mixing ethanol with powdered plant seeds and experiment was done as per the procedures of above-mentioned three models.Results: C. lacryma-jobi test extracts out of two doses, 400 mg/kg exhibited a significant reduction in serum cholesterol level as 33 mg/dl when compared to control groups. C. lacryma-jobi seed extract has restored various serological alterations following CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity and was capable of reversing the toxic effects of CCl4 on liver cells. Considerable reduction in the paw volume of exudates observed with C. lacryma-jobi extract, indicating significant anti-inflammatory activity.Conclusion: Therefore, this study shows that C. lacryma-jobs seed extract have anti-inflammatory activity in the models studied

    Evaluation of Antihepatotoxic Effect of Avicennia Marina Against Alco-hol-induced Liver Injury

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    This study aims to evaluate the antihepatotoxic effect of Avicennia marina against ethanol induced hepatotoxic rats. Qualitative phytochemical analysis was carried out in alcoholic extract of leaves of A.marina. The hepatoprotective effect A.marina was investigated against ethanol - induced hepatotoxic (group-III) rats and the activity of A.marina was compared with standard drug (Silymarin) treated (Group-IV) rats.  Ethanol was used as hepatotoxic inducer for all experimental rats except for normal control (Group-I) rats and ethanol alone was given for disease control (Group-II) rats. Liver marker enzymes in serum (ALT, ALP, AST, GGT), Bilirubin, Protein and histopathological analysis were carried out. Ethanol treatment elevated levels of liver enzymes, decreased protein and histological damage in hepatocytes. However, treatment with A.marina significantly reversed the above changes compared with ethanol-challenged rats and was comparable with silymarin treated rats. The results clearly demonstrate that A.marina possesses promising antihepatotoxic effect and hence suggests its use as a potential therapeutic agent for protection from ethanol overdose

    Wild and domesticated Moringa oleifera differ in taste, glucosinolate composition, and antioxidant potential, but not myrosinase activity or protein content

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    Taste drives consumption of foods. The tropical tree Moringa oleifera is grown worldwide as a protein-rich leafy vegetable and for the medicinal value of its phytochemicals, in particular its glucosinolates, which can lead to a pronounced harsh taste. All studies to date have examined only cultivated, domestic variants, meaning that potentially useful variation in wild type plants has been overlooked. We examine whether domesticated and wild type M. oleifera differ in myrosinase or glucosinolate levels, and whether these different levels impact taste in ways that could affect consumption. We assessed taste and measured levels of protein, glucosinolate, myrosinase content, and direct antioxidant activity of the leaves of 36 M. oleifera accessions grown in a common garden. Taste tests readily highlighted differences between wild type and domesticated M. oleifera. There were differences in direct antioxidant potential, but not in myrosinase activity or protein quantity. However, these two populations were readily separated based solely upon their proportions of the two predominant glucosinolates (glucomoringin and glucosoonjnain). This study demonstrates substantial variation in glucosinolate composition within M. oleifera. The domestication of M. oleifera appears to have involved increases in levels of glucomoringin and substantial reduction of glucosoonjnain, with marked changes in taste