392 research outputs found

    Capital Allocation and Timely Accounting Recognition of Economic Losses

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    This paper explores direct relations between corporate investment behavior and the timeliness of accounting recognition of economic losses (TLR) reflected in a country’s accounting regime. We explicitly investigate the extent to which TLR plays a role in disciplining the investment decisions of firm managers. Building on the idea that asymmetric verification standards underpin TLR, we hypothesize that TLR has an asymmetric impact on investment behavior that depends on whether a firm is facing a decrease or an increase in investment opportunities. Specifically, we hypothesize that the sensitivity of investment to a decline in investment opportunities is increasing in country-level TLR, consistent with more timely loss recognition disciplining managers to avoid negative net present value projects. On the other hand, we hypothesize that TLR will not influence the sensitivity of investment responses to increasing investment opportunities. Using firm-level investment decisions spanning twenty five countries, we find that investment responses to declining opportunities increases with TLR, while we find no evidence that TLR influences the sensitivity of investment to increasing investment opportunities. Our results are robust to alternative estimates of TLR, alternative estimates of investment responses to changing investment opportunities, and to controls for important country-level, industry-level, and firm-level variables that may impact firms’ investment decisions

    Does Regulatory Environment affect Earnings Management in Transitional Economies? An Empirical Examination of the Financial Reporting Quality of Cross-Listed Firms of China and Hong Kong

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    This chapter provides evidence on the impact of regulatory environment on financial reporting quality of transitional economies. This study compares the financial reporting quality of Hong Kong firms which are cross-listed in mainland China with those of Hong Kong firms cross-listed in China using specific earnings management metrics (earnings smoothing, timely loss recognition, value relevance and managing towards earnings targets) under pre- and post-IFRS regimes. The financial reporting quality of Chinese A-share companies and Hong Kong listed companies are examined using earnings management measures. Using 2007 as base year, the study used a cumulative of −5 and +5 years of convergence experience which provide a total of 3,000 firm-year observations. In addition to regression analyses, we used the difference-in-difference analysis to check for the impact of regulatory environments on earnings management. Through the lens of contingency theory, our results indicate that the adoption of the new substantially IFRS-convergent accounting standards in China results in better financial reporting quality evidenced by less earning management. The empirical results further shows that accounting data are more value relevant for Hong Kong listed firms, and that firms listed in China are more likely to engage in accrual-based earnings management than in real earnings management activities. We established that different earnings management practices that are seemingly tolerable in one country may not be tolerable in another due to level of differences in the regulatory environments. The findings show that Hong Kong listed companies’ exhibit higher level of financial reporting quality than Chinese listed companies, which implies that the financial reporting quality under IFRS can be significantly different in regions with different institutional, economic and regulatory environments. The results imply that contingent factors such as country’s institutional structures, its extent of regulation and the strength of its investor protection environments impact on financial reporting quality particularly in transitional and emerging economies. As such, these factors need to be given appropriate considerations by financial reporting regulators and policy-makers interested in controlling earnings management practices among their corporations. This study is a high impact study considering that China plays a significant role in today’s globalised economy. This study is unique as it the first, that we are aware of, to compare real earnings activities against accrual-based earnings management in pre- and post-IFRS adoption periods within the Chinese and Hong Kong financial reporting environments, distinguishing between cross-listed and non-cross-listed firms.N/

    IFRS, synchronicity, and financial crisis: the dynamics of accounting information for the Brazilian capital market

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    ABSTRACT This study aims is to investigate the synchronicity levels of shares traded on the spot market of the São Paulo Stock, Commodities , and Futures Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) in relation to the accounting convergence process towards International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil. The term synchronicity refers to the amount that company-specific information and market information are reflected in stock prices. The more share prices reflect company-specific information rather than market information, the greater the informational content of these prices will be in terms of representing the economic value of a particular company. For this investigation, information on companies and shares from 2005 to 2015 was collected, excluding the financial sector. The data were analyzed using cross-sectional and panel regressions. The results indicate a reduction in the synchronicity levels of stocks in the period of full adoption of IFRS in Brazil from 2010 onwards. From 2008 to 2009, which includes the partial adoption of IFRS in Brazil, statistically significant results were not found for the synchronicity levels of shares. However, for times of financial crisis, evidence was found of a reduction in the relevance of accounting information even with the adoption of international accounting standards. The results obtained for the Brazilian context do not support the idea that the adoption of IFRS necessarily causes an increase in the informational content of financial statements and that relevant information is consequently reflected in stock prices
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