1,188 research outputs found

    Study of leptonic CP violation

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    The "complementary" Ansatz, Tr(Mν)=0(M_\nu)=0, where MνM_\nu is the prediagonal neutrino mass matrix, seems a plausible approximation for capturing in a self-contained way some of the content of Grand Unification. We study its consequences in the form of relations between the neutrino masses and CP violation phases.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, talk at MRST200

    Complementary Ansatz for the neutrino mass matrix

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    We propose a simple Ansatz for the three generation neutrino mass matrix MνM_\nu which is motivated from an SO(10) grand unified theory. The Ansatz can be combined with information from neutrino oscillation experiments and bounds on neutrinoless double beta decay to determine the neutrino masses themselves and to reconstruct, with some assumptions, the matrix Mν M_\nu .Comment: 15 pages, RevteX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Investigating the Light Scalar Mesons

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    We first briefly review a treatment of the scalars in meson meson scattering based on a non-linear chiral Lagrangian, with unitarity implemented by a "local" modification of the scalar propagators. It is shown that the main results are confirmed by a treatment in the SU(3) linear sigma model in which unitarity is implemented "globally". Some remarks are made on the speculative subject of the scalars' quark structure.Comment: 9 pages,3 figures,talk at hadron2001, Protvin

    Effect of layer thickness on thermal properties of multilayer thin films produced by PVD

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    Cr/CrN/CrAlN, CrN/CrAlN and Cr/CrN thin layers were deposited by PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition). The multilayers were obtained from the combined deposition of different layers Cr, CrN and CrAlN thick films on on AISI4140 steel and silicon substrates at 200 °C, and evaluated with respect to fundamental properties such as structure and thermal properties. Cr, CrN and CrAlN single layers were also prepared for comparison purposes. The structural and morphological properties of PVD layers were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with EDS + WDS microanalyses, stresses were determined by the Newton’s rings methods using the Stoney’s equation and surface hardening and hardness profiles were evaluated by micro hardness measurements. The XRD data and HRTEM showed that both the Cr/CrN, CrN/CrAlN and Cr/CrN/CrAlN multilayer coatings exhibited B1NaCl structure with a prominent reflection along (200) plane, and CrAlN sub-layer microstructures composed of nanocrystallites uniformly embedded in an amorphous matrix. The innovation of this work was to use the thickness of three different coating types to determine the thermal properties. Furthermore, an empirical equation was developed for the thermal properties variations with temperature of AISI4140 steel coated with different multilayer coatings. The thermal conductivity of CrAlN single layered was lower than the multilayer and the bulk material AISI4140. Moreover, the influences of structure and composition of the multilayer coatings on the thermal properties are discussed. The thermal conductivity of nanoscale thin film is remarkably lower than that of bulk materials because of its various size effects.The authors wish to thank the Regional Council of Burgundy and EGIDE for their financial support, and also the technical staff of the Arts et Métiers ParisTech of Cluny: especially Romaric Masset and Pierre-Michel Barbier for the samples preparation

    Electroweak Phase Transition in the U(1)' MSSM

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    In this work, we have investigated the nature of the electroweak phase transition in the U(1) extended minimal supersymmetric standard model without introducing any exotic fields. The effective potential has been estimated exactly at finite temperature taking into account the whole particle spectrum. For reasonable values of the lightest Higgs and neutralino, we found that the electroweak phase transition could be strongly first order due to: (1) the interactions of the singlet with the doublets in the effective potential, and (2) the evolution of the wrong vacuum that delays the transition.Comment: substantial changes, references added, 18 pages, 4 figure

    Sintesis Silika Mesopori Sba-15 Dari Abu Daun Jagung (Zea Mays L)

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    The synthesis and characterization of  mesoporous silica Santa Barbara Acid-15 (SBA-15) from the ash of corn have been done.  SBA-15 was synthesised using the surfactant template method. SBA-15 from corn leaves  ash has a surface area of 592 m2 / gram, pore volume of 0.99 cm3 / gram and pore diameter of 3.95 nm with pore size ranging from 4.9 nm - 7.1 nm. The SAXS pattern of the bio-SBA-15 showed three typical peaks of SBA-15 with miller indices [100], [110] and [200]. In the FTIR spectrum of  SBA-15, peaks from Si-O-Si, Si-OH and H-O-H from water were observed. &nbsp

