28,996 research outputs found

    USAF solar thermal applications overview

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    Process heat applications were compared to solar thermal technologies. The generic process heat applications were analyzed for solar thermal technology utilization, using SERI's PROSYS/ECONOMAT model in an end use matching analysis and a separate analysis was made for solar ponds. Solar technologies appear attractive in a large number of applications. Low temperature applications at sites with high insolation and high fuel costs were found to be most attractive. No one solar thermal technology emerges as a clearly universal or preferred technology, however,, solar ponds offer a potential high payoff in a few, selected applications. It was shown that troughs and flat plate systems are cost effective in a large number of applications

    Constraints on radiative decay of the 17-keV neutrino from COBE Measurements

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    It is shown that, for a nontrivial radiative decay channel of the 17-keV neutrino, the photons would distort the microwave background radiation through ionization of the universe. The constraint on the branching ratio of such decays from COBE measurements is found to be more stringent than that from other considerations. The limit on the branching ratio in terms of the Compton yy parameter is Bγ<1.5×107(τν1011sec)0.45(y103)1.11h1B_\gamma < 1.5 \times 10^{-7} ({\tau_\nu \over 10^{11} sec})^{0.45} ({y \over 10^{-3}})^{1.11} h^{-1} for an Ω=1,Ωb=0.1\Omega=1, \Omega_b=0.1 universe.Comment: 7 pages. (figures will be sent on request) (To appear in Phys. Rev. D.

    Low-power radio galaxy environments in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field at z~0.5

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    We present multi-object spectroscopy of galaxies in the immediate (Mpc-scale) environments of four low-power (L_1.4 GHz < 10^25 W/Hz) radio galaxies at z~0.5, selected from the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field. We use the spectra to calculate velocity dispersions and central redshifts of the groups the radio galaxies inhabit, and combined with XMM-Newton (0.3-10 keV) X-ray observations investigate the L_X--sigma_v and T_X--sigma_v scaling relationships. All the radio galaxies reside in moderately rich groups -- intermediate environments between poor groups and rich clusters, with remarkably similar X-ray properties. We concentrate our discussion on our best statistical example that we interpret as a low-power (FRI) source triggered within a sub-group, which in turn is interacting with a nearby group of galaxies, containing the bulk of the X-ray emission for the system -- a basic scenario which can be compared to more powerful radio sources at both high (z>4) and low (z<0.1) redshifts. This suggests that galaxy-galaxy interactions triggered by group mergers may play an important role in the life-cycle of radio galaxies at all epochs and luminosities.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. High resolution version available upon reques

    Two quantum Simpson's paradoxes

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    The so-called Simpson's "paradox", or Yule-Simpson (YS) effect, occurs in classical statistics when the correlations that are present among different sets of samples are reversed if the sets are combined together, thus ignoring one or more lurking variables. Here we illustrate the occurrence of two analogue effects in quantum measurements. The first, which we term quantum-classical YS effect, may occur with quantum limited measurements and with lurking variables coming from the mixing of states, whereas the second, here referred to as quantum-quantum YS effect, may take place when coherent superpositions of quantum states are allowed. By analyzing quantum measurements on low dimensional systems (qubits and qutrits), we show that the two effects may occur independently, and that the quantum-quantum YS effect is more likely to occur than the corresponding quantum-classical one. We also found that there exist classes of superposition states for which the quantum-classical YS effect cannot occur for any measurement and, at the same time, the quantum-quantum YS effect takes place in a consistent fraction of the possible measurement settings. The occurrence of the effect in the presence of partial coherence is discussed as well as its possible implications for quantum hypothesis testing.Comment: published versio

    Tempo and Mode of Evolution in the Tangled Nature Model

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    We study the Tangled Nature model of macro evolution and demonstrate that the co-evolutionary dynamics produces an increasingly correlated core of well occupied types. At the same time the entire configuration of types becomes increasing de-correlated. This finding is related to ecosystem evolution. The systems level dynamics of the model is subordinated to intermittent transitions between meta-stable states. We improve on previous studies of the statistics of the transition times and show that the fluctuations in the offspring probability decreases with number of transitions. The longtime adaptation, as seen by an increasing population size is demonstrated to be related to the convexity of the offspring probability. We explain how the models behaviour is a mathematical reflection of Darwin's concept of adaptation of profitable variations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Illuminating dark matter and primordial black holes with interstellar antiprotons

