238 research outputs found

    Narrative review of Ebstein's anomaly beyond childhood: imaging, surgery, and future perspectives

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    Ebstein's anomaly is a rare congenital heart disease with malformation of the tricuspid valve and myopathy of the right ventricle. The septal and inferior leaflets adhere to the endocardium due to failure of delamination. This leads to apical displacement of their hinge points with a shift of the functional tricuspid valve annulus towards the right ventricular outflow tract with a possibly restrictive orifice. Frequently, a coaptation gap yields tricuspid valve regurgitation and over time the "atrialized" portion of the right ventricle may dilate. The highly variable anatomy determines the clinical presentation ranging from asymptomatic to very severe with need for early operation. Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging are the most important diagnostic modalities to assess the tricuspid valve as well as ventricular morphology and function. While medical management of asymptomatic patients can be effective for many years, surgical intervention is indicated before development of significant right ventricular dilatation or dysfunction. Onset of symptoms and arrhythmias are further indications for surgery. Modified cone reconstruction of the tricuspid valve is the state-of-the-art approach yielding the best results for most patients. Alternative procedures for select cases include tricuspid valve replacement and bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt depending on patient age and other individual characteristics. Long-term survival after surgery is favorable but rehospitalization and reoperation remain significant issues. Further studies are warranted to identify the optimal surgical strategy and timing before adverse right ventricular remodeling occurs. It is this article's objective to provide a comprehensive review of current literature and an overview on the management of Ebstein's Anomaly. It focuses on imaging, cardiac surgery, and outcome. Additionally, a brief insight into arrhythmias and their management is given. The "future perspectives" summarize open questions and fields of future research.Thoracic Surger

    Identification of valid housekeeping genes for quantitative RT-PCR analysis of cardiosphere-derived cells preconditioned under hypoxia or with prolyl-4-hydroxylase inhibitors

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    Infarction irreversibly damages the heart, with formation of an akinetic scar that may lead to heart failure. Endogenous cardiac stem cells (CSCs) are a promising candidate cell source for restoring lost tissue and thereby preventing heart failure. CSCs may be isolated in vitro, via the formation of cardiospheres, to give cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs). Although qRT-PCR analyses of CDCs have been performed, no justification for the selection of the housekeeping gene has been published. Here, we evaluated the most suitable housekeeping gene for RNA expression analysis in CDCs cultured under normoxia, hypoxia or with prolyl-4-hydroxylase inhibitors (PHDIs), from both neonatal and adult rats, to determine the effects of ageing and different culture conditions on the stability of the housekeeping gene for CDCs. Six candidate housekeeping genes, [glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), beta-actin (Actb), hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (HPRT-1), beta-2-microtubulin (β2M), 60S acidic ribosomal protein large P1 (RPLP-1) and TATA box binding protein (Tbp)] were evaluated in this study. Analysis using geNorm and NormFinder revealed that GAPDH was the most constant housekeeping gene among all genes tested under normoxia for both neonatal and adult CDCs, whereas Actb was the most stable housekeeping gene under hypoxia. For the PHDI-treated CDCs, overall, GADPH, Actb and β2M were more consistently expressed, whereas HPRT-1, RPLP-1 and Tbp showed unstable expression. The ranking for β2M, HPRT-1 and RPLP-1 stability was different for neonatal and adult cells, indicating that expression of these genes was age-dependent. Lastly, independent of age or culture conditions, Tbp was the least stable housekeeping gene. In conclusion, a combination of Actb and GADPH gave the most reliable normalization for comparative analyses of gene transcription in neonatal and adult rat CDCs preconditioned by hypoxia or PHDIs

    A joint geochemical–geophysical record of time-dependent mantle convection south of Iceland

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    The North Atlantic V-Shaped Ridges (VSRs) provide a spatially extensive and clear record of unsteady mantle convective circulation over >40 My>40 My. VSRs are diachronous ridges of thick crust formed with a periodicity of ∼5 My∼5 My along the Mid Atlantic Ridge, south of Iceland. We present data from a set of dredged basalt samples that shows chemical variation associated with two complete VSR crustal thickness cycles where they intersect the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The new dataset also records chemical variation associated with a VSR crustal thickness cycle along a plate spreading flow-line. Inverse correlations between crustal thickness and both incompatible trace element concentrations and incompatible element ratios such as Nb/Y and La/Sm are observed. Geochemical and crustal thickness observations can be matched using a time-dependent mid-ocean ridge melting model with a basal boundary condition of sinusoidally varying potential temperature. Our observations and models suggest that VSRs are generated when hot patches are carried up the plume stem beneath SE Iceland and spread radially outward within the asthenosphere. These patches are then drawn upward into the melting region when passing beneath the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The geometry of the VSRs and the size of the dynamically supported swell suggest that the Iceland Plume is the strongest plume in the Earth at present, with a volume flux of View the MathML source49±14 km3yr−1

    The temperature of the Icelandic mantle from olivine-spinel aluminum exchange thermometry

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    New crystallization temperatures for four eruptions from the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland are determined using olivine-spinel aluminum exchange thermometry. Differences in the olivine crystallization temperatures between these eruptions are consistent with variable extents of cooling during fractional crystallization. However, the crystallization temperatures for Iceland are systematically offset to higher temperatures than equivalent olivine-spinel aluminum exchange crystallization temperatures published for MORB, an effect that cannot be explained by fractional crystallization. The highest observed crystallization temperature in Iceland is 1399 ± 20°C. In order to convert crystallization temperatures to mantle potential temperature, we developed a model of multilithology mantle melting that tracks the thermal evolution of the mantle during isentropic decompression melting. With this model, we explore the controls on the temperature at which primary melts begin to crystallize, as a function of source composition and the depth from which the magmas are derived. Large differences (200°C) in crystallization temperature can be generated by variations in mantle lithology, a magma's inferred depth of origin, and its thermal history. Combining this model with independent constraints on the magma volume flux and the effect of lithological heterogeneity on melt production, restricted regions of potential temperature-lithology space can be identified as consistent with the observed crystallization temperatures. Mantle potential temperature is constrained to be 1480−30+37 °C for Iceland and 1318−32+44 °C for MORB.O.S. was supported by a Title A Fellowship from Trinity College Cambridge and a Geology Option Postdoctoral Fellowship at Caltech

    What is new in pediatric cardiac imaging?

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    Cardiac imaging has had significant influence on the science and practice of pediatric cardiology. Especially the development and improvements made in noninasive imaging techniques, like echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have been extremely important. Technical advancements in the field of medical imaging are quickly being made. This review will focus on some of the important evolutions in pediatric cardiac imaging. Techniques such as intracardiac echocardiography, 3D echocardiography, and tissue Doppler imaging are relatively new echocardiographic techniques, which further optimize the anatomical and functional aspects of congenital heart disease. Also, the current standing of cardiac MRI and cardiac computerized tomography will be discussed. Finally, the recent European efforts to organize training and accreditation in pediatric echocardiography are highlighted

    Echocardiography in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: usefulness of old and new techniques in the diagnosis and pathophysiological assessment

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most common inherited cardiomyopathy. The identification of patients with HCM is sometimes still a challenge. Moreover, the pathophysiology of the disease is complex because of left ventricular hyper-contractile state, diastolic dysfunction, ischemia and obstruction which can be coexistent in the same patient. In this review, we discuss the current and emerging echocardiographic methodology that can help physicians in the correct diagnostic and pathophysiological assessment of patients with HCM