    Modelling the lactation curve of dairy cows using the differentials of growth functions

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    Descriptions of entire lactations were investigated using six mathematical equations. comprising the differentials of four growth functions (logistic. Gompertz, Schumacher and Morgan) and two other equations (Wood and Dijkstra). The data contained monthly milk yield records from 70 first, 70 second and 75 third parity Iranian Holstein cows. Indicators of fit were model behavior, statistical evaluation and biologically meaningful parameter estimates and lactation features. Analysis of variance with equation, parity and their interaction as factors and with cows as replicates was performed to compare goodness of fit of the equations. The interaction of equation and parity was not significant for any statistics, which showed that there vas no tendency For one equation to fit a given parity better than other equations. Although model behaviour analysis showed better performance of growth functions than the Wood and Dijkstra equations in filling the individual lactation curves, statistical evaluation revealed that there was no significant difference between file goodness of fit of the different equations. Evaluation of lactation features showed that the Dijkstra equation was able to estimate the initial milk yield and peak yield more accurately than the other equations. Overall evaluation of the different equations demonstrated the potential of the differentials of simple empirical growth functions used in file Current study as equations for fitting monthly milk records of Holstein dairy cattle

    Simple Finite Non-Abelian Flavor Groups

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    The recently measured unexpected neutrino mixing patterns have caused a resurgence of interest in the study of finite flavor groups with two- and three-dimensional irreducible representations. This paper details the mathematics of the two finite simple groups with such representations, the Icosahedral group A_5, a subgroup of SO(3), and PSL_2(7), a subgroup of SU(3).Comment: 42 pages, matches published version, references adde

