180 research outputs found

    Improving the light curves of gravitationally lensed quasars with Gaia proper motion data

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    We show how to significantly improve difference image analysis (DIA) of gravitationally lensed quasars over long periods of time using Gaia proper motions. DIA requires the subtraction of a reference image from the individual images of a monitoring campaign, using stars in the field to align the images. Since the proper motion of the stars can be of the same order as the pixel size during a several-year campaign, we use Gaia DR3 proper motions to enable a correct image alignment. The proper motion corrected star positions can be aligned by the ISIS package. DIA is carried out using the HOTPAnTS package. We apply point spread function (PSF) photometry to obtain light curves and add a proper motion correction of the PSF star to GALFIT. We apply our method to the light curves of the three gravitationally lensed quasars HE1104-1805, HE2149-2745 and Q2237+0305 in the R and V band, respectively, obtained using 1 m telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory from 2014 to 2022. We show that the image alignment and the determination of the lensed quasar positions is significantly improved by this method. The light curves of individual quasar images display intrinsic quasar variations and are affected by chromatic microlensing.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 9 pages, 7 figure

    Electronic compressibility of layer polarized bilayer graphene

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    We report on a capacitance study of dual gated bilayer graphene. The measured capacitance allows us to probe the electronic compressibility as a function of carrier density, temperature, and applied perpendicular electrical displacement D. As a band gap is induced with increasing D, the compressibility minimum at charge neutrality becomes deeper but remains finite, suggesting the presence of localized states within the energy gap. Temperature dependent capacitance measurements show that compressibility is sensitive to the intrinsic band gap. For large displacements, an additional peak appears in the compressibility as a function of density, corresponding to the presence of a 1-dimensional van Hove singularity (vHs) at the band edge arising from the quartic bilayer graphene band structure. For D > 0, the additional peak is observed only for electrons, while D < 0 the peak appears only for holes. This asymmetry that can be understood in terms of the finite interlayer separation and may be useful as a direct probe of the layer polarization

    Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry at a free-electron laser

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    We present measurements of second- and higher-order intensity correlation functions (so-called Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment) performed at the free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH in the non-linear regime of its operation. We demonstrate the high transverse coherence properties of the FEL beam with a degree of transverse coherence of about 80% and degeneracy parameter of the order 10^9 that makes it similar to laser sources. Intensity correlation measurements in spatial and frequency domain gave an estimate of the FEL average pulse duration of 50 fs. Our measurements of the higher-order correlation functions indicate that FEL radiation obeys Gaussian statistics, which is characteristic to chaotic sources.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 40 reference

    Behavior of Particle Depots in Molten Silicon During Float-Zone Growth in Strong Static Magnetic Fields

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    In the photovoltaics industry, the largest market share is represented by solar cells made from multicrystalline silicon, which is grown by directional solidification. During the growth process, the silicon melt is in contact with the silicon nitride coated crucible walls and the furnace atmosphere which contains carbon monoxide. The dissolution of the crucible coating, the carbon bearing gas, and the carbon already present in the feedstock, lead to the precipitation of silicon carbide, and silicon nitride, at later stages of the growth process. The precipitation of Si3N4 and SiC particles of up to several hundred micrometers in diameter leads to severe problems during the wire sawing process for wafering the ingots. Furthermore the growth of the silicon grains can be negatively influenced by the presence of particles, which act as nucleation sources and lead to a grit structure of small grains and are sources for dislocations. If doped with Nitrogen from the dissolved crucible coating, SiC is a semi conductive material, and can act as a shunt, short circuiting parts of the solar cell. For these reasons, the incorporation of such particles needs to be avoided. In this contribution we performed model experiments in which the transport of intentionally added SiC particles and their interaction with the solid-liquid interface during float zone growth of silicon in strong steady magnetic fields was investigated. SiC particles of 7m and 60m size are placed in single crystal silicon [100] and [111] rods of 8mm diameter. This is achieved by drilling a hole of 2mm diameter, filling in the particles and closing the hole by melting the surface of the rod until a film of silicon covers the hole. The samples are processed under a vacuum of 1x10(exp -5) mbar or better, to prevent gas inclusions. An oxide layer to suppress Marangoni convection is applied by wet oxidation. Experiments without and with static magnetic field are carried out to investigate the influence of melt convection on the distribution of particles and their incorporation into the crystal. The field strengths applied by a superconducting magnet are 1T, 3T, 4.5T, and 5T. The increase in field strength dampens the melt flow, and so this study provides comparative data to the crystal growth experiment to be carried out onboard the sounding rocket mission TEXUS 51, where purely diffusive growth condition will be achieved under microgravity conditions

    Behavior of Particle Depots in Molten Silicon During Float-Zone Growth in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    Solar cells made from directionally solidified silicon cover 57% of the photovoltaic industry's market [1]. One major issue during directional solidification of silicon is the precipitation of foreign phase particles. These particles, mainly SiC and Si3N4, are precipitated from the dissolved crucible coating, which is made of silicon nitride, and the dissolution of carbon monoxide from the furnace atmosphere. Due to their hardness and size of several hundred micrometers, those particles can lead to severe problems during the wire sawing process for wafering the ingots. Additionally, SiC particles can act as a shunt, short circuiting the solar cell. Even if the particles are too small to disturb the wafering process, they can lead to a grit structure of silicon micro grains and serve as sources for dislocations. All of this lowers the yield of solar cells and reduces the performance of cells and modules. We studied the behaviour of SiC particle depots during float-zone growth under an oxide skin, and strong static magnetic fields. For high field strengths of 3T and above and an oxide layer on the sample surface, convection is sufficiently suppressed to create a diffusive like regime, with strongly dampened convection [2, 3]. To investigate the difference between atomically rough phase boundaries and facetted growth, samples with [100] and [111] orientation were processed

    Brønsted Acid Catalysis—Structural Preferences and Mobility in Imine/Phosphoric Acid Complexes

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    Despite the huge success of enantioselective Bronsted acid catalysis, experimental data about structures and activation modes of substrate/catalyst complexes in solution are very rare. Here, for the first time, detailed insights into the structures of imine/Bronsted acid catalyst complexes are presented on the basis of NMR data and underpinned by theoretical calculations. The chiral Bronsted acid catalyst R-TRIP (3,3'-bis(2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl)-1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2'-diyl hydrogen phosphate) was investigated together with six aromatic imines. For each investigated system, an E-imine/R-TRIP complex and a Z-imine/R-TRIP complex were observed. Each of these complexes consists of two structures, which are in fast exchange on the NMR time scale; i.e., overall four structures were found. Both identified E-imine/R-TRIP structures feature a strong hydrogen bond but differ in the orientation of the imine relative to the catalyst. The exchange occurs by tilting the imine inside the complex and thereby switching the oxygen that constitutes the hydrogen bond. A similar situation is observed for all investigated Z-imine/R-TRIP complexes. Here, an additional exchange pathway is opened via rotation of the imine. For all investigated imine/R-TRIP complexes, the four core structures are highly preserved. Thus, these core structures are independent of electron density and substituent modulations of the aromatic imines. Overall, this study reveals that the absolute structural space of binary imine/TRIP complexes is large and the variations of the four core structures are small. The high mobility is supposed to promote reactivity, while the preservation of the core structures in conjunction with extensive pi-pi and CH-pi interactions leads to high enantioselectivities and tolerance of different substrates

    Doa10/MARCH6 architecture interconnects E3 ligase activity with lipid-binding transmembrane channel to regulate SQLE

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    Transmembrane E3 ligases play crucial roles in homeostasis. Much protein and organelle quality control, and metabolic regulation, are determined by ER-resident MARCH6 E3 ligases, including Doa10 in yeast. Here, we present Doa10/MARCH6 structural analysis by cryo-EM and AlphaFold predictions, and a structure-based mutagenesis campaign. The majority of Doa10/MARCH6 adopts a unique circular structure within the membrane. This channel is established by a lipid-binding scaffold, and gated by a flexible helical bundle. The ubiquitylation active site is positioned over the channel by connections between the cytosolic E3 ligase RING domain and the membrane-spanning scaffold and gate. Here, by assaying 95 MARCH6 variants for effects on stability of the well-characterized substrate SQLE, which regulates cholesterol levels, we reveal crucial roles of the gated channel and RING domain consistent with AlphaFold-models of substrate-engaged and ubiquitylation complexes. SQLE degradation further depends on connections between the channel and RING domain, and lipid binding sites, revealing how interconnected Doa10/MARCH6 elements could orchestrate metabolic signals, substrate binding, and E3 ligase activity

    Selective ultrafast probing of transient hot chemisorbed and precursor states of CO on Ru(0001)

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    We have studied the femtosecond dynamics following optical laser excitation of CO adsorbed on a Ru surface by monitoring changes in the occupied and unoccupied electronic structure using ultrafast soft x-ray absorption and emission. We recently reported [M. Dell’Angela et al. Science 339 1302 (2013)] a phonon-mediated transition into a weakly adsorbed precursor state occurring on a time scale of >2  ps prior to desorption. Here we focus on processes within the first picosecond after laser excitation and show that the metal-adsorbate coordination is initially increased due to hot-electron-driven vibrational excitations. This process is faster than, but occurs in parallel with, the transition into the precursor state. With resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy, we probe each of these states selectively and determine the respective transient populations depending on optical laser fluence. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of CO adsorbed on Ru(0001) were performed at 1500 and 3000 K providing insight into the desorption process

    Highly potent bispecific sybodies neutralize SARS-CoV-2

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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented global health crisis. Here, we report the identification of a synthetic nanobody (sybody) pair (Sb#15 and Sb#68) that can bind simultaneously to the SARS-CoV-2 spike-RBD and efficiently neutralize pseudotyped and live-viruses by interfering with ACE2 interaction. Two spatially-discrete epitopes identified by cryo-EM translated into the rational design of bispecific and tri-bispecific fusions constructs, exhibiting up to 100- and 1000-fold increase in neutralization potency. Cryo-EM of the sybody-spike complex further revealed a novel up-out RBD conformation. While resistant viruses emerged rapidly in the presence of single binders, no escape variants were observed in presence of the bispecific sybody. The multivalent bispecific constructs further increased the neutralization potency against globally-circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Our study illustrates the power of multivalency and biparatopic nanobody fusions for the development of clinically relevant therapeutic strategies that mitigate the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 escape mutants

    Place branding of seaports in the Middle East

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    This paper analyses seaports’ brand personalities as a means of understanding similarities and differences of these important locations and their relationship with their host place image. Drawing upon Aaker’s (J Mark Res 34:347–356, 1997) brand personality construct, the study presents lexical analysis from the websites of nine seaports in the Middle East. Each seaport’s website is content analysed, and the brand personality is measured using Aaker’s (1997) framework and Opoku’s (Licentiate Thesis, Lulea University of Technology, ISSN, 1402-1757, 2005) dictionary of synonyms. Findings show that seaports have developed a level of isomorphism upon particular dimensions of brand image; however, the findings also show the most distinctive seaports were linking their seaport to their place brand. In particular, the findings show only the Port of Jebel Ali has a clear and distinctive brand personality and to a lesser extent the Ports of Sohar, Shahid Rajee and Khor Fakkan. The research has important management implications of branding for public diplomacy and demonstrates seaport brand positioning in relation to place branding, used to inform public communication and marketing
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