153 research outputs found

    Biomolecular Filters for Improved Separation of Output Signals in Enzyme Logic Systems Applied to Biomedical Analysis

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    Biomolecular logic systems processing biochemical input signals and producing "digital" outputs in the form of YES/NO were developed for analysis of physiological conditions characteristic of liver injury, soft tissue injury and abdominal trauma. Injury biomarkers were used as input signals for activating the logic systems. Their normal physiological concentrations were defined as logic-0 level, while their pathologically elevated concentrations were defined as logic-1 values. Since the input concentrations applied as logic 0 and 1 values were not sufficiently different, the output signals being at low and high values (0, 1 outputs) were separated with a short gap making their discrimination difficult. Coupled enzymatic reactions functioning as a biomolecular signal processing system with a built-in filter property were developed. The filter process involves a partial back-conversion of the optical-output-signal-yielding product, but only at its low concentrations, thus allowing the proper discrimination between 0 and 1 output values

    Lipidna peroksidacija i aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima radnika profesionalno izloženih aluminiju

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    Current research indicates that lipid peroxidation could have a role in aluminium toxicity. The aim of this study was to asses lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzyme activity in erythrocytes of workers occupationally exposed to aluminium. We investigated a group of 59 workers (Al group) exposed to aluminium fumes (contamination factor F=8.07 to 13.47, national maximal allowed concentration value is 2 mg m-3). The control group (C group) consisted of 75 subjects employed in lime production who had not been occupationally exposed to aluminium or any known toxic substance. Erythrocyte aluminium concentrations were significantly higher in the exposed group than controls [Al group (8.41±3.66) µg L-1, C group (5.60±0.86) µg L-1, p<0.001]. In the Al group, erythrocyte malondialdehyde concentration was also significantly higher [Al group (189.59±81.27) µmol L-1, C group (105.21±49.62) µmol L-1, p<0.001] and antioxidative enzyme activity reduced for glucoso-6-phosphatedehydrogenase [Al group (5.05±1.70) IU g-1 Hb, C group (12.53±4.12) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001], glutathione reductase [Al group (1.41±0.56) IU g-1 Hb, C group (1.89±0.57) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001], glutathione peroxidase [Al group (12.37±5.76) IU g-1 Hb, C group (15.54±4.85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001], catalase [Al group (116.76±26.60) IU g-1 Hb, C group (158.81±71.85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001] and superoxide dismutase [Al group (1175.8±149.9) IU mg-1 Hb, C group (1377.9±207.5) IU mg-1 Hb, p<0.001].Rezultati suvremenih istraživanja pokazuju da lipidna peroksidacija može imati važnu ulogu u toksičnosti aluminija. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita lipidna peroksidacija i aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima kod radnika profesionalno izloženih aluminiju. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćena skupina od 59 radnika (Al skupina) profesionalno izloženih aluminiju (faktor onečišćenja F=8,07 do 13,47, nacionalna maksimalno dopuštena koncentracija je 2 mg m-3). Kontrolna skupina sastojala se od 75 osoba zaposlenih u proizvodnji vapna koje nikada nisu bile profesionalno izložene aluminiju ni drugim toksičnim tvarima. U skupini izloženoj aluminiju utvrđene su statistički signifikantno više koncentracije aluminija u eritrocitima nego u kontrolnoj skupini [Al skupina (8,41±3,66) µg L-1, kontrolna skupina (5,60±0,86) µg L-1, p<0,001]. U Al skupini utvrđene su statistički značajno više koncentracije malondialdehida u eritrocitima [Al skupina (189,59±81,27) µmol L-1, kontrolna skupina (105,21±49,62) µmol L-1, p<0,001]. Također, u Al skupini utvrđene su i statistički značajno niže aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima: glukozo- 6-fosfatdehidrogenaza [Al skupina (5,05±1,70) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (12,53±4,12) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001], glutationreduktaza [Al skupina (1,41±0,56) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (1,89±0,57) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001], glutationperoksidaza [Al skupina (12,37±5,76) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (15,54±4,85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001], katalaza [Al skupina (116,76±26,60) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (158,81±71,85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001] i superoksiddizmutaza [Al skupina (1175,8±149,9) IU mg-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (1377,9±207,5) IU mg-1 Hb, p<0,001]