    Impact des banquettes sur le ruissellement d'un petit bassin versant

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    Dans le milieu aride et semi-aride tunisien, les aménagements de conservation des eaux et du sol jouent un rôle important dans la collecte et le stockage sur les versants des eaux de ruissellement. Cependant l'impact de ces aménagements sur les écoulements reste mal connu. Pour évaluer l'impact de banquettes à rétention totale à l'échelle d'un bassin versant situé au centre de la Tunisie, en zone semi-aride, nous nous proposons dans cet article d'utiliser le modèle géomorphologique H2U, fonction de transfert basée sur la répartition des chemins de l'eau à la surface du bassin. Pour la reconstitution des crues, ce modèle a été couplé à une fonction de production qui définit la pluie nette (lame ruisselée) à partir de la hauteur précipitée sur le bassin versant.Entre juillet 96 et juillet 97, le bassin versant d'El Gouazine (18,1 km2) a été aménagé en banquettes à rétention totale. La longueur moyenne de ces banquettes est d'environ 100 m pour une hauteur moyenne de 1,50 m. L'écartement moyen entre les banquettes est de 25 m. La superficie aménagée sur le bassin versant est de 783 hectares, soit 43 % de sa superficie. Cet aménagement a intéressé principalement les terres de culture et une partie des parcours dégradés transformés à cette occasion en terres de culture. Dès lors, sur ce bassin, les eaux de ruissellement sont interceptées par ces levées de terre et elles n'atteignent l'oued principal qu'après avoir rempli les fossés créés en amont des banquettes.Avant l'aménagement en banquettes, le coefficient de ruissellement global du bassin versant était de l'ordre de 7 à 8 % pour les hauteurs de pluie inférieures à 20 mm et compris entre 20 et 30% pour les hauteurs de pluie supérieures à 20 mm. Les pluies d'automne (septembre - octobre) présentaient les coefficients de ruissellement les plus forts car elles sont caractérisées par des intensités très élevées et les sols ne sont pas encore couverts par les végétations naturelles et cultivées. Ils présentent alors des croûtes de battance qui limitent l'infiltration des eaux de ruissellement. Le calage du modèle H2U (fonctions de transfert et de production associée) sur 12 crues avant aménagement a fourni une pluie d'imbibition initiale de 10 mm, une intensité limite pour l'apparition de ruissellement de 3,6 mm.h-1, un coefficient de ruissellement efficace de 42 % et un temps moyen de parcours de l'ordre de 40 minutes. Le modèle a été par la suite validé pour la crue du 20 septembre 1995. Les critères d'ajustement sont bons pour le calage et pour la validation.Le critère de Nash appliqué aux débits ruisselés est de 0,62 à 0,96 pour le calage et de 0,96 pour la validation.Après l'aménagement, les pluies enregistrées n'ont engendré qu'un faible ruissellement : un coefficient de ruissellement compris entre 1 à 3% pour les pluies de 30 à 50 mm, un coefficient de ruissellement de 9% pour une pluie de 80 mm (24 septembre 1998). L'utilisation du modèle H2U nous a permis d'évaluer l'impact des banquettes en comparant directement les crues observées avec aménagement et les crues reconstituées par le modèle sans aménagement. Ainsi la pluie du 24 septembre 1998, de fréquence décennale, a-t-elle engendré un ruissellement 4 fois plus faible avec l'aménagement en banquettes, un débit maximum 8 fois plus faible et un temps de réponse 4 fois plus fort. Malgré son extension limitée à 43 % de la surface du bassin d'El Gouazine, l'aménagement anti-érosif en banquettes joue donc un rôle très important sur la rétention des eaux de ruissellement, au point de limiter considérablement, de 50 à 80 %, les apports dans la retenue du petit barrage collinaire. Il convient donc de trouver, pour chaque bassin versant de la dorsale tunisienne, une solution optimale à l'aménagement des terres cultivées sur les versants tout en conservant des apports suffisants aux lacs collinaires pour subvenir aux besoins en eau des cultures irriguées. Pour caler le modèle H2U et sa fonction de production sur des bassins versants aménagés, une meilleure analyse du fonctionnement hydrologique d'un système de banquettes en cascade semble donc nécessaire.In arid and semiarid Tunisian regions, water and soil conservation is an important way to decrease erosion and to collect runoff in hill-slope catchments.However, few studies have focused on the impacts of runoff on water harvesting techniques. This paper deals with the hydrological effects of contour ridges in the El Gouazine catchment located in central Tunisia.Hydrological observations were used to calibrate a conceptual rainfall-runoff model. The H2U hydrological model was used for this purpose (CUDENNEC, 2000; DUCHESNE et al., 1997). This model is built around a production function that defines the net storm rainfall (portion of rainfall during a storm that reaches a stream channel as direct runoff) from the gross rainfall (observed rainfall in the catchment) and a transfer function based on the most complete possible definition of the surface drainage system (CUDENNEC, 2000).The runoff production function defined by NASRI et al. (2001) was used for the El Gouazine catchment. Observed rainfall during 5-min time steps was used in the model.The 18.1 km2 El Gouazine catchment is located 15 km south of the town Oueslatia. With an annual average rainfall of 411 mm