10 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the Link between Alcoholism and Endocrinology in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Gender and hormonal differences are often correlated with alcohol dependence and related complications like addiction and breast cancer. Estrogen (E2) is an important sex hormone because it serves as a key protein involved in organism level signaling pathways. Alcoholism has been reported to affect estrogen receptor signaling; however, identifying the players involved in such multi-faceted syndrome is complex and requires an interdisciplinary approach. In many situations, preliminary investigations included a straight forward, yet informative biotechniques such as gene expression analyses using quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The validity of qRT-PCR-based conclusions is affected by the choice of reliable internal controls. With this in mind, we compiled a list of 15 commonly used housekeeping genes (HKGs) as potential reference gene candidates in rat biological models. A comprehensive comparison among 5 statistical approaches (geNorm, dCt method, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and RefFinder) was performed to identify the minimal number as well the most stable reference genes required for reliable normalization in experimental rat groups that comprised sham operated (SO), ovariectomized rats in the absence (OVX) or presence of E2 (OVXE2). These rat groups were subdivided into subgroups that received alcohol in liquid diet or isocalroic control liquid diet for 12 weeks. Our results showed that U87, 5S rRNA, GAPDH, and U5a were the most reliable gene candidates for reference genes in heart and brain tissue. However, different gene stability ranking was specific for each tissue input combination. The present preliminary findings highlight the variability in reference gene rankings across different experimental conditions and analytic methods and constitute a fundamental step for gene expression assays

    Long-term clearance from small airways in subjects with ciliary dysfunction

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    The objective of this study was to investigate if long-term clearance from small airways is dependent on normal ciliary function. Six young adults with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) inhaled (111 )Indium labelled Teflon particles of 4.2 μm geometric and 6.2 μm aerodynamic diameter with an extremely slow inhalation flow, 0.05 L/s. The inhalation method deposits particles mainly in the small conducting airways. Lung retention was measured immediately after inhalation and at four occasions up to 21 days after inhalation. Results were compared with data from ten healthy controls. For additional comparison three of the PCD subjects also inhaled the test particles with normal inhalation flow, 0.5 L/s, providing a more central deposition. The lung retention at 24 h in % of lung deposition (Ret(24)) was higher (p < 0.001) in the PCD subjects, 79 % (95% Confidence Interval, 67.6;90.6), compared to 49 % (42.3;55.5) in the healthy controls. There was a significant clearance after 24 h both in the PCD subjects and in the healthy controls with equivalent clearance. The mean Ret(24 )with slow inhalation flow was 73.9 ± 1.9 % compared to 68.9 ± 7.5 % with normal inhalation flow in the three PCD subjects exposed twice. During day 7–21 the three PCD subjects exposed twice cleared 9 % with normal flow, probably representing predominantly alveolar clearance, compared to 19 % with slow inhalation flow, probably representing mainly small airway clearance. This study shows that despite ciliary dysfunction, clearance continues in the small airways beyond 24 h. There are apparently additional clearance mechanisms present in the small airways

    Remote sensing for monitoring tropical dryland forests: A review of current research, knowledge gaps and future directions for Southern Africa

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    Climate change, manifest via rising temperatures, extreme drought, and associated anthropogenic activities, has a negative impact on the health and development of tropical dryland forests. Southern Africa encompasses significant areas of dryland forests that are important to local communities but are facing rapid deforestation and are highly vulnerable to biome degradation from land uses and extreme climate events. Appropriate integration of remote sensing technologies helps to assess and monitor forest ecosystems and provide spatially explicit, operational, and long-term data to assist the sustainable use of tropical environment landscapes. The period from 2010 onwards has seen the rapid development of remote sensing research on tropical forests, which has led to a significant increase in the number of scientific publications. This review aims to analyse and synthesise the evidence published in peer review studies with a focus on optical and radar remote sensing of dryland forests in Southern Africa from 1997-2020. For this study, 137 citation indexed research publications have been analysed with respect to publication timing, study location, spatial and temporal scale of applied remote sensing data, satellite sensors or platforms employed, research topics considered, and overall outcomes of the studies. This enabled us to provide a comprehensive overview of past achievements, current efforts, major research topics studies, EO product gaps/challenges, and to propose ways in which challenges may be overcome. It is hoped that this review will motivate discussion and encourage uptake of new remote sensing tools (e.g., Google Earth Engine (GEE)), data (e.g., the Sentinel satellites), improved vegetation parameters (e.g., red-edge related indices, vegetation optical depth (VOD)) and methodologies (e.g., data fusion or deep learning, etc.), where these have potential applications in monitoring dryland forests

    Improving above ground biomass estimates of Southern Africa dryland forests by combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery

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    Having the ability to make accurate assessments of above ground biomass (AGB) at high spatial resolution is invaluable for the management of dryland forest resources in areas at risk from deforestation, forest degradation pressure and climate change impacts. This study reports on the use of satellite-based synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) and multispectral imagery for estimating AGB by correlating satellite observations with ground truth data collected on forest plots from dryland forests in the Chobe National Park, Botswana. We undertook nineteen quantitative experiments with Sentinel-1 (S1), and Sentinel-2 (S2) and tested simple and multivariate regression including parametric (linear) and non-parametric (random forests) algorithms, to explore the optimal approaches for AGB estimation. The largest AGB value of 145 Mg/ha was found in northern Chobe while a large part of the study area (85%) is characterized by low AGB values (80 Mg/ha AGB, whereas the inclusion of SAR backscatter and optical red edge bands (B5) significantly reduces saturation effects in areas of high biomass. GNDVI and red edge (B5) derived vegetation indices have more potential for estimating AGB in dryland forests than NDVI. Our results demonstrate that dryland AGB can be estimated with a reasonable level of precision from open access Earth observation data using multivariate random forest regression

    Fish (Fluorescence in situ hybridization) to Detect Effects of Smoking, Caffeine, and Alcohol on Human Sperm Chromosomes

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    Hypogonadism in Systemic Diseases

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    Serum testosterone is often lower than normal in patients with acute or chronic systemic diseases. The underlying mechanisms involved in the reduced testosterone secretion depend on the type of systemic disease; thus, many pathogenetic mechanisms might be involved. These mechanisms involve the hypothalamus and the pituitary (secondary hypogonadism), the testis (primary hypogonadism), or both. The resulting low-serum testosterone could be reversible or not depending on the pathogenetic mechanism. Furthermore, the relationships between hypogonadism and the systemic disease are complex since these two clinical conditions may interact with each other in a bidirectional interplay. How to interpret low-serum testosterone in systemic diseases is not easy and univocal. Biochemical hypogonadism should be differentiated into overt clinical hypogonadism and functional hypogonadism, and testosterone treatment should be offered taking into account the primary systemic disease and the possible beneficial or harmful effect on it, as well as the presence of signs and symptoms of hypogonadism. In this chapter the main systemic illnesses associated with hypogonadism will be discussed together with their underlying pathogenetic mechanisms, clinical significance, relevance, and clinical and practical implications