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    Interstellar antiproton fluxes can arise from dark matter annihilating or decaying into quarks or gluons that subsequently fragment into antiprotons. Evaporation of primordial black holes also can produce a significant antiproton cosmic-ray flux. Since the background of secondary antiprotons from spallation has an interstellar energy spectrum that peaks at \sim 2\gev and falls rapidly for energies below this, low-energy measurements of cosmic antiprotons are useful in the search for exotic antiproton sources. However, measurement of the flux near the earth is challenged by significant uncertainties from the effects of the solar wind. We suggest evading this problem and more effectively probing dark-matter signals by placing an antiproton spectrometer aboard an interstellar probe currently under discussion. We address the experimental challenges of a light, low-power-consuming detector, and present an initial design of such an instrument. This experimental effort could significantly increase our ability to detect, and have confidence in, a signal of exotic, nonstandard antiproton sources. Furthermore, solar modulation effects in the heliosphere would be better quantified and understood by comparing results to inverse modulated data derived from existing balloon and space-based detectors near the earth.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    National survey of the prevalence, incidence, primary care burden, and treatment of heart failure in Scotland

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    Objective: To examine the epidemiology, primary care burden, and treatment of heart failure in Scotland, UK. Design: Cross sectional data from primary care practices participating in the Scottish continuous morbidity recording scheme between 1 April 1999 and 31 March 2000. Setting: 53 primary care practices (307 741 patients). Subjects: 2186 adult patients with heart failure. Results: The prevalence of heart failure in Scotland was 7.1 in 1000, increasing with age to 90.1 in 1000 among patients 85 years. The incidence of heart failure was 2.0 in 1000, increasing with age to 22.4 in 1000 among patients 85 years. For older patients, consultation rates for heart failure equalled or exceeded those for angina and hypertension. Respiratory tract infection was the most common co-morbidity leading to consultation. Among men, 23% were prescribed a ß blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 46% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for women were 20% (p = 0.29 versus men), 7% (p = 0.02), and 34% (p &lt; 0.001). Among patients &lt; 75 years 26% were prescribed a &#946; blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 50% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for patients 75 years were 19% (p = 0.04 versus patients &lt; 75), 7% (p = 0.04), and 33% (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: Heart failure is a common condition, especially with advancing age. In the elderly, the community burden of heart failure is at least as great as that of angina or hypertension. The high rate of concomitant respiratory tract infection emphasises the need for strategies to immunise patients with heart failure against influenza and pneumococcal infection. Drugs proven to improve survival in heart failure are used less frequently for elderly patients and women

    Skew in ovarian activation depends on domicile size in phyllode-glueing thrips

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    Costs and benefits of group living are a fundamental topic in behavioural ecology. Resource availability affects individuals’ breeding prospects alone and in groups, as well as how reproduction is distributed within groups (“reproductive skew”). Here, we provide correlational evidence in facultatively social thrips that breeding resources are associated with (1) whether solitary or social living is favoured, and (2) the degree of ovarian skew. Dunatothrips aneurae (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) cooperatively build silk “domiciles” on Australian Acacias, feeding exclusively from internal phyllode surfaces. Per capita productivity scaled differently with group size depending on domicile volume - females in small domiciles did better alone than in groups, whereas in large domiciles single and group-nesting females did equally well. Ovarian dissections revealed that in small domiciles some females were nonreproductive, indicating ovarian (i.e. reproductive) skew. Skew increased as domicile size decreased and group size increased. Breeders had smaller oocyte volume in smaller domiciles, especially those containing nonreproductives. These findings suggest group formation and reproductive skew in D. aneurae may be influenced by reproductive competition for breeding resources. Nonreproductive females in small domiciles may be reproductively suppressed, subfertile, or accumulating resources to reproduce