and a potential evapotranspiration of 1680 mm, the climate can be regarded as semiarid. The main annual rainfall is usually received between September and January. All runoff from the catchment is collected in a small artificial lake, created in 1990. Its initial storage capacity was 233,370 m3. Water level observations in the lake were used to estimate total runoff from the catchment. The altitude of the drainage area varied from 575 m in the south to 375 m in the north at its outlet. The land surface of the catchment is partitioned into the following uses: 40% cereal production alternating with fallow land; 33% pasture, shrub-land (carob trees, lentisk), and Esparto grass steppe; 20% Aleppo pine forest (both dense and degraded forest); 6% arboriculture (olive trees, almonds); and 1% lake and dyke area.Between July 1996 and July 1997, soil contour ridges covering 43% of the total area were constructed in the El Gouazine hillside catchment. The length of each ridge is typically about 100 m with an average height of 1.5 m and an average perpendicular distance between ridges corresponding to about 25 m.Construction of the contour ridges significantly changed the hydrological conditions in the catchment. Before contour ridges, average global runoff coefficients were 20-30% for autumn rainfalls (september to october) and 4-10% for rainfalls in winter and spring (November to May). Rainfalls during autumn were usually characterized by high intensity and soils were usually compacted with an impermeable surface crust. From November to February, soils usually become more permeable due to agricultural activities (e.g., ploughing) and during March to May infiltration is increased due to increasing crop cover.During this period, before introducing contours ridges in the El Gouazine catchment, the conceptual rainfall-runoff model based on surface topography and the drainage network was calibrated to reproduce observed runoff satisfactorily. Geomorphologic data (topography and drainage system characteristics) for the catchment were extracted with the geographic information software ERDAS IMAGINE of ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.). The procedure allows extracting the actual probability density function (p d f) of watercourse lengths in the network (L) for the catchment, the catchment Strahler order (n), and the average length of the watercourse in the network L. These parameters are used in a gamma law type transfer function called H2U (unit hydrograph). For this study, in order to be in the usual situation of flood designing practitioners, we used topographical maps with a scale of 1:50000, which are the commonly available maps in Tunisia, and digital grids with a 10 m resolution. Due to the semiarid landscape and relief, there is no ambiguity in identifying the drainage networks.Simulated runoffs using both the actual and theoretical pdfs were compared.The theoretical functions give better results, especially with respect to peak flow. This is probably due to smoothing of the drainage system represented by the theoretical density function. The empirical function calculated from maps probably includes errors and uncertainties, which are smoothed in the theoretical function. For both calibration and validation events, results showed an excellent agreement between observed and simulated runoff volumes as well as peak flows. For the Nash criteria, results varied from case to case (from 0.62 to 0.96).After introduction of the contour ridges, runoff coefficients changed to below 10%. Similarly, inflow to a reservoir at the outlet of the catchment decreased by 50-80%. Observed erosion virtually disappeared after introduction of the contour ridges. Similarly, peak discharge was reduced 60-90%. The changes made in the semiarid catchment will allow agriculture to more efficiently use existing water resources. In practical terms it means that pasture lands can be diverted into cultivated areas (e.g., cereals, olive trees, and almond trees).However, it also means that most surface water infiltrates and eventually replenishes the groundwater, thus leaving downstream areas with almost no surface runoff. Soil contour ridges covering 43% of the El Gouazine catchment area increased the total runoff storage capacity by approximately 258 000 m3. Consequently, contour ridges may be said to present an alternative to the construction of small hillside reservoirs. The introduction of contour ridges therefore has dramatic consequences for downstream runoff conditions. To improve runoff management for both upstream and downstream conditions, it may be necessary to a) simulate runoff effects using a conceptual rainfall-runoff model and b) allow a certain part of the catchment to deviate a part of the runoff to the downstream natural watercourse.A conceptual rainfall-runoff based on surface topography and the drainage network was seen to reproduce observed runoff accurately. By applying the model for runoff simulation with and without contour ridges a more detailed comparison of the changed runoff conditions could be made. The detailed hydraulic function of water harvesting techniques is still to a major extent unknown. A detailed study of the hydrological function of contour ridges in a cascade system is necessary to calibrate hydrological models such as H2U and their associated production function on hill-slope catchments with soil surface management

