10,737 research outputs found

    Melody based tune retrieval over the World Wide Web

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    In this paper we describe the steps taken to develop a Web-based version of an existing stand-alone, single-user digital library application for melodical searching of a collection of music. For the three key components: input, searching, and output, we assess the suitability of various Web-based strategies that deal with the now distributed software architecture and explain the decisions we made. The resulting melody indexing service, known as MELDEX, has been in operation for one year, and the feed-back we have received has been favorable

    Simulation and optimisation of terahertz emission from InGaAs and InP photoconductive switches

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    We simulate the terahertz emission from laterally-biased InGaAs and InP using a three-dimensional carrier dynamics model in order to optimise the semiconductor material. Incident pump-pulse parameters of current Ti:Sapphire and Er:fibre lasers are chosen, and the simulation models the semiconductor's bandstructure using parabolic Gamma, L and X valleys, and heavy holes. The emitted terahertz radiation is propagated within the semiconductor and into free space using a model based on the Drude-Lorentz dielectric function. As the InGaAs alloy approaches InAs an increase in the emitted power is observed, and this is attributed to a greater electron mobility. Additionally, low-temperature grown and ion-implanted InGaAs are modelled using a finite carrier trapping time. At sub-picosecond trapping times the terahertz bandwidth is found to increase significantly at the cost of a reduced emission power.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Expansion of the ligand knowledge base for chelating P,P-donor ligands (LKB-PP)

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    [Image: see text] We have expanded the ligand knowledge base for bidentate P,P- and P,N-donor ligands (LKB-PP, Organometallics2008, 27, 1372–1383) by 208 ligands and introduced an additional steric descriptor (nHe(8)). This expanded knowledge base now captures information on 334 bidentate ligands and has been processed with principal component analysis (PCA) of the descriptors to produce a detailed map of bidentate ligand space, which better captures ligand variation and has been used for the analysis of ligand properties

    Construction and testing of the optical bench for LISA pathfinder

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    eLISA is a space mission designed to measure gravitational radiation over a frequency range of 0.1–100 mHz (European Space Agency LISA Assessment Study Report 2011). It uses laser interferometry to measure changes of order 10 pm/Hz10\,{\rm pm /\sqrt{Hz}} in the separation of inertial test masses housed in spacecraft separated by 1 million km. LISA Pathfinder (LPF) is a technology demonstrator mission that will test the key eLISA technologies of inertial test masses monitored by laser interferometry in a drag-free spacecraft. The optical bench that provides the interferometry for LPF must meet a number of stringent requirements: the optical path must be stable at the few pm/Hz{\rm pm /\sqrt{Hz}} level; it must direct the optical beams onto the inertial masses with an accuracy of better than ±25 Όm, and it must be robust enough not only to survive launch vibrations but to achieve full performance after launch. In this paper we describe the construction and testing of the flight optical bench for LISA Pathfinder that meets all the design requirements

    Astrophysical Fluids of Novae: High Resolution Pre-decay X-ray spectrum of V4743 Sagittarii

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    Eight X-ray observations of V4743 Sgr (2002), observed with Chandra and XMM-Newton are presented. The nova turned off some time between days 301.9 and 371, and the X-ray flux subsequently decreased from day 301.9 to 526 following an exponential decline time scale of (96±3)(96 \pm 3) days. We use the absorption lines present in the SSS spectrum for diagnostic purposes, and characterize the physics and the dynamics of the expanding atmosphere during the explosion of the nova. The information extracted from this first stage is then used as input for computing full photoionization models of the ejecta in V4743 Sgr. The SSS spectrum is modeled with a simple black-body and multiplicative Gaussian lines, which provides us of a general kinematical picture of the system, before it decays to its faint phase (Ness et al. 2003). In the grating spectra taken between days 180.4 and 370, we can resolve the line profiles of absorption lines arising from H-like and He-like C, N, and O, including transitions involving higher principal quantum numbers. Except for a few interstellar lines, all lines are significantly blue-shifted, yielding velocities between 1000 and 6000 km/s which implies an ongoing mass loss. It is shown that significant expansion and mass loss occur during this phase of the explosion, at a rate M˙≈(3−5)×10−4 (LL38) M⊙/yr\dot{M} \approx (3-5) \times 10^{-4} ~ (\frac{L}{L_{38}}) ~ M_{\odot}/yr. Our measurements show that the efficiency of the amount of energy used for the motion of the ejecta, defined as the ratio between the kinetic luminosity LkinL_{\rm kin} and the radiated luminosity LradL_{\rm rad}, is of the order of one.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in book: Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamics with Environmental Applications, pp.365-39

    Electronic Chart of the Future: The Hampton Roads Project

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    ECDIS is evolving from a two-dimensional static display of chart-related data to a decision support system capable of providing real-time or forecast information. While there may not be consensus on how this will occur, it is clear that to do this, ENC data and the shipboard display environment must incorporate both depth and time in an intuitively understandable way. Currently, we have the ability to conduct high-density hydrographic surveys capable of producing ENCs with decimeter contour intervals or depth areas. Yet, our existing systems and specifications do not provide for a full utilization of this capability. Ideally, a mariner should be able to benefit from detailed hydrographic data, coupled with both forecast and real-time water levels, and presented in a variety of perspectives. With this information mariners will be able to plan and carry out transits with the benefit of precisely determined and easily perceived underkeel, overhead, and lateral clