313 research outputs found

    Utjecaj hlađenja na mikrobiološku kvalitetu površine svinjskih polovica i post mortalne procese u mesu svinja

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    The aim of the study was to observe the microclimatic conditions in chilling room and their influenceonpork temperature, pH value, amount of lactic acid, and microbiological quality of pig carcasses surface. During the experiment, the temperatures in chilling room and the temperatures of meat corresponded with valid food legislation. The values of relative humidity were in one third of measurements lower and in more than a half of measurements higher than limits prescribed. Higher values of relative humidity have adversely influencedthereductionof aerobic plate counts. In two cases, the non-standard post-mortal process (evaluated on the basis of pH value and the amount of lactic acid) was discovered.Cilj istraživanja je bilo praćenje mikroklimatskih uvjeta u prostoriji za hlađenje svinjetine i njihov utjecaj na temperaturu mesa, pH vrijednost, količinu mliječne kiseline kao i mikrobiološku kvalitetu površine svinjskih polovica. Tijekom pokusa temperature u prostoriji za hlađenje i temperature mesa bile su sukladne važećim propisima za hranu. Rezultati mjerenja relativne vlage su kod jedne trećine mjerenja pokazivali niže a kod više od polovine mjerenja više vrijednosti od propisanih. Više vrijednosti relativne vlage štetno su utjecale na smanjenje broja aerobnih bakterija. U dva je slučaja utvrđen nestandardni post mortalni proces (procijenjen na temelju pH vrijednosti i količine mliječne kiseline)

    Usporedba kakvoće dimljenih smrznutih i ohlađenih proizvoda od pačjeg mesa

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    The aim of the project was to assess the influence of processes of preservation (chilling and freezing) on quali-ty parameters of the thermally treated poultry meat pro-ducts. Duck breasts were first defrosted, and then cooked and preserved by chilling and deep-freezing. In the next phase, the individual sensory, physical and chemical, and microbiological parameters were compared. Observation of their influence on qualitative properties of both products followed. Comparison of quality of smoked duck breasts preserved by freezing and chilling proved that both ways of preservation did not affect the original properties of products. Even some of the examined individual sensory parameters (taste, flavor, and tenderness)showed higher values in pair test. Microbiological quality of both products was in accordance with requirements of the Codex alimentarius of the Slovak Republic.Cilj ispitivanja je bila procjena utjecaja procesa konzerviranja (hlađenja i smrzavanja) na kvalitativne parametre termički obrađenih proizvoda od mesa peradi. Pačja prsa su najprije odmrznuta, a zatim kuhana i konzervirana hlađenjem ili smrzavanjem. U sljedećoj fazi, uspoređeni su pojedini senzorni, te fizikalni, kemijski i mikrobiološki parametri. Nakon toga je slijedilo praćenje njihovog utjecaja na kvalitativna svojstva oba proizvoda. Usporedba kakvoće dimljenih pačjih prsiju, prethodno smrznutih ili ohlađenih, pokazala je da oba načina konzerviranja ne utječu na izvorna svojstva proizvoda iako su u analizi pojedinih senzornih parametara (okus, miris i nježnost) veće vrijednosti dobivene u parnim usporednim testovima. Mikrobiološka kakvoća oba proizvoda bila je sukladna zahtjevima Codex alimentarius Republike Slovačke

    Aeroelastic Tailoring for Stability Augmentation and Performance Enhancements of Tiltrotor Aircraft

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    The requirements for increased speed and productivity for tiltrotors has spawned several investigations associated with proprotor aeroelastic stability augmentation and aerodynamic performance enhancements. Included among these investigations is a focus on passive aeroelastic tailoring concepts which exploit the anisotropic capabilities of fiber composite materials. Researchers at Langley Research Center and Bell Helicopter have devoted considerable effort to assess the potential for using these materials to obtain aeroelastic responses which are beneficial to the important stability and performance considerations of tiltrotors. Both experimental and analytical studies have been completed to examine aeroelastic tailoring concepts for the tiltrotor, applied either to the wing or to the rotor blades. This paper reviews some of the results obtained in these aeroelastic tailoring investigations and discusses the relative merits associated with these approaches

    Transmission dynamics of an insect-specific flavivirus in a naturally infected Culex pipiens laboratory colony and effects of co-infection on vector competence for West Nile virus

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    AbstractWe established a laboratory colony of Culex pipiens mosquitoes from eggs collected in Colorado and discovered that mosquitoes in the colony are naturally infected with Culex flavivirus (CxFV), an insect-specific flavivirus. In this study we examined transmission dynamics of CxFV and effects of persistent CxFV infection on vector competence for West Nile virus (WNV). We found that vertical transmission is the primary mechanism for persistence of CxFV in Cx. pipiens, with venereal transmission potentially playing a minor role. Vector competence experiments indicated possible early suppression of WNV replication by persistent CxFV infection in Cx. pipiens. This is the first description of insect-specific flavivirus transmission dynamics in a naturally infected mosquito colony and the observation of delayed dissemination of superinfecting WNV suggests that the presence of CxFV may impact the intensity of enzootic transmission of WNV and the risk of human exposure to this important pathogen