    Impact des banquettes sur le ruissellement d'un petit bassin versant

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    Dans le milieu aride et semi-aride tunisien, les aménagements de conservation des eaux et du sol jouent un rôle important dans la collecte et le stockage sur les versants des eaux de ruissellement. Cependant l'impact de ces aménagements sur les écoulements reste mal connu. Pour évaluer l'impact de banquettes à rétention totale à l'échelle d'un bassin versant situé au centre de la Tunisie, en zone semi-aride, nous nous proposons dans cet article d'utiliser le modèle géomorphologique H2U, fonction de transfert basée sur la répartition des chemins de l'eau à la surface du bassin. Pour la reconstitution des crues, ce modèle a été couplé à une fonction de production qui définit la pluie nette (lame ruisselée) à partir de la hauteur précipitée sur le bassin versant.Entre juillet 96 et juillet 97, le bassin versant d'El Gouazine (18,1 km2) a été aménagé en banquettes à rétention totale. La longueur moyenne de ces banquettes est d'environ 100 m pour une hauteur moyenne de 1,50 m. L'écartement moyen entre les banquettes est de 25 m. La superficie aménagée sur le bassin versant est de 783 hectares, soit 43 % de sa superficie. Cet aménagement a intéressé principalement les terres de culture et une partie des parcours dégradés transformés à cette occasion en terres de culture. Dès lors, sur ce bassin, les eaux de ruissellement sont interceptées par ces levées de terre et elles n'atteignent l'oued principal qu'après avoir rempli les fossés créés en amont des banquettes.Avant l'aménagement en banquettes, le coefficient de ruissellement global du bassin versant était de l'ordre de 7 à 8 % pour les hauteurs de pluie inférieures à 20 mm et compris entre 20 et 30% pour les hauteurs de pluie supérieures à 20 mm. Les pluies d'automne (septembre - octobre) présentaient les coefficients de ruissellement les plus forts car elles sont caractérisées par des intensités très élevées et les sols ne sont pas encore couverts par les végétations naturelles et cultivées. Ils présentent alors des croûtes de battance qui limitent l'infiltration des eaux de ruissellement. Le calage du modèle H2U (fonctions de transfert et de production associée) sur 12 crues avant aménagement a fourni une pluie d'imbibition initiale de 10 mm, une intensité limite pour l'apparition de ruissellement de 3,6 mm.h-1, un coefficient de ruissellement efficace de 42 % et un temps moyen de parcours de l'ordre de 40 minutes. Le modèle a été par la suite validé pour la crue du 20 septembre 1995. Les critères d'ajustement sont bons pour le calage et pour la validation.Le critère de Nash appliqué aux débits ruisselés est de 0,62 à 0,96 pour le calage et de 0,96 pour la validation.Après l'aménagement, les pluies enregistrées n'ont engendré qu'un faible ruissellement : un coefficient de ruissellement compris entre 1 à 3% pour les pluies de 30 à 50 mm, un coefficient de ruissellement de 9% pour une pluie de 80 mm (24 septembre 1998). L'utilisation du modèle H2U nous a permis d'évaluer l'impact des banquettes en comparant directement les crues observées avec aménagement et les crues reconstituées par le modèle sans aménagement. Ainsi la pluie du 24 septembre 1998, de fréquence décennale, a-t-elle engendré un ruissellement 4 fois plus faible avec l'aménagement en banquettes, un débit maximum 8 fois plus faible et un temps de réponse 4 fois plus fort. Malgré son extension limitée à 43 % de la surface du bassin d'El Gouazine, l'aménagement anti-érosif en banquettes joue donc un rôle très important sur la rétention des eaux de ruissellement, au point de limiter considérablement, de 50 à 80 %, les apports dans la retenue du petit barrage collinaire. Il convient donc de trouver, pour chaque bassin versant de la dorsale tunisienne, une solution optimale à l'aménagement des terres cultivées sur les versants tout en conservant des apports suffisants aux lacs collinaires pour subvenir aux besoins en eau des cultures irriguées. Pour caler le modèle H2U et sa fonction de production sur des bassins versants aménagés, une meilleure analyse du fonctionnement hydrologique d'un système de banquettes en cascade semble donc nécessaire.In arid and semiarid Tunisian regions, water and soil conservation is an important way to decrease erosion and to collect runoff in hill-slope catchments.However, few studies have focused on the impacts of runoff on water harvesting techniques. This paper deals with the hydrological effects of contour ridges in the El Gouazine catchment located in central Tunisia.Hydrological observations were used to calibrate a conceptual rainfall-runoff model. The H2U hydrological model was used for this purpose (CUDENNEC, 2000; DUCHESNE et al., 1997). This model is built around a production function that defines the net storm rainfall (portion of rainfall during a storm that reaches a stream channel as direct runoff) from the gross rainfall (observed rainfall in the catchment) and a transfer function based on the most complete possible definition of the surface drainage system (CUDENNEC, 2000).The runoff production function defined by NASRI et al. (2001) was used for the El Gouazine catchment. Observed rainfall during 5-min time steps was used in the model.The 18.1 km2 El Gouazine catchment is located 15 km south of the town Oueslatia. With an annual average rainfall of 411 mm and a potential evapotranspiration of 1680 mm, the climate can be regarded as semiarid. The main annual rainfall is usually received between September and January. All runoff from the catchment is collected in a small artificial lake, created in 1990. Its initial storage capacity was 233,370 m3. Water level observations in the lake were used to estimate total runoff from the catchment. The altitude of the drainage area varied from 575 m in the south to 375 m in the north at its outlet. The land surface of the catchment is partitioned into the following uses: 40% cereal production alternating with fallow land; 33% pasture, shrub-land (carob trees, lentisk), and Esparto grass steppe; 20% Aleppo pine forest (both dense and degraded forest); 6% arboriculture (olive trees, almonds); and 1% lake and dyke area.Between July 1996 and July 1997, soil contour ridges covering 43% of the total area were constructed in the El Gouazine hillside catchment. The length of each ridge is typically about 100 m with an average height of 1.5 m and an average perpendicular distance between ridges corresponding to about 25 m.Construction of the contour ridges significantly changed the hydrological conditions in the catchment. Before contour ridges, average global runoff coefficients were 20-30% for autumn rainfalls (september to october) and 4-10% for rainfalls in winter and spring (November to May). Rainfalls during autumn were usually characterized by high intensity and soils were usually compacted with an impermeable surface crust. From November to February, soils usually become more permeable due to agricultural activities (e.g., ploughing) and during March to May infiltration is increased due to increasing crop cover.During this period, before introducing contours ridges in the El Gouazine catchment, the conceptual rainfall-runoff model based on surface topography and the drainage network was calibrated to reproduce observed runoff satisfactorily. Geomorphologic data (topography and drainage system characteristics) for the catchment were extracted with the geographic information software ERDAS IMAGINE of ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.). The procedure allows extracting the actual probability density function (p d f) of watercourse lengths in the network (L) for the catchment, the catchment Strahler order (n), and the average length of the watercourse in the network L. These parameters are used in a gamma law type transfer function called H2U (unit hydrograph). For this study, in order to be in the usual situation of flood designing practitioners, we used topographical maps with a scale of 1:50000, which are the commonly available maps in Tunisia, and digital grids with a 10 m resolution. Due to the semiarid landscape and relief, there is no ambiguity in identifying the drainage networks.Simulated runoffs using both the actual and theoretical pdfs were compared.The theoretical functions give better results, especially with respect to peak flow. This is probably due to smoothing of the drainage system represented by the theoretical density function. The empirical function calculated from maps probably includes errors and uncertainties, which are smoothed in the theoretical function. For both calibration and validation events, results showed an excellent agreement between observed and simulated runoff volumes as well as peak flows. For the Nash criteria, results varied from case to case (from 0.62 to 0.96).After introduction of the contour ridges, runoff coefficients changed to below 10%. Similarly, inflow to a reservoir at the outlet of the catchment decreased by 50-80%. Observed erosion virtually disappeared after introduction of the contour ridges. Similarly, peak discharge was reduced 60-90%. The changes made in the semiarid catchment will allow agriculture to more efficiently use existing water resources. In practical terms it means that pasture lands can be diverted into cultivated areas (e.g., cereals, olive trees, and almond trees).However, it also means that most surface water infiltrates and eventually replenishes the groundwater, thus leaving downstream areas with almost no surface runoff. Soil contour ridges covering 43% of the El Gouazine catchment area increased the total runoff storage capacity by approximately 258 000 m3. Consequently, contour ridges may be said to present an alternative to the construction of small hillside reservoirs. The introduction of contour ridges therefore has dramatic consequences for downstream runoff conditions. To improve runoff management for both upstream and downstream conditions, it may be necessary to a) simulate runoff effects using a conceptual rainfall-runoff model and b) allow a certain part of the catchment to deviate a part of the runoff to the downstream natural watercourse.A conceptual rainfall-runoff based on surface topography and the drainage network was seen to reproduce observed runoff accurately. By applying the model for runoff simulation with and without contour ridges a more detailed comparison of the changed runoff conditions could be made. The detailed hydraulic function of water harvesting techniques is still to a major extent unknown. A detailed study of the hydrological function of contour ridges in a cascade system is necessary to calibrate hydrological models such as H2U and their associated production function on hill-slope catchments with soil surface management
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