243 research outputs found

    A multifractal approach to characterize cumulative rainfall and tillage effects on soil surface micro-topography and to predict depression storage

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    Most of the indices currently employed for assessing soil surface micro-topography, such as random roughness (RR), are merely descriptors of its vertical component. Recently, multifractal analysis provided a new insight for describing the spatial configuration of soil surface roughness. The main objective of this study was to test the ability of multifractal parameters to assess in field conditions the decay of initial surface roughness induced by natural rainfall under different soil tillage systems. In addition, we evaluated the potential of the joint use of multifractal indices plus RR to improve predictions of water storage in depressions of the soil surface (MDS). Field experiments were performed on an Oxisol at Campinas, São Paulo State (Brazil). Six tillage treatments, namely, disc harrow, disc plough, chisel plough, disc harrow + disc level, disc plough + disc level and chisel plough + disc level were tested. In each treatment soil surface micro-topography was measured four times, with increasing amounts of natural rainfall, using a pin meter. The sampling scheme was a square grid with 25 × 25 mm point spacing and the plot size was 1350 × 1350 mm (≈1.8 m<sup>2</sup>), so that each data set consisted of 3025 individual elevation points. Duplicated measurements were taken per treatment and date, yielding a total of 48 experimental data sets. MDS was estimated from grid elevation data with a depression-filling algorithm. Multifractal analysis was performed for experimental data sets as well as for oriented and random surface conditions obtained from the former by removing slope and slope plus tillage marks, respectively. All the investigated microplots exhibited multifractal behaviour, irrespective of surface condition, but the degree of multifractality showed wide differences between them. Multifractal parameters provided valuable information for characterizing the spatial features of soil micro-topography as they were able to discriminate data sets with similar values for the vertical component of roughness. Conversely, both, rough and smooth soil surfaces, with high and low roughness values, respectively, can display similar levels of spectral complexity. Although in most of the studied cases trend removal produces increasing homogeneity in the spatial configuration of height readings, spectral complexity of individual data sets may increase or decrease, when slope or slope plus tillage tool marks are filtered. Increased cumulative rainfall had significant effects on various parameters from the generalized dimension, <i>D</i><sub>q</sub>, and singularity spectrum, <i>f</i>(α). Overall, micro-topography decay by rainfall was reflected on a shift of the singularity spectra, <i>f</i>(α) from the left side (<i>q</i>>>0) to the right side (<i>q</i><<0) and also on a shift of the generalized dimension spectra from the right side (<i>q</i>>>0) to the left side (<i>q</i><<0). The use of an exponential model of vertical roughness indices, RR, and multifractal parameters accounting for the spatial configuration such as <i>D</i><sub>1</sub> or <i>D</i><sub>5</sub> improved estimation of water stored in surface depressions

    Use of phytoremediation and biochar to remediate heavy metal polluted soils: a review

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    Anthropogenic activities are resulting in an increase of the use and extraction of heavy metals. Heavy metals cannot be degraded and hence accumulate in the environment, having the potential to contaminate the food chain. This pollution threatens soil quality, plant survival and human health. The remediation of heavy metals deserves attention, but it is impaired by the cost of these processes. Phytoremediation and biochar are two sound environmental technologies which could be at the forefront to mitigate soil pollution. This review provides an overview of the state of the art of the scientific research on phytoremediation and biochar application to remediate heavy-metal-contaminated soils. Research to date has attempted only in a limited number of occasions to combine both techniques, however we discuss the potential advantages of combining both, and the potential mechanisms involved in the interaction between phytoremediators and biochar. We identified specific research needs to ensure a sustainable use of phytoremediation and biochar as remediation tools

    Contrasting Impacts of Grazing on Soil Properties and Plant Communities between Semiarid and Temperate Rangeland Ecosystems

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    We discuss how grazing by large herbivores as a land use option does not necessarily involve a trade-off in terms of soil carbon (C) storage, by presenting results from field grazing gradient experiments from rangeland ecosystems under different climatic conditions in semiarid grasslands from Central Mexico and temperate ecosystems from Northern England. In general, moderate grazing pressure did not reduce soil C in both ecosystems after comparisons with long-term grazing exclusions, and moderate grazing even showed higher soil C in the semiarid area. In the semiarid area, our results are likely explained by grazing tolerance of plant species in moderate grazing pressure, and by effects of herbivores on plant community structure and proportion of bare soil in heavy grazing pressure. In the temperate area, C losses might be more linked to temperature-limitation on heterotrophic soil C respiration. Our results indicate that moderate grazing is compatible with soil C storage, although we also provide warnings against this generalisation under scenarios of climate warming

    Efecto de la adición de restos de poda y biochar en las propiedades de una turba parda como sustrato de cultivo

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    Las turberas realizan la función de sumidero de carbono en los ecosistemas terrestres pero debido a su excesivo uso como combustible o como medio de cultivo se está produciendo la sobreexplotación de este recurso no renovable. En los últimos años se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones con el objetivo de encontrar sustratos procedentes de diferentes residuos orgánicos que sean de alta calidad y bajo coste con el fin de disminuir el consumo de turba

    Erosão hídrica em campo nativo sob diversos manejos: perdas de água e solo e de fósforo, potássio e amônio na água de enxurrada.

