3,930 research outputs found

    Relative astrometry of the J=1-0, v=1 and v=2 SiO masers towards R Leonis Minoris using VERA

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    Oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are intense emitters of SiO and H2_2O maser lines at 43 (J=1-0, v=1 and 2) and 22 GHz, respectively. VLBI observations of the maser emission provides a unique tool to sample the innermost layers of the circumstellar envelopes in AGB stars. Nevertheless, the difficulties in achieving astrometrically aligned v=1 and v=2 SiO maser maps have traditionally prevented a unique interpretation of the observations in terms of physical underlying conditions, which depend on the nature of the SiO pumping mechanism. We have carried out observations of the SiO and H2_2O maser emission towards RLMi, using the astrometric capabilities of VERA. Due to the too-weak emission of the reference calibrator we had to develop a special method to accurately relate the coordinates for both transitions. We present relative astrometrically aligned v=1 and v=2 J=1-0 SiO maser maps, at multiple epochs, and discuss the astrophysical results. The incorporation of astrometric information into the maps of SiO masers challenges the weak points in the current theoretical models, which will need further refinements to address the observations results.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Curriculum Decisions: Assessing and Updating IS Curriculum

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    The increased level of accountability in higher education has prompted many vomputer-related programs to seek accreditation. As accrediting agencies continue to define and refine exactly what these degrees should entail, institutions struggle with the decisions of aligning their curriculum with a dynamic set of standards set by an outside agency, focusing on the needs identified by their own assessment data, or attempting to marry the two. This paper details how one institution completed comprehensive reviews of their curriculum under two different projects: Expanding Pathways for Educational Development and Information Technology Experiences, an NSF-funded research project investigation and examination of curriculum and regional needs and an ABET evaluation and site visit. The focus of this report is to inform others of local efforts that may be replicated on their campuses, share findings that may be of use to others in similarly situated circumstances, and add to the assessment and accreditation dialog

    Cloning, preparation and preliminary crystallographic studies of penicillin V acylase autoproteolytic processing mutants

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    The crystallization of three catalytically inactive mutants of penicillin Vacylase (PVA) from Bacillus sphaericus in precursor and processed forms is reported. The mutant proteins crystallize in different primitive monoclinic space groups that are distinct from the crystal forms for the native enzyme. Directed mutants and clone constructs were designed to study the post-translational autoproteolytic processing of PVA. The catalytically inactive mutants will provide threedimensional structures of precursor PVA forms, plus open a route to the study of enzyme-substrate complexes for this industrially important enzyme

    Physical properties of high-mass clumps in different stages of evolution

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    (Abridged) Aims. To investigate the first stages of the process of high-mass star formation, we selected a sample of massive clumps previously observed with the SEST at 1.2 mm and with the ATNF ATCA at 1.3 cm. We want to characterize the physical conditions in such sources, and test whether their properties depend on the evolutionary stage of the clump. Methods. With ATCA we observed the selected sources in the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) transitions and in the 22 GHz H2O maser line. Ammonia lines are a good temperature probe that allow us to accurately determine the mass and the column-, volume-, and surface densities of the clumps. We also collected all data available to construct the spectral energy distribution of the individual clumps and to determine if star formation is already occurring, through observations of its most common signposts, thus putting constraints on the evolutionary stage of the source. We fitted the spectral energy distribution between 1.2 mm and 70 microns with a modified black body to derive the dust temperature and independently determine the mass. Results. The clumps are cold (T~10-30 K), massive (M~10^2-10^3 Mo), and dense (n(H2)>~10^5 cm^-3) and they have high column densities (N(H2)~10^23 cm^-2). All clumps appear to be potentially able to form high-mass stars. The most massive clumps appear to be gravitationally unstable, if the only sources of support against collapse are turbulence and thermal pressure, which possibly indicates that the magnetic field is important in stabilizing them. Conclusions. After investigating how the average properties depend on the evolutionary phase of the source, we find that the temperature and central density progressively increase with time. Sources likely hosting a ZAMS star show a steeper radial dependence of the volume density and tend to be more compact than starless clumps.Comment: Published in A&A, Vol. 556, A1

    Hiding in the Shadows II: Collisional Dust as Exoplanet Markers

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    Observations of the youngest planets (\sim1-10 Myr for a transitional disk) will increase the accuracy of our planet formation models. Unfortunately, observations of such planets are challenging and time-consuming to undertake even in ideal circumstances. Therefore, we propose the determination of a set of markers that can pre-select promising exoplanet-hosting candidate disks. To this end, N-body simulations were conducted to investigate the effect of an embedded Jupiter mass planet on the dynamics of the surrounding planetesimal disk and the resulting creation of second generation collisional dust. We use a new collision model that allows fragmentation and erosion of planetesimals, and dust-sized fragments are simulated in a post process step including non-gravitational forces due to stellar radiation and a gaseous protoplanetary disk. Synthetic images from our numerical simulations show a bright double ring at 850 μ\mum for a low eccentricity planet, whereas a high eccentricity planet would produce a characteristic inner ring with asymmetries in the disk. In the presence of first generation primordial dust these markers would be difficult to detect far from the orbit of the embedded planet, but would be detectable inside a gap of planetary origin in a transitional disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Multi-transition study and new detections of class II methanol masers

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    We have used the ATNF Mopra antenna and the SEST antenna to search in the directions of several class II methanol maser sources for emission from six methanol transitions in the frequency range 85-115 GHz. The transitions were selected from excitation studies as potential maser candidates. Methanol emission at one or more frequencies was detected from five of the maser sources, as well as from Orion KL. Although the lines are weak, we find evidence of maser origin for three new lines in G345.01+1.79, and possibly one new line in G9.62+0.20. The observations, together with published maser observations at other frequencies, are compared with methanol maser modelling for G345.01+1.79 and NGC6334F. We find that the majority of observations in both sources are consistent with a warm dust (175 K) pumping model at hydrogen density ~10^6 cm^-3 and methanol column density ~5 x 10^17 cm^-2. The substantial differences between the maser spectra in the two sources can be attributed to the geometry of the maser region.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA