131 research outputs found

    Recombination-Based In Vivo Expression Technology Identifies Helicobacter Pylori Genes Important For Host Colonization

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    Here we undertook to identify colonization and gastric disease-promoting factors of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori as genes that were induced in response to the stomach environment. Using recombination-based in vivo expression technology (RIVET), we identified six promoters induced in the host compared to laboratory conditions. Three of these promoters, designated Pivi10, Pivi66, and Pivi77, regulate genes that H. pylori may use to interact with other microbes or the host. Pivi10 likely regulates the mobA, mobB, and mobD genes, which have potential roles in horizontal gene transfer through plasmid mobilization. Pivi66 occurs in the cytotoxin-associated gene pathogenicity island, a genomic region known to be associated with more severe disease outcomes, and likely regulates cagZ, virB11, and virD4. Pivi77 likely regulates HP0289, an uncharacterized paralogue of the vacA cytotoxin gene. We assessed the roles of a subset of these genes in colonization by creating deletion mutants and analyzing them in single-strain and coinfection experiments. We found that a mobABD mutant was defective for murine host colonization and that a cagZ mutant outcompeted the wild-type strain in a coinfection analysis. Our work supports the conclusion that RIVET is a valuable tool for identifying H. pylori factors with roles in host colonization

    Transmembrane helix dynamics of bacterial chemoreceptors supports a piston model of signalling.

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    Transmembrane α-helices play a key role in many receptors, transmitting a signal from one side to the other of the lipid bilayer membrane. Bacterial chemoreceptors are one of the best studied such systems, with a wealth of biophysical and mutational data indicating a key role for the TM2 helix in signalling. In particular, aromatic (Trp and Tyr) and basic (Arg) residues help to lock α-helices into a membrane. Mutants in TM2 of E. coli Tar and related chemoreceptors involving these residues implicate changes in helix location and/or orientation in signalling. We have investigated the detailed structural basis of this via high throughput coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) of Tar TM2 and its mutants in lipid bilayers. We focus on the position (shift) and orientation (tilt, rotation) of TM2 relative to the bilayer and how these are perturbed in mutants relative to the wildtype. The simulations reveal a clear correlation between small (ca. 1.5 Å) shift in position of TM2 along the bilayer normal and downstream changes in signalling activity. Weaker correlations are seen with helix tilt, and little/none between signalling and helix twist. This analysis of relatively subtle changes was only possible because the high throughput simulation method allowed us to run large (n = 100) ensembles for substantial numbers of different helix sequences, amounting to ca. 2000 simulations in total. Overall, this analysis supports a swinging-piston model of transmembrane signalling by Tar and related chemoreceptors

    Multimodal Theranostic Nanoformulations Permit Magnetic Resonance Bioimaging of Antiretroviral Drug Particle Tissue-Cell Biodistribution

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    RATIONALE: Long-acting slow effective release antiretroviral therapy (LASER ART) was developed to improve patient regimen adherence, prevent new infections, and facilitate drug delivery to human immunodeficiency virus cell and tissue reservoirs. In an effort to facilitate LASER ART development, “multimodal imaging theranostic nanoprobes” were created. These allow combined bioimaging, drug pharmacokinetics and tissue biodistribution tests in animal models. METHODS: Europium (Eu3+)- doped cobalt ferrite (CF) dolutegravir (DTG)- loaded (EuCF-DTG) nanoparticles were synthesized then fully characterized based on their size, shape and stability. These were then used as platforms for nanoformulated drug biodistribution. RESULTS: Folic acid (FA) decoration of EuCF-DTG (FA-EuCF-DTG) nanoparticles facilitated macrophage targeting and sped drug entry across cell barriers. Macrophage uptake was higher for FA-EuCF-DTG than EuCF-DTG nanoparticles with relaxivities of r2 = 546 mM-1s-1 and r2 = 564 mM-1s-1 in saline, and r2 = 850 mM-1s-1 and r2 = 876 mM-1s-1 in cells, respectively. The values were ten or more times higher than what was observed for ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (r2 = 31.15 mM-1s-1 in saline) using identical iron concentrations. Drug particles were detected in macrophage Rab compartments by dual fluorescence labeling. Replicate particles elicited sustained antiretroviral responses. After parenteral injection of FA-EuCF-DTG and EuCF-DTG into rats and rhesus macaques, drug, iron and cobalt levels, measured by LC-MS/MS, magnetic resonance imaging, and ICP-MS were coordinate. CONCLUSION: We posit that these theranostic nanoprobes can assess LASER ART drug delivery and be used as part of a precision nanomedicine therapeutic strategy

    Bacterial Flagella: Twist and Stick, or Dodge across the Kingdoms

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    The flagellum organelle is an intricate multiprotein assembly best known for its rotational propulsion of bacteria. However, recent studies have expanded our knowledge of other functions in pathogenic contexts, particularly adherence and immune modulation, e.g., for Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter jejuni, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. Flagella-mediated adherence is important in host colonisation for several plant and animal pathogens, but the specific interactions that promote flagella binding to such diverse host tissues has remained elusive. Recent work has shown that the organelles act like probes that find favourable surface topologies to initiate binding. An emerging theme is that more general properties, such as ionic charge of repetitive binding epitopes and rotational force, allow interactions with plasma membrane components. At the same time, flagellin monomers are important inducers of plant and animal innate immunity: variation in their recognition impacts the course and outcome of infections in hosts from both kingdoms. Bacteria have evolved different strategies to evade or even promote this specific recognition, with some important differences shown for phytopathogens. These studies have provided a wider appreciation of the functions of bacterial flagella in the context of both plant and animal reservoirs

    Chemical differentiation of chromite grains in the nodular-chromite from Rodiani (Greece)

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    Microprobe and X-ray diffraction analyses of chromite grains from Rodiani show narrow but distinct marginal zones, higher in Fe and Cr but lower in Al and Mg (Fig. of Plate I and II). This differentiation, not so distinctly demonstrated before, could be shown by application of microprobe methods and lattice constant data. © 1966 Springer-Verlag

    The ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae forms homodimers and heterodimers.

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    The ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae regulates the expression of several virulence factors that play important roles in the pathogenesis of cholera. Previous experiments with ToxR-alkaline phosphatase (ToxR-PhoA) fusion proteins suggested a model for gene regulation in which the inactive form of ToxR was a monomer and the active form of ToxR was a dimer (V. L. Miller, R. K. Taylor, and J. J. Mekalanos, Cell 48:271-279, 1987). In order to examine whether ToxR exists in a dimeric form in vivo, biochemical cross-linking analyses were carried out. Different dimeric cross-linked species were detected depending on the expression level of ToxR: when overexpressed, ToxR+ToxR homodimers and ToxR+ToxS heterodimers were detected, and when ToxR was expressed at normal levels, exclusively ToxR+ToxS heterodimers were detected. The amount of overexpression was quantitated by using ToxR-PhoA fusion proteins and was found to correspond to 2.7-fold the normal level of ToxR. The formation of both homodimeric ToxR species and heterodimeric ToxR+ToxS species is consistent with previously reported genetic data that suggested that both types of ToxR oligomeric interactions occur. However, variation in the amount of either the homodimeric or heterodimeric form detectable by this cross-linking analysis was not observed to correlate with laboratory culture conditions known to modulate ToxR activity. Thus, genetic and biochemical data indicate that ToxR is able to interact with both itself and ToxS but that these interactions may not explain mechanistically the observed changes in ToxR activity that occur in response to environmental conditions