    To glove or not to glove? Investigations into the potential contamination from handling of paper-based cultural heritage through forensic fingerprinting approaches

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    The handling of cultural heritage objects has become a highly debated topic in the last decade. The work and outcomes described in this paper are aimed to provide objective data to assist in making appropriate decisions as to whether or not wearing gloves is appropriate in a given situation. The forensic fingermark development techniques of 1,2-indandione and single metal deposition II were used to investigate the efficacy of handwashing and glove use to improve the information available when deciding whether to use gloves when handling paper objects. It was found that fingermarks did not permeate through polymer glove types but could through cotton gloves. It was also shown that the amounts of observable fingermark residues were greater 5 min after handwashing than if handwashing had not occurred, undermining previous arguments for not wearing gloves if hands could be washed before object handling

    Usporedba kakvoće strojno otkoštenog mesa peradi upotrebom različitih postupaka separacije

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    Selected parameters of quality (hydroxyproline, calcium, bone particles content, and histological determination of bone particles) of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM - „firmseparation“ and soft separation „Baadermeat“) were compared. Comparison of results with composition (except bone particles) of fresh poultry meat (breast and thigh muscles) was performed. Hydroxyproline content was significantly different and the mean value of hydroxyproline content was in mechanically deboned meat more than two-fold higher in comparison with Baader meat (333.17 mg.100g-1, 152.90 mg.100g-1 respectively). Similar results were achieved in calcium content (1.94g.kg-1, 1.05 g.kg-1 respectively). The mean content of bone particles was 0.27 % (MDPM) and 0.034 % (Baader). Finally, histological determination of bone particles in MDPM and Baader meat was carried out.U radu su uspoređeni odabrani parametri kakvoće (hidroksiprolin, kalcij, sadržaj čestica kostiju i histološko određivanje čestica kostiju) strojno otkošteog mesa peradi (engl. mechanically deboned poultry meat; MDPM -„čvrsta separacija“ i „meka separacija“ „Baader meso“). Rezultati su uspoređeni sa sastavom (izuzev koštanih čestica) svje žeg pilećeg mesa (mišići prsiju i bataka). Sadržaj hidroksi prolina pokazivao je značajne razlike, a srednja vrijednost sadržaja hidroksiprolina u strojno otkoštenom mesu bila je dvostruko veća u odnosu na „Baader meso“ (333,17 mg.100g-1, odnosno 152,90 mg.100g-1). Analiza sadržaja kalcija dala je slične rezultate (1,94g.kg-1, odnosno 1,05 g.kg-1). Srednji sadržaj čestica kostiju iznosio je 0,27 % (MDPM) i 0,034 % („Baader“). Provedeno je histološko određivanje čestica kostiju u MDPM i „Baader“ mesu

    Zakonodavstvo Republike Slovačke vezano uz divljač i meso divljači

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    Basic legislative frame of breeding of game as farm animals is included in the Veterinary care law No. 488/2002 Z.z. with amendments, Food act No. 152/1995 Z.z. with amendments. Veterinary care law (488/2002 Z.z.) establishes veterinary requirements for live animals and also for products of animal origin, including animal products in relation to the public health protection. Government regulations were added to the Veterinary care law in the process of implementation of EU Directives into national legislation. Food act 152/1995 Z.z. establishes conditions of production of food and other animal products, their handling and placing on the market to support and protect consumers and their health, and the roles and organisation of food supervision and keeping of rules. Requirements for health safety, hygiene, composition and quality of food, ingredients, technological processes used in food production, packaging, marking, storage, transportation, handling and distribution, and also rules for sampling and sample analysis procedures are established in the Food code of the Slovak Republic.Osnovni zakonski okvir za uzgoj divljači na farmama uključen je u Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi br. 488/2002 Z.z. s izmjenama, Zakon o hrani br. 152/1995 Z.z. s izmjenama. Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi (488/2002 Z.z.) određuje veterinarske zahtjeve za žive životinje kao i za namirnice životinjskog porijekla, uključivši životinjske proizvode, a koji se odnose na zaštitu ljudskog zdravlja. U Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi dodani su državni propisi u procesu primjene EU propisa u nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Zakon o hrani br. 152/1995 Z.z. određuje uvjete proizvodnje hrane i drugih životinjskih proizvoda, rukovanje s istima te stavljanje namirnica životinjskog porijekla na tržište u cilju potpore i zaštite potrošača i njihovog zdravlja, kao i ulogu i organizaciju zdravstvenog nadzora namirnica, te poštivanje propisa. Zakon o hrani Republike Slovačke određuje zahtjeve za zdravstvenu i higijensku ispravnost namirnica, njihov sastav i kakvoću, sastojke, tehnološke procese koji se primjenjuju u proizvodnji hrane, opremanje, označavanje, skladištenje, prijevoz, rukovanje i promet, kao i propise za uzorkovanje i postupke analize uzoraka

