29 research outputs found
Industry structure, entrepreneurship, and culture: An empirical analysis using historical coalfields
Can Migration Decisions be Affected by Income Policy Interventions? Evidence from Finland
Haapanen M. and Ritsila J. (2007) Can migration decisions be affected by income policy interventions? Evidence from Finland, Regional Studies 41, 339-348. Using Finnish micro-level data, this paper maps out whether migration decisions can be affected by income policy interventions. The analysis focuses on individuals living in peripheral regions and distinguishes peripheral migration from growth-centre migration. In support of the human capital hypothesis, the estimation results imply that migration decisions can be affected by income policy interventions. For example, an intervention that would increase an individual's expected disposable income by 10%, given that he/she does not move to a growth-centre region, would decrease his/her probability of growth-centre migration by approximately 12%. However, the impact appears to be modest compared, for example, with the impact of education on migration. Haapanen M. et Ritsila J. (2007) La decision de migrer, est-elle influee par des politiques des revenus ponctuelles? Des preuves finlandaises, Regional Studies 41, 339-348. A partir des donnees microeconomiques finlandaises, cet article cherche a elaborer si, oui ou non, la decision de migrer est influee par des politiques des revenus ponctuelles. L'analyse porte sur les individus qui habitent les regions a la peripherie et distingue la migration a la peripherie de la migration aux poles de croissance. Pour soutenir l'hypothese du capital humain, les estimations laissent supposer que la decision de migrer peut etre influee par des politiques des revenus ponctuelles. Par exemple, une politique ponctuelle qui augmenterait de 10% le revenu disponible individuel escompte, donne que l'individu n'est pas oblige de migrer a un pole de croissance regional, diminuerait d'environ 12% la probabilite qu'il migrerait a un pole de croissance regional. Cependant, l'impact semble faible par comparaison a l'impact de l'education sur la migration, par exemple. Migration Revenu Politique ponctuelle Choix de destination Haapanen M. und Ritsila J. (2007) Lassen sich Migrationsentscheidungen durch politische Massnahmen hinsichtlich des Einkommens beeinflussen? Belege aus Finnland, Regional Studies 41, 339-348. In diesem Beitrag wird mit Hilfe finnischer Daten auf Mikroebene untersucht, ob sich Migrationsentscheidungen durch politische Massnahmen hinsichtlich des Einkommens beeinflussen lassen. Die Analyse konzentriert sich auf Personen in peripheren Regionen, wobei zwischen einer peripheren Migration und einer Migration zu Wachstumszentren unterschieden wird. Aus den Ergebnissen der Schatzung geht hervor, dass sich Migrationsentscheidungen durch politische Massnahmen hinsichtlich des Einkommens beeinflussen lassen, was die Hypothese des Humankapitals unterstutzt. Wenn sich zum Beispiel durch eine Massnahme das voraussichtliche verfugbare Einkommen einer Person um 10% erhoht, sofern diese Person nicht in ein Wachstumszentrum zieht, sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Migration dieser Person in ein Wachstumszentrum um ca. 12%. Allerdings mutet die Auswirkung auf die Migration beispielsweise im Vergleich zur Auswirkung von Bildung eher bescheiden an. Migration Einkommen Politische Massnahmen Wahl des Zielorts Haapanen M. y Ritsila J. (2007) �Se puede influenciar en las decisiones de migracion mediante medidas politicas sobre ingresos? El ejemplo de Finlandia, Regional Studies 41, 339-348. Con ayuda de datos de Finlandia a nivel micro, en este estudio analizamos si las politicas sobre ingresos pueden influir en las decisiones sobre emigracion. Este analisis se centra en individuos que viven en regiones perifericas y hace una distincion entre la migracion periferica y la migracion hacia centros de crecimiento. Respaldando la hipotesis de capital humano, los resultados de las estimaciones indican que las medidas politicas sobre ingresos pueden influir en las decisiones sobre migracion. Si, por ejemplo, mediante una medida politica los ingresos previstos y disponibles de una persona aumentaran un 10%, a condicion de que esta persona no se trasladase a un centro de crecimiento, su probabilidad de migracion a un centro de crecimiento disminuiria aproximadamente un 12%. Sin embargo, este impacto parece ser modesto si lo comparamos por ejemplo con el impacto de la educacion en migracion. Migracion Ingresos Medidas politicas Eleccion del destinoMigration, Income, Policy interventions, Choice of destination,
Where do the highly educated migrate? Micro-level evidence from finland
This paper analyses the role which migration of highly educated labour plays in human capital reallocation. The study focuses on actual migrants, examining the direct effect of educational attainment on destination choices. The paper uses the ordered probability model and a micro-level data set in econometric analyses. Individual level investigations of migrants show that highly educated migrants are likely to move to urban regions. As a result, the reallocation of highly educated labour, and thereby also the redistribution of human capital, seems to be taking place in Finland.
The effect of polytechnic reform on migration
This paper examines the effect of the polytechnic reform on geographical mobility. A polytechnic, higher education reform took place in Finland in the 1990s. It gradually transformed former vocational colleges into polytechnics and also brought higher
education to regions that did not have a university before. This expansion of higher education provides exogenous variation in the regional supply of higher education. The reform raised the mobility of high school graduates across local labour markets in the years after they had completed their secondary studies, which indicated increased mobility between high school and post-secondary education. We estimate that the reform enhanced the annual migration rate of high school graduates by 1.2 percentage
points over a three-year follow-up period. This represents a substantial increase, because their baseline migration rate is 3.7 per cent. The effect fades several years after the completion of secondary studies.peerReviewe