1,792 research outputs found

    OPserver: interactive online-computations of opacities and radiative accelerations

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    Codes to compute mean opacities and radiative accelerations for arbitrary chemical mixtures using the Opacity Project recently revised data have been restructured in a client--server architecture and transcribed as a subroutine library. This implementation increases efficiency in stellar modelling where element stratification due to diffusion processes is depth dependent, and thus requires repeated fast opacity reestimates. Three user modes are provided to fit different computing environments, namely a web browser, a local workstation and a distributed grid.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Integrating process and factor understanding of environmental innovation by water utilities

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    Innovations in technology and organisations are central to enabling the water sector to adapt to major environmental changes such as climate change, land degradation or drinking water pollution. While there are literatures on innovation as a process and on the factors that influence it, there is little research that integrates these. Development of such an integrated understanding of innovation is central to understanding how policy makers and organisations can stimulate and direct environmental innovation. In the research reported here a framework is developed that enables such an integrated analysis of innovation process and factors. From research interviews and the literature twenty factors were identified that affect the five stages of the environmental innovation process in English and Welsh water utilities. The environmental innovations investigated are measures taken by water utilities to reduce or prevent pollution in drinking water catchments rather than technical measures to treat water. These Source Control Interventions are similar to other environmental innovations, such as ecosystem and species conservation, in that they emphasise the mix of technology, management and engagement with multiple actors. Results show that in water utilities direct performance regulation and regulation that raises awareness of a ‘performance’ gap as a ‘problem’ can stimulate innovation, but only under particular organisational, natural physical and regulatory conditions. The integrated framework also suggests that while flexible or framework legislation (e.g. Water Framework Directive) does not stimulate innovation in itself, it has shaped the option spaces and characteristics of innovations selected towards source control instead of technical end-of-pipe solutions

    A Low Upper Limit to the Lyman Continuum Emission of two galaxies at z 3

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    Long exposure, long-slit spectra have been obtained in the UV/optical bands for two galaxies at z=2.96 and z=3.32 to investigate the fraction of ionizing UV photons escaping from high redshifts galaxies. The two targets are among the brightest galaxies discovered by Steidel and collaborators and they have different properties in terms of Lyman-alpha emission and dust reddening. No significant Lyman continuum emission has been detected. The noise level in the spectra implies an upper limit of f_{rel,esc}\equiv 3 f(900)/f(1500)< 16% for the relative escape fraction of ionizing photons, after correction for absorption by the intervening intergalactic medium. This upper limit is 4 times lower than the previous detection derived from a composite spectrum of 29 Lyman break galaxies at z 3.4. If this value is typical of the escape fraction of the z 3 galaxies, and is added to the expected contribution of the QSO population, the derived UV background is in good agreement with the one derived by the proximity effect.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, ApJ Letters in pres

    Using Three-Body Recombination to Extract Electron Temperatures of Ultracold Plasmas

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    Three-body recombination, an important collisional process in plasmas, increases dramatically at low electron temperatures, with an accepted scaling of T_e^-9/2. We measure three-body recombination in an ultracold neutral xenon plasma by detecting recombination-created Rydberg atoms using a microwave-ionization technique. With the accepted theory (expected to be applicable for weakly-coupled plasmas) and our measured rates we extract the plasma temperatures, which are in reasonable agreement with previous measurements early in the plasma lifetime. The resulting electron temperatures indicate that the plasma continues to cool to temperatures below 1 K.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Line emission from gamma-ray burst environments

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    The time and angle dependent line and continuum emission from a dense torus around a cosmological gamma-ray burst source is simulated, taking into account photoionization, collisional ionization, recombination, and electron heating and cooling due to various processes. The importance of the hydrodynamical interaction between the torus and the expanding blast wave is stressed. Due to the rapid deceleration of the blast wave as it interacts with the dense torus, the material in the torus will be illuminated by a drastically different photon spectrum than observable through a low-column-density line of sight, and will be heated by the hydrodynamical interaction between the blast wave and the torus. A model calculation to reproduce the Fe K-alpha line emission observed in the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970508 is presented. The results indicate that ~ 10^{-4} solar masses of iron must be concentrated in a region of less than 10^{-3} pc. The illumination of the torus material due to the hydrodynamic interaction of the blast wave with the torus is the dominant heating and ionization mechanism leading to the formation of the iron line. These results suggest that misaligned GRBs may be detectable as X-ray flashes with pronounced iron emission line features.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Updated recombination rate data; discussion on element abundances added; references update

    Validation and clinical application of molecular methods for the identification of molds in tissue

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    Background. Invasive fungal infections due to less-common molds are an increasing problem, and accurate diagnosis is difficult.Methods. We used our previously established molecular method, which allows species identification of molds in histological tissue sections, to test sequential specimens from 56 patients with invasive fungal infections who were treated at our institution from 1982 to 2000.Results. The validity of the method was demonstrated with the establishment of a molecular diagnosis in 52 cases (93%). Confirmation of the causative organism was made in all cases in which a mold had been cultured from the tissue specimen. Less-common molds were identified in 7% of cases and appear to be an increasing problem.Conclusions. Our previously established method has proven to be of value in determining the incidence of invasive infection caused by less-common molds. Institutions should continue to pursue diagnosis of invasive fungal infections by means of tissue culture and microbiologic analysis

    Ultraviolet Spectra of CV Accretion Disks with Non-Steady T(r) Laws

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    An extensive grid of synthetic mid- and far-ultraviolet spectra for accretion disks in cataclysmic variables has been presented by Wade and Hubeny (1998). In those models, the disk was assumed to be in steady-state, that is T_eff(r) is specified completely by the mass M_WD and radius R_WD of the accreting white dwarf star and the mass transfer rate M_dot which is constant throughout the disk. In these models, T_eff(r) is proportional to r^{-3/4} except as modified by a cutoff term near the white dwarf. Actual disks may vary from the steady-state prescription for T_eff(r), however, e.g. owing to outburst cycles in dwarf novae M_dot not constant with radius) or irradiation (in which case T_eff in the outer disk is raised above T_steady). To show how the spectra of such disks might differ from the steady case, we present a study of the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of models in which power-law temperature profiles T_eff(r) is proportional to r^{-gamma} with gamma < 3/4 are specified. Otherwise, the construction of the models is the same as in the Wade & Hubeny grid, to allow comparison. We discuss both the UV spectral energy distributions and the appearance of the UV line spectra. We also briefly discuss the eclipse light curves of the non-standard models. Comparison of these models with UV observations of novalike variables suggests that better agreement may be possible with such modified T_eff(r) profiles.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures (one reduced quality), ApJ in pres