243 research outputs found

    The wedge hot-film anemometer in supersonic flow

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    A commercial wedge hot-film probe is studied to determine its heat transfer response in transonic to low supersonic flows of high unit Reynolds number. The results of this study show that its response in this flow regime differs from the response of cylindrical type sensors. Whereas the cylindrical sensor has the same sensitivity to velocity as to density for free-stream Mach numbers exceeding 1.3, the wedge probe sensitivity to velocity is always greater than its sensitivity to density over the entire flow regime. This property requires determination of three fluctuation components due to density, velocity, and temperature, in a transonic or supersonic turbulent flow. Sensitivity equations are derived based on the observed behavior of the wedge probe. Both the durability and the frequency response of the probe are excellent, the square wave insertion test indicating frequency response near 130 kHz. The directional response of the probe at sonic speed is poor and requires further examination before Reynolds stress measurements are attempted with dual sensor probes

    Shape optimization of pressure gradient microphones

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    Recently developed finite element computer programs were utilized to investigate the influence of the shape of a body on its scattering field with the aim of determining the optimal shape for a Pressure Gradient Microphone (PGM). Circular cylinders of various aspect ratios were evaluated to choose the length to diameter ratio best suited for a dual element PGM application. Alterations of the basic cylindrical shape by rounding the edges and recessing at the centerline were also studied. It was found that for a + or - 1 db deviation from a linear pressure gradient response, a circular cylinder of aspect ratio near 0.5 was most suitable, yielding a useful upper frequency corresponding to ka = 1.8. The maximum increase in this upper frequency limit obtained through a number of shape alterations was only about 20 percent. An initial experimental evaluation of a single element cylindrical PGM of aspect ratio 0.18 utilizing a piezoresistive type sensor was also performed and is compared to the analytical results

    Genesis of breath sounds-Preliminary verification of theory

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    Experimental results are presented which tend to validate a previously developed theory of sound production in the human lung over a particular Reynolds number range. In addition, a new, presently nonunderstood, phenomenon was observed at higher Reynolds number. These results, which show how sound generation in the lung depends upon the physiologically important variables of volume flow rate and bronchial diameter, have potentially important application in noninvasive lung examination and the diagnosis of lung disease

    Sound scattering by rigid oblate spheroids, with implication to pressure gradient microphones

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    The frequency limit below which sound scattering by a microphone body is sufficiently small to permit accurate pressure gradient measurements was determined. The sound pressure was measured at various points on the surface of a rigid oblate spheroid illuminated by spherical waves generated by a point source at a large distance from the spheroid, insuring an essentially plane sound field. The measurements were made with small pressure microphones flush mounted from the inside of the spheroid model. Numerical solutions were obtained for a variety of spheroid shapes, including that of the experimental model. Very good agreement was achieved between the experimental and theoretical results. It was found that scattering effects are insignificant if the ratio of the major circumference of the spheroid to the wavelength of the incident sound is less than about 0.7, this number being dependent upon the shape of the spheroid. This finding can be utilized in the design of pressure gradient microphones

    Effects of nozzle design on the noise from supersonic jets

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    The aeroacoustic supersonic performance of various internal nozzle geometries is evaluated for shock noise content over a wide range of nozzle pressure ratios. The noise emission of a Mach 1.5 and 2.0 convergent-divergent (C-D) nozzle is measured and compared to convergent nozzles. Comparisons are also made for a Mach 1.5 conical C-D nozzle and a porous plug nozzle. The Mach 1.5 conical C-D nozzle shows a small reduction in shock noise relative to the shock free case of the Mach 1.5 C-D nozzle. The Mach 1.5 C-D nozzle is found to have a wide operating nozzle pressure ratio range around its design point where shock noise remains unimportant compared to the jet mixing noise component. However it is found that the Mach 2 C-D nozzle shows no significant acoustic benefit relative to the convergent nozzle. Results from the porous plug nozzle indicate that shock noise may be completely eliminated, and the jet mixing noise reduced

    Viscous effects on the instability of an axisymmetric jet

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    The stability characteristics of a laminar, axisymmetric jet, issuing from fully developed Poiseuille flow, are investigated. The jet preferred frequency, as inferred from surveys of u'-spectra, is found to yield a Strouhal number (St) that depends on the Reynolds number (R); St and R are based on the jet diameter (D) and the average velocity (U sub av) at the jet origin. The value of St increases with increasing R in the range 400 less than approximately R less than approximately 4000, attaining an asymptotic value of about 0.45. Flow visualization confirms that the instability is primarily in a helical mode, as predicted by stability analyses. Analyses do predict a similar St versus R variation in approximately the correct St-range. However, the R-range where this is predicted is lower than that found experimentally

    Noise reduction evaluation of grids in a supersonic air stream with application to Space Shuttle

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    Near field acoustic measurements were obtained for a model supersonic air jet perturbed by a screen. Noise reduction potential in the vicinity of the space shuttle vehicle during ground launch when the rocket exhaust flow is perturbed by a grid was determined. Both 10 and 12 mesh screens were utilized for this experiment, and each exhibited a noise reduction only at very low frequencies in the near field forward arc. A power spectrum analysis revealed that a modest reduction of from 3 to 5 decibels exists below a Strouhal number S sub t = 0.11. Above S sub t = 0.11 screen harmonics increased the observed sound pressure level. The favorable noise reductions obtained with screens for S sub t 0.11 may be of substantial interest for the space shuttle at ground launch

    Measurements of Mean Static Pressure and Far Field Acoustics of Shock Containing Supersonic Jets

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    The far field acoustic data base generated in studies of broadband shock noise from supersonic jets is presented. Both conical and contoured nozzles of exit Mach numbers 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 were tested using unheated air at pressure ratios ranging from 1.9 to 14. Tests were performed both with and without screech suppression tabs. Overall sound pressure variations and representative 1/3-octave and narrowband spectra are presented. The mean static pressure measured within these jets is also surveyed

    Aeroacoustic data for high Reynolds number supersonic axisymmetric jets

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    Both aerodynamic and near field acoustic behavior of several unheated axisymmetric shock free and shock containing high speed jet plumes are reported. The exit Mach number range for these data is from 0.9 to 2.5. The aerodynamic measurements include both mean and turbulence quantities for a shock free jet plume produced by a convergent divergent nozzle designed to have an exit Mach number of 2. The near field acoustic measurements presented include narrow band spectra, directivity and contour plots of select one third octave band data, and near field microphone correlations from a linear array. Shock noise results are also included as obtained by operating an underexpanded convergent nozzle at the design point of two supersonic exist Mach number convergent divergent nozzles

    Nonlinear Stability of Supersonic Jets

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    This paper presents stability calculations made for a shock-free supersonic jet using the model based on parabolized stability equations. In this analysis the large-scale structures, which play a dominant role in the mixing as well as the noise radiated, are modeled as instability waves. This model takes into consideration non-parallel flow effects and also nonlinear interaction of the instability waves. The stability calculations have been performed for different frequencies and mode numbers over a range of jet operating temperatures. Comparisons are made, where appropriate, with the solutions to Rayleigh's equation (linear, inviscid analysis with the assumption of parallel flow). The comparison of the solutions obtained using the two approaches show very good agreement