257 research outputs found

    Strongly magnetized classical plasma models

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    Discrete particle processes in the presence of a strong external magnetic field were investigated. These processes include equations of state and other equilibrium thermodynamic relations, thermal relaxation phenomena, transport properties, and microscopic statistical fluctuations in such quantities as the electric field and the charge density. Results from the equilibrium statistical mechanics of two-dimensional plasmas are discussed, along with nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of the electrostatic guiding-center plasma (a two-dimensional plasma model)

    Foraging Behaviour and Intake in Temperate Cultivated Grasslands

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    In temperate areas, grazing provides a large part of the nutrient requirements of ruminants and may be an important form of land use. In Europe, grassland occupies some 150 million hectares, and grazing provides about 60 to 75% of the nutrient requirements of cattle (Wilkins and Vidrih 2000). From the end of the 80’s, agricultural surpluses in Europe have led to production quotas and increased interest in more extensive systems. At the beginning of the 90’s, the emergence of the notion of sustainable agriculture combining economic, social (concerns in dereliction of less-favoured rural areas), and environmental issues (pollution, loss of biodiversity arising from intensification, environmental degradation…) strengthened the emphasis on livestock farming systems based on grazing. The challenge is to develop grazing systems that contribute to the economic sustainability of agriculture, that able to ensure the preservation of the rural landscape, with minimum recourse to non-renewable resources, while preserving and/or improving the environment. Grazing systems are further favoured by the ‘green’ image of their products, grassland-based food production being considered as safe, ‘natural’ and respectful towards animal welfare. Recent findings demonstrated the nutritional advantages of grassland-based food products (Demeyer and Doreau 1999), and the possibility of traceing grass-feeding in animal products by the use of biomarkers (Prache and Theriez 1999). In the milk production systems of Europe, milk quotas have increased the pressure on production costs so emphasizing the interest in increasing the animals’ voluntary intake from grazed swards. Environmental concerns have questioned N fertilisation and cattle waste management. Both renewed interest in increasing the use of legumes in swards. In grasslands areas that are devoted to beef cattle and sheep, systems are generally more extensive; farmers have to manage larger flocks on larger and more diversified areas, and to conciliate production with environmental objectives (maintaining open landscapes, contributing to landscape biodiversity)

    Does the Feeding Behaviour of Dairy Cows Differ When Fed Ryegrass Indoors vs. Grazing?

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    Dairy cows eating ryegrass ingest smaller boli when grazing than when fed indoors (93 vs. 142 g; Boudon et al., 2004). To investigate whether this difference in bolus affects feeding behaviour of the cows, an automated system (chewing halters) was used to monitor feeding behaviour of cows given ad libitum access to perennial ryegrass in individual feed troughs (indoor feeding, IF) or at pasture (grazing, GR)

    Modified Debye-Huckel Electron Shielding and Penetration Factor

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    Screened potential, modified by non standard electron cloud distributions responsible for the shielding effect on fusion of reacting nuclei in astrophysical plasmas, is derived. The case of clouds with depleted tails in space coordinates is discussed. The modified screened potential is obtained both from statistical mechanics arguments based on fluctuations of the inverse of the Debye-Huckel radius and from the solution of a Bernoulli equation used in generalized statistical mechanics. Plots and tables useful in evaluating penetration probability at any energy are provided.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Variation Between Individuals in Voluntary Intake and Herbage Intake of Grazing Dairy Cows

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    Herbage intake and milk yield of unsupplemented grazing dairy cows are highly variable between animals within a herd (Delaby et al., 2001). The objective of this experiment was to describe the relationship between the individual voluntary intake (VI) of dairy cows measured before turnout and their herbage intake at grazing, at two herbage allowances

    Wannier functions analysis of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a periodic potential

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    In the present Letter we use the Wannier function basis to construct lattice approximations of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a periodic potential. We show that the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a periodic potential is equivalent to a vector lattice with long-range interactions. For the case-example of the cosine potential we study the validity of the so-called tight-binding approximation i.e., the approximation when nearest neighbor interactions are dominant. The results are relevant to Bose-Einstein condensate theory as well as to other physical systems like, for example, electromagnetic wave propagation in nonlinear photonic crystals.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Heating of gas inside radio sources to mildly relativistic temperatures via induced Compton scattering

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    Measured values of the brightness temperature of low-frequency synchrotron radiation emitted by powerful extragalactic sources reach 10^11--10^12 K. If some amount of nonrelativistic ionized gas is present within such sources, it should be heated as a result of induced Compton scattering of the radiation. If this heating is counteracted by cooling due to inverse Compton scattering of the same radio radiation, then the plasma can be heated up to mildly relativistic temperatures kT~10--100 keV. The stationary electron velocity distribution can be either relativistic Maxwellian or quasi-Maxwellian (with the high-velocity tail suppressed), depending on the efficiency of Coulomb collisions and other relaxation processes. We derive several easy-to-use approximate expressions for the induced Compton heating rate of mildly relativistic electrons in an isotropic radiation field, as well as for the stationary distribution function and temperature of electrons. We also give analytic expressions for the kernel of the integral kinetic equation (one as a function of the scattering angle and another for the case of an isotropic radiation field), which describes the redistribution of photons in frequency caused by induced Compton scattering in thermal plasma. These expressions can be used in the parameter range hnu<< kT<~ 0.1mc^2 (the formulae earlier published in Sazonov, Sunyaev, 2000 are less accurate).Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Astronomy Letter

    The profile of a narrow line after single scattering by Maxwellian electrons: relativistic corrections to the kernel of the integral kinetic equation

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    The frequency distribution of photons in frequency that results from single Compton scattering of monochromatic radiation on thermal electrons is derived in the mildly relativistic limit. Algebraic expressions are given for (1) the photon redistribution function, K(nu,Omega -> nu',Omega'), and (2) the spectrum produced in the case of isotropic incident radiation, P(nu -> nu'). The former is a good approximation for electron temperatures kT_e < 25 keV and photon energies hnu < 50 keV, and the latter is applicable when hnu(hnu/m_ec^2) < kT_e < 25 keV, hnu < 50 keV. Both formulae can be used for describing the profiles of X-ray and low-frequency lines upon scattering in hot, optically thin plasmas, such as present in clusters of galaxies, in the coronae of accretion disks in X-ray binaries and AGNs, during supernova explosions, etc. Both formulae can also be employed as the kernels of the corresponding integral kinetic equations (direction-dependent and isotropic) in the general problem of Comptonization on thermal electrons. The K(nu,Omega -> nu',Omega') kernel, in particular, is applicable to the problem of induced Compton interaction of anisotropic low-frequency radiation of high brightness temperature with free electrons in the vicinity of powerful radiosources and masers. Fokker-Planck-type expansion (up to fourth order) of the integral kinetic equation with the P(nu -> nu') kernel derived here leads to a generalization of the Kompaneets equation. We further present (1) a simpler kernel that is necessary and sufficient to derive the Kompaneets equation and (2) an expression for the angular function for Compton scattering in a hot plasma, which includes temperature and photon energy corrections to the Rayleigh angular function.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, uses emulateapj.sty, corrects misprints in previous astro-ph versio
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