143 research outputs found

    The Flow Country Peatlands of Scotland: Foreword

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    First paragraph: In the far north of Scotland, a vast and varied expanse of blanket peatland (Figure 1) extends across an area of 4,000 km2 within the historic counties of Caithness and Sutherland, from the foot of the mountains in the west to the coast in the east. It is the largest expanse of blanket mire in Europe (Lindsay et al. 1988) and the largest single terrestrial carbon store in the UK (Chapman et al. 2009). It is known as the Flow Country. The Flow Country has high conservation value, being of particular importance for its suite of breeding birds which includes the Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra), Greenshank (Tringa nebularia), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) and Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus), and a refuge for many species normally found closer to the Arctic (Lindsay et al. 1988). The nature conservation importance of this area is reflected in the designation of over 1,300 km2 as Natura 2000 sites under the European Habitats and Birds Directives, including the largest terrestrial Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in the UK, and the current consideration of the Flow Country for World Heritage Site status

    Spatial patterns in soil organic matter dynamics are shaped by mycorrhizosphere interactions in a treeline forest

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    Aims In the Swedish sub-Arctic, mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) forests mediate rapid soil C cycling relative to adjacent tundra heaths, but little is known about the role of individual trees within forests. Here we investigate the spatial extent over which trees influence soil processes. Methods We measured respiration, soil C stocks, root and mycorrhizal productivity and fungi:bacteria ratios at fine spatial scales along 3 m transects extending radially from mountain birch trees in a sub-Arctic ecotone forest. Root and mycorrhizal productivity was quantified using in-growth techniques and fungi:bacteria ratios were determined by qPCR. Results Neither respiration, nor root and mycorrhizal production, varied along transects. Fungi:bacteria ratios, soil organic C stocks and standing litter declined with increasing distance from trees. Conclusions As 3 m is half the average size of forest gaps, these findings suggest that forest soil environments are efficiently explored by roots and associated mycorrhizal networks of B. pubescens. Individual trees exert influence substantially away from their base, creating more uniform distributions of root, mycorrhizal and bacterial activity than expected. However, overall rates of soil C accumulation do vary with distance from trees, with potential implications for spatio-temporal soil organic matter dynamics and net ecosystem C sequestration

    Trees out‐forage understorey shrubs for nitrogen patches in a subarctic mountain birch forest

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this record. Data availability statement: Data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https:// doi.org/10.5061/dryad.j0zpc86j6 (Friggens et al. 2022).Nitrogen (N), acquired by roots and mycorrhizal fungi and supplied to plant foliage, is a growth-limiting nutrient at the subarctic treeline. Due to this limitation, interspecific competition and acquisition of N is an important control on plant community composition and distribution. The ability of trees and shrubs to access N shapes community dynamics at this ecotone undergoing species range shifts and changes in primary productivity driven by climate change. Using 15N soil labelling we investigate the fate of soil inorganic N, and spatial distances over which trees and understorey shrubs access soil N, in a treeline forest. 15N was injected into soil rooting zones in discrete 1 m2 patches and foliar samples were collected from trees between 1 and 50 m away, and understorey shrubs between 0.5 and 11 m away from labelled soil. The 15N label was found in mountain birch trees up to 5 m, and in understorey shrubs up to 2 m, away from labelled soil. We estimate that 1.27% of pulse-derived N was found in foliage of birch trees, compared to 1.16% in the understorey. However, mountain birch trees contributed only 31% of ecosystem leaf area index (LAI), thus there was a disproportionate allocation of added label to the birch canopy compared with its contribution to ecosystem LAI. The difference in root and mycorrhizal exploration distances and community N partitioning between mountain birch trees and understorey shrubs may confer competitive advantage to trees with respect to nitrogen and nutrient patches, which may alter plant community structures within these forests. This is particularly important considering predicted climate-driven tree and tall shrub expansion in subarctic regions, with likely consequences for ecosystem N and carbon (C) cycling, as well as for community composition and biodiversity.European Union Horizon 2020Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Biogeochemistry of “pristine” freshwater stream and lake systems in the western Canadian Arctic

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    Climate change poses a substantial threat to the stability of the Arctic terrestrial carbon (C) pool as warmer air temperatures thaw permafrost and deepen the seasonally-thawed active layer of soils and sediments. Enhanced water flow through this layer may accelerate the transport of C and major cations and anions to streams and lakes. These act as important conduits and reactors for dissolved C within the terrestrial C cycle. It is important for studies to consider these processes in small headwater catchments, which have been identified as hotspots of rapid mineralisation of C sourced from ancient permafrost thaw. In order to better understand the role of inland waters in terrestrial C cycling we characterised the biogeochemistry of the freshwater systems in a c. 14 km2 study area in the western Canadian Arctic. Sampling took place during the snow-free seasons of 2013 and 2014 for major inorganic solutes, dissolved organic and inorganic C (DOC and DIC, respectively), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) concentrations from three water type groups: lakes, polygonal pools and streams. These groups displayed differing biogeochemical signatures, indicative of contrasting biogeochemical controls. However, none of the groups showed strong signals of enhanced permafrost thaw during the study seasons. The mean annual air temperature in the region has increased by more than 2.5 °C since 1970, and continued warming will likely affect the aquatic biogeochemistry. This study provides important baseline data for comparison with future studies in a warming Arctic

    Effect of moisture on leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to soil respiration in a temperate forest