    Microbial composition analyses by 16S rRNA sequencing: A proof of concept approach to provenance determination of archaeological ochre

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Many archaeological science studies use the concept of “provenance”, where the origins of cultural material can be determined through physical or chemical properties that relate back to the origins of the material. Recent studies using DNA profiling of bacteria have been used for the forensic determination of soils, towards determination of geographic origin. This manuscript presents a novel approach to the provenance of archaeological minerals and related materials through the use of 16S rRNA sequencing analysis of microbial DNA. Through the microbial DNA characterization from ochre and multivariate statistics, we have demonstrated the clear discrimination between four distinct Australian cultural ochre sites

    Antimicrobial modification of PLA scaffolds with ascorbic and fumaric acids via plasma treatment

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    An optimal medical scaffold should be biocompatible and biodegradable and should have adequate mechanical properties and scaffold architecture porosity, a precise three-dimensional shape, and a reasonable manufacturing method. Polylactic acid (PLA) is a natural biodegradable thermoplastic aliphatic polyester that can be fabricated into nanofiber structures through many techniques, and electrospinning is one of the most widely used methods. Medical fiber mat scaffolds have been associated with inflammation and infection and, in some cases, have resulted in tissue degradation. Therefore, surface modification with antimicrobial agents represents a suitable solution if the mechanical properties of the fiber mats are not affected. In this study, the surfaces of electrospun PLA fiber mats were modified with naturally occurring L-ascorbic acid (ASA) or fumaric acid (FA) via a plasma treatment method. It was found that 30 s of radio-frequency (RF) plasma treatment was effective enough for the wettability enhancement and hydroperoxide formation needed for subsequent grafting reactions with antimicrobial agents upon their decomposition. This modification led to changes in the surface properties of the PLA fiber mats, which were analyzed by various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. FTIR-ATR confirmed the chemical composition changes after the modification process and the surface morphology/topography changes were proven by SEM and AFM. Moreover, nanomechanical changes of prepared PLA fiber mats were investigated by AFM using amplitude modulation-frequency modulation (AM-FM) technique. A significant enhancement in antimicrobial activity of such modified PLA fiber mats against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative Escherichia coli are demonstrated herein. © 2020 The AuthorsQatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation) [22-076-1-011]; Qatar University Collaborative Grant [QUCG-CAM-20/21-3]; Czech Science FoundationGrant Agency of the Czech Republic [19-16861S

    Usporedba kakvoće strojno otkoštenog mesa peradi upotrebom različitih postupaka separacije

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    Selected parameters of quality (hydroxyproline, calcium, bone particles content, and histological determination of bone particles) of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM - „firmseparation“ and soft separation „Baadermeat“) were compared. Comparison of results with composition (except bone particles) of fresh poultry meat (breast and thigh muscles) was performed. Hydroxyproline content was significantly different and the mean value of hydroxyproline content was in mechanically deboned meat more than two-fold higher in comparison with Baader meat (333.17 mg.100g-1, 152.90 mg.100g-1 respectively). Similar results were achieved in calcium content (1.94g.kg-1, 1.05 g.kg-1 respectively). The mean content of bone particles was 0.27 % (MDPM) and 0.034 % (Baader). Finally, histological determination of bone particles in MDPM and Baader meat was carried out.U radu su uspoređeni odabrani parametri kakvoće (hidroksiprolin, kalcij, sadržaj čestica kostiju i histološko određivanje čestica kostiju) strojno otkošteog mesa peradi (engl. mechanically deboned poultry meat; MDPM -„čvrsta separacija“ i „meka separacija“ „Baader meso“). Rezultati su uspoređeni sa sastavom (izuzev koštanih čestica) svje žeg pilećeg mesa (mišići prsiju i bataka). Sadržaj hidroksi prolina pokazivao je značajne razlike, a srednja vrijednost sadržaja hidroksiprolina u strojno otkoštenom mesu bila je dvostruko veća u odnosu na „Baader meso“ (333,17 mg.100g-1, odnosno 152,90 mg.100g-1). Analiza sadržaja kalcija dala je slične rezultate (1,94g.kg-1, odnosno 1,05 g.kg-1). Srednji sadržaj čestica kostiju iznosio je 0,27 % (MDPM) i 0,034 % („Baader“). Provedeno je histološko određivanje čestica kostiju u MDPM i „Baader“ mesu