96 research outputs found

    The social network structure of a dynamic group of dairy cows:from individual to group level patterns

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    ArticleSocial relationships have been shown to significantly impact individual and group success in wild animal populations, but are largely ignored in farm animal management. There are substantial gaps in our knowledge of how farm animals respond to their social environment, which varies greatly between farms but is commonly unstable due to regrouping. Fundamental to addressing these gaps is an understanding of the social network structure resulting from the patterning of relationships between individuals in a group. Here, we investigated the social structure of a group of 110 lactating dairy cows during four one-month periods. Spatial proximity loggers collected data on associations between cows, allowing us to construct social networks. First we demonstrate that proximity loggers can be used to measure relationships between cows; proximity data was significantly positively correlated to affiliative interactions but had no relationship with agonistic interactions. We measured group-level patterns by testing for community structure, centralisation and repeatability of network structure over time. We explored individual-level patterns by measuring social differentiation (heterogeneity of social associations) and assortment of cows in the network by lactation number, breed, gregariousness and milk production. There was no evidence that cows were subdivided into social communities; individuals belonged to a single cluster and networks showed significant centralisation. Repeatability of the social network was low, which may have consequences for animal welfare. Individuals formed differentiated social relationships and there was evidence of positive assortment by traits; cows associated more with conspecifics of similar lactation number in all study periods. There was also positive assortment by breed, gregariousness and milk production in some study periods. There is growing interest in the farming industry in the impact of social factors on production and welfare; this study takes an important step towards understanding social dynamics.DairyCoDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)University of Exete

    37. Multicenter, randomized study assessing the impact of amifostine on normal tissue radiation tolerance during head and neck cancer radiotherapy

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    A prospective, randomized multicenter study was conducted to assess the value of amifostine (Ethyol®) as a radioprotectant in head and neck cancer radiotherapy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the addition of daily amifostine (150 mg/m2) on the degree of early (mucositis, dysphagia, xerostomia) and late (mucosal, cutaneous, salivary gland, mandible and spinal cord) radiation reactions. Assessed were also patients’ quality of life, local control and overall survival. Sixty two patients from five Polish institutions were randomly assigned to radiotherapy alone (Arm A – 28 patients) or radiotherapy + amifostine (Arm B – 34 patients). There were 43 men and 19 women. Primary tumor was located in the oral cavity (27 patients), oropharynx (25 patients), nasopharynx (2 patients) and larynx/hypopharynx (8 patients). In 43 patients radiotherapy was used as the sole modality of treatment and 19 patients were irradiated postoperatively. The side effects of amifostine were manageable. In 6 patients amifostine infusion had to be temporarily stopped due to hypotension and in 5 patients its administration was permanently terminated due to hypotension, nausea and vomiting, septicemia or fever and visual disturbances. The early results of the study, focusing on early radiation reactions, will be presented at the conference

    36. A prospective, randomized study to compare the value of two fractionation schemes of palliative radiotherapy for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer

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    A prospective, randomized study was conducted in eight Polish institutions to compare the value of two fractionation schemes of palliative radiotherapy for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. Assessed was the impact of either treatment on the degree and duration of relief of tumor-related symptoms and on patient's performance status. Secondary endpoints included treatment side-effects, objective response and overall survival. One hundred patients were randomly assigned to the dose of 20 Gy/5×/5 days (Arm A) or 16 Gy/2×/8 days (Arm B). There were 90 men and 10 women aged between 47 and 79 (mean 66). Eighty four patients had locally advanced tumor and 16 patients had metastatic disease. Squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in 65 patients, adenocarcinoma – in 9 patients, large cell carcinoma – in 1 patient and unspecified non-small cell carcinoma – in 25 patients. Fifty five patients were assigned to Arm A and 45 – to Arm B. Ninety eight patients received assigned treatment whereas two patients died before the end of treatment. The final results of the study will be presented at the conference

    Consensus Statement on Bone Conduction Devices and Active Middle Ear Implants in Conductive and Mixed Hearing Loss

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    Nowadays, several options are available to treat patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss. Whenever surgical intervention is not possible or contra-indicated, and amplification by a conventional hearing device (e.g., behind-the-ear device) is not feasible, then implantable hearing devices are an indispensable next option. Implantable bone-conduction devices and middle-ear implants have advantages but also limitations concerning complexity/invasiveness of the surgery, medical complications, and effectiveness. To counsel the patient, the clinician should have a good overview of the options with regard to safety and reliability as well as unequivocal technical performance data. The present consensus document is the outcome of an extensive iterative process including ENT specialists, audiologists, health-policy scientists, and representatives/technicians of the main companies in this field. This document should provide a first framework for procedures and technical characterization to enhance effective communication between these stakeholders, improving health care