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    Os campos nativos do sul do Brasil são utilizados para o pastejo de bovinos e ovinos. Após o verão, no início da estação fria, a fitomassa excedente do pastejo seca, sendo comum sua queima para facilitar o rebrote da pastagem na primavera. No entanto, a queima da fitomassa mineraliza nutrientes e deixa o solo descoberto, potencializando a erosão hídrica. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de quantificar as perdas totais de água e solo e os teores de P, K e NH4 + na água da enxurrada, em campo nativo sobre um Latossolo Bruno aluminoférrico típico. Foram estudados os tratamentos: campo nativo sem queima e sem adubo; campo nativo sem queima e com superfosfato triplo; campo nativo com queima e sem adubo; e campo nativo com queima e com superfosfato triplo. Sobre as parcelas, com 11 m de comprimento, na direção do declive, e 3,5 m de largura, aplicou-se uma chuva simulada com intensidade de 75 mm h-1 e duração de 3 h. A queima influenciou a erosão hídrica e as perdas de nutrientes. A queima da fitomassa do campo nativo diminuiu os tempos de início e pico da enxurrada e a infiltração de água no solo, bem como aumentou a taxa máxima de enxurrada, as perdas de água e solo por erosão hídrica e os teores e as perdas totais de P, K e NH4 + na água de enxurrada, em relação à ausência da queima. A concentração de sedimentos na enxurrada foi maior no tratamento com queima da fitomassa do que no sem queima. O maior e o menor valor da concentração de sedimentos ocorreram em menor tempo de duração do escoamento superficial no tratamento com queima do que no tratamento sem queima, contribuindo para que a perda total de solo fosse 8,9 vezes maior com a queima do que sem a queima do campo. O teor e a perda total de P na água da enxurrada foram maiores no tratamento com adubo fosfatado do que no tratamento sem adubo, tanto no tratamento com queima da fitomassa quanto no sem queima. Para o K e o NH4 +, os teores e as perdas totais foram maiores no tratamento com queima do que no sem queima. O modelo exponencial do tipo y = ae-bx ajustou-se aos teores de P, K e NH4 + na água da enxurrada, em relação ao tempo de ocorrência do escoamento superficial (p < 0,01)

    Impact of amendments on the physical properties of soil under tropical long-term no till conditions

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    Tropical regions have been considered the world's primary agricultural frontier; however, some physico-chemical deficiencies, such as low soil organic matter content, poor soil structure, high erodibility, soil acidity, and aluminum toxicity, have affected their productive capacity. Lime and gypsum are commonly used to improve soil chemical fertility, but no information exists about the long-term effects of these products on the physical attributes and C protection mechanisms of highly weathered Oxisols. A field trial was conducted in a sandy clay loam (kaolinitic, thermic Typic Haplorthox) under a no-tillage system for 12 years. The trial consisted of four treatments: a control with no soil amendment application, the application of 2.1 Mg ha-1 phosphogypsum, the application of 2.0 Mg ha-1 lime, and the application of lime + phosphogypsum (2.0 + 2.1 Mg ha-1, respectively). Since the experiment was established in 2002, the rates have been applied three times (2002, 2004, and 2010). Surface liming effectively increased water-stable aggregates > 2.0 mm at a depth of up to 0.2 m; however, the association with phosphogypsum was considered a good strategy to improve the macroaggregate stability in subsoil layers (0.20 to 0.40 m). Consequently, both soil amendments applied together increased the mean weight diameter (MWD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) in all soil layers, with increases of up to 118 and 89%, respectively, according to the soil layer. The formation and stabilization of larger aggregates contributed to a higher accumulation of total organic carbon (TOC) on these structures. In addition to TOC, the MWD and aggregate stability index were positively correlated with Ca2+ and Mg2+ levels and base saturation. Consequently, the increase observed in the aggregate size class resulted in a better organization of soil particles, increasing the macroporosity and reducing the soil bulk density and penetration resistance. Therefore, adequate soil chemical management plays a fundamental role in improving the soil's physical attributes in tropical areas under conservative management and highly affected by compaction caused by intensive farming