    Reparameterization of RNA χ Torsion Parameters for the AMBER Force Field and Comparison to NMR Spectra for Cytidine and Uridine

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    A reparameterization of the torsional parameters for the glycosidic dihedral angle, χ, for the AMBER99 force field in RNA nucleosides is used to provide a modified force field, AMBER99χ. Molecular dynamics simulations of cytidine, uridine, adenosine, and guanosine in aqueous solution using the AMBER99 and AMBER99χ force fields are compared with NMR results. For each nucleoside and force field, 10 individual molecular dynamics simulations of 30 ns each were run. For cytidine with AMBER99χ force field, each molecular dynamics simulation time was extended to 120 ns for convergence purposes. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, including one-dimensional (1D) 1H, steady-state 1D 1H nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), and transient 1D 1H NOE, was used to determine the sugar puckering and preferred base orientation with respect to the ribose of cytidine and uridine. The AMBER99 force field overestimates the population of syn conformations of the base orientation and of C2′-endo sugar puckering of the pyrimidines, while the AMBER99χ force field’s predictions are more consistent with NMR results. Moreover, the AMBER99 force field prefers high anti conformations with glycosidic dihedral angles around 310° for the base orientation of purines. The AMBER99χ force field prefers anti conformations around 185°, which is more consistent with the quantum mechanical calculations and known 3D structures of folded ribonucleic acids (RNAs). Evidently, the AMBER99χ force field predicts the structural characteristics of ribonucleosides better than the AMBER99 force field and should improve structural and thermodynamic predictions of RNA structures

    Aberrant Cyclization Affords a C-6 Modified Cyclic Adenosine 5′-Diphosphoribose Analogue with Biological Activity in Jurkat T Cells

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    *S Supporting Information ABSTRACT: Two nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD +) analogues modified at the 6 position of the purine ring were synthesized, and their substrate properties toward Aplysia californica ADP-ribosyl cyclase were investigated. 6-N-Methyl NAD + (6-N-methyl nicotinamide adenosine 5′-dinucleotide 10) hydrolyzes to give the linear 6-N-methyl ADPR (adenosine 5′-diphosphoribose, 11), whereas 6-thio NHD + (nicotinamide 6-mercaptopurine 5′-dinucleotide, 17) generates a cyclic dinucleotide. Surprisingly, NMR correlation spectra confirm this compound to be the N1 cyclic product 6-thio N1-cIDPR (6-thio cyclic inosine 5′-diphosphoribose, 3), although the corresponding 6-oxo analogue is well-known to cyclize at N7. In Jurkat T cells, unlike the parent cyclic inosine 5′-diphosphoribose N1-cIDPR 2, 6-thio N1-cIDPR antagonizes both cADPR- and N1cIDPR-induced Ca 2+ release but possesses weak agonist activity at higher concentration. 3 is thus identified as the first C-6 modified cADPR (cyclic adenosine 5′-diphosphoribose) analogue antagonist; it represents the first example of a fluorescent N1cyclized cADPR analogue and is a new pharmacological tool for intervention in the cADPR pathway of cellular signaling

    Amide-controlled, one-pot synthesis of tri-substituted purines generates structural diversity and analogues with trypanocidal activity

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    Anovel one-pot synthesis of tri-substituted purines and the discovery of purine analogues with trypanocidal activity are reported. The reaction is initiated by a metal-free oxidative coupling of primary alkoxides and diaminopyrimidines with Schiff base formation and subsequent annulation in the presence of large N,N-dimethylamides (e.g.N,N-dimethylpropanamide or larger). This synthetic route is in competition with a reaction previously-reported by our group1, allowing the generation of a combinatorial library of tri-substituted purines by the simple modification of the amide and the alkoxide employed. Among the variety of structures generated, two purine analogues displayed trypanocidal activity against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei with IC50 , 5 mM, being each of those compounds obtained through each of the synthetic pathways.J.J.D.M. thanks Spanish Ministerio de Economı´a y Competitividad for a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship. A.U.B. thanks MRC IGMM for an academic fellowship. This work was partially supported by Grant SAF2011-30528 to J.A.G.S.