    Influence of Short-Term Glucocorticoid Therapy on Regulatory T Cells In Vivo

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    Background: Pre- and early clinical studies on patients with autoimmune diseases suggested that induction of regulatory T(Treg) cells may contribute to the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids(GCs). Objective: We readdressed the influence of GC therapy on Treg cells in immunocompetent human subjects and naı¨ve mice. Methods: Mice were treated with increasing doses of intravenous dexamethasone followed by oral taper, and Treg cells in spleen and blood were analyzed by FACS. Sixteen patients with sudden hearing loss but without an inflammatory disease received high-dose intravenous prednisolone followed by stepwise dose reduction to low oral prednisolone. Peripheral blood Treg cells were analyzed prior and after a 14 day GC therapy based on different markers. Results: Repeated GC administration to mice for three days dose-dependently decreased the absolute numbers of Treg cells in blood (100 mg dexamethasone/kg body weight: 2.861.86104 cells/ml vs. 336116104 in control mice) and spleen (dexamethasone: 2.861.96105/spleen vs. 956226105/spleen in control mice), which slowly recovered after 14 days taper in spleen but not in blood. The relative frequency of FOXP3+ Treg cells amongst the CD4+ T cells also decreased in a dose dependent manner with the effect being more pronounced in blood than in spleen. The suppressive capacity of Treg cells was unaltered by GC treatment in vitro. In immunocompetent humans, GCs induced mild T cell lymphocytosis. However, it did not change the relative frequency of circulating Treg cells in a relevant manner, although there was some variation depending on the definition of the Treg cells (FOXP3+: 4.061.5% vs 3.461.5%*; AITR+: 0.660.4 vs 0.560.3%, CD127low: 4.061.3 vs 5.063.0%* and CTLA4+: 13.8611.5 vs 15.6612.5%; * p,0.05). Conclusion: Short-term GC therapy does not induce the hitherto supposed increase in circulating Treg cell frequency, neither in immunocompetent humans nor in mice. Thus, it is questionable that the clinical efficacy of GCs is achieved by modulating Treg cell numbers

    Auswirkungen der SARS-CoV‑2-Pandemie auf die universitäre Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde im Bereich der Forschung, Lehre und Weiterbildung

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    Hintergrund Ab Frühjahr 2020 kam es zur weltweiten Verbreitung von SARS-CoV‑2 mit der heute als erste Welle der Pandemie bezeichneten Phase ab März 2020. Diese resultierte an vielen Kliniken in Umstrukturierungen und Ressourcenverschiebungen. Ziel unserer Arbeit war die Erfassung der Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die universitäre Hals-Nasen-Ohren(HNO)-Heilkunde für die Forschung, Lehre und Weiterbildung. Material und Methoden Die Direktorinnen und Direktoren der 39 Universitäts-HNO-Kliniken in Deutschland wurden mithilfe einer strukturierten Online-Befragung zu den Auswirkungen der Pandemie im Zeitraum von März bis April 2020 auf die Forschung, Lehre und die Weiterbildung befragt. Ergebnisse Alle 39 Direktorinnen und Direktoren beteiligten sich an der Umfrage. Hiervon gaben 74,4 % (29/39) an, dass es zu einer Verschlechterung ihrer Forschungstätigkeit infolge der Pandemie gekommen sei. Von 61,5 % (24/39) wurde berichtet, dass pandemiebezogene Forschungsaspekte aufgegriffen wurden. Von allen Kliniken wurde eine Einschränkung der Präsenzlehre berichtet und 97,5 % (38/39) führten neue digitale Lehrformate ein. Im Beobachtungszeitraum sahen 74,4 % der Klinikdirektoren die Weiterbildung der Assistenten nicht gefährdet. Schlussfolgerung Die Ergebnisse geben einen Einblick in die heterogenen Auswirkungen der Pandemie. Die kurzfristige Bearbeitung pandemiebezogener Forschungsthemen und die Einführung innovativer digitaler Konzepte für die studentische Lehre belegt eindrücklich das große innovative Potenzial und die schnelle Reaktionsfähigkeit der HNO-Universitätskliniken, um auch während der Pandemie ihre Aufgaben in der Forschung, Lehre und Weiterbildung bestmöglich zu erfüllen

    The Silent Sinus Syndrome: Spontaneous enophthalmos and hypotropia due to maxillary sinus atelectasis

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    Wozu rhinologische Funktionsdiagnostik?

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    Wozu rhinologische Funktionsdiagnostik?

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    Jones' Paratrooper - LP1 - photographed at night 1978

    Rhinometric examination on physiological nasal septal deviation

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