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    The degree to which increased soil respiration rates following wetting is caused by plant (autotrophic) versus microbial (heterotrophic) processes, is still largely uninvestigated. Incubation studies suggest microbial processes play a role but it remains unclear whether there is a stimulation of the microbial population as a whole or an increase in the importance of specific substrates that become available with wetting of the soil. We took advantage of an ongoing manipulation of leaf litter <sup>14</sup>C contents at the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to (1) determine the degree to which an increase in soil respiration rates that accompanied wetting of litter and soil, following a short period of drought, could be explained by heterotrophic contributions; and (2) investigate the potential causes of increased heterotrophic respiration in incubated litter and 0–5 cm mineral soil. The contribution of leaf litter decomposition increased from 6 ± 3 mg C m<sup>−2</sup> hr<sup>−1</sup> during a transient drought, to 63 ± 18 mg C m<sup>−2</sup> hr<sup>−1</sup> immediately after water addition, corresponding to an increase in the contribution to soil respiration from 5 ± 2% to 37 ± 8%. The increased relative contribution was sufficient to explain all of the observed increase in soil respiration for this one wetting event in the late growing season. Temperature (13°C versus 25°C) and moisture (dry versus field capacity) conditions did not change the relative contributions of different decomposition substrates in incubations, suggesting that more slowly cycling C has at least the same sensitivity to decomposition as faster cycling organic C at the temperature and moisture conditions studied

    The moisture response of soil heterotrophic respiration: Interaction with soil properties

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    Soil moisture is of primary importance for predicting the evolution of soil carbon stocks and fluxes, both because it strongly controls organic matter decomposition and because it is predicted to change at global scales in the following decades. However, the soil functions used to model the heterotrophic respiration response to moisture have limited empirical support and introduce an uncertainty of at least 4% in global soil carbon stock predictions by 2100. The necessity of improving the representation of this relationship in models has been highlighted in recent studies. Here we present a data-driven analysis of soil moisture-respiration relations based on 90 soils. With the use of linear models we show how the relationship between soil heterotrophic respiration and different measures of soil moisture is consistently affected by soil properties. The empirical models derived include main effects and moisture interaction effects of soil texture, organic carbon content and bulk density. When compared to other functions currently used in different soil biogeochemical models, we observe that our results can correct biases and reconcile differences within and between such functions. Ultimately, accurate predictions of the response of soil carbon to future climate scenarios will require the integration of soil-dependent moisture-respiration functions coupled with realistic representations of soil water dynamic

    Tree planting in organic soils does not result in net carbon sequestration on decadal timescales

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    Tree planting is increasingly being proposed as a strategy to combat climate change through carbon (C) sequestration in tree biomass. However, total ecosystem C storage that includes soil organic C (SOC) must be considered to determine whether planting trees for climate change mitigation results in increased C storage. We show that planting two native tree species (Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris ), of widespread Eurasian distribution, onto heather (Calluna vulgaris ) moorland with podzolic and peaty podzolic soils in Scotland, did not lead to an increase in net ecosystem C stock 12 or 39 years after planting. Plots with trees had greater soil respiration and lower SOC in organic soil horizons than heather control plots. The decline in SOC cancelled out the increment in C stocks in tree biomass on decadal timescales. At all four experimental sites sampled, there was no net gain in ecosystem C stocks 12–39 years after afforestation—indeed we found a net ecosystem C loss in one of four sites with deciduous B. pubescens stands; no net gain in ecosystem C at three sites planted with B. pubescens ; and no net gain at additional stands of P. sylvestris . We hypothesize that altered mycorrhizal communities and autotrophic C inputs have led to positive ‘priming’ of soil organic matter, resulting in SOC loss, constraining the benefits of tree planting for ecosystem C sequestration. The results are of direct relevance to current policies, which promote tree planting on the assumption that this will increase net ecosystem C storage and contribute to climate change mitigation. Ecosystem‐level biogeochemistry and C fluxes must be better quantified and understood before we can be assured that large‐scale tree planting in regions with considerable pre‐existing SOC stocks will have the intended policy and climate change mitigation outcomes

    Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment

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    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is typically the predominant form of carbon exported from headwater streams, it therefore represents a major carbon export from Arctic catchments. The projected deepening of thaw depth in permafrost regions, due to an increase in air temperature, may have a significant effect on the amount of DOC exported from these systems. However, quantification of the impacts of climate driven changes on DOC export are still highly uncertain. Understanding the processes controlling DOC export is therefore crucial in predicting the potential impact of projected environmental changes. The controls of DOC production and transport are heavily influenced by soil and vegetation, which are highly variable across the landscape. To completely understand these systems information regarding spatial variability of plants, soils and thaw depths must be taken into account. In this study sub-weekly sampling of DOC was undertaken throughout 2014 in a headwater (<1 km2) catchment in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Spatial surveys of soil properties, active thaw depth and normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) were collected and used in conjunction with conservative stable water isotopes tracers and major ions to understand sources, flow pathways and timing of DOC exports from the catchment. Stable isotope tracers act as fingerprints of water allowing sources and pathways to be assessed. Observations reveal changing DOC concentrations throughout the season as the active layer deepens and the connectivity of the soils to the stream network throughout the catchment increases. Linking the DOC data with the conservative tracer response improves the identification of carbon pathways and fluxes from the soils; preliminary analysis indicates DOC is being delivered via deeper more mineral soils later in the season. The results indicate that the active layer depth has a strong influence on the amount of DOC exported from the system, independent of the amount of carbon stored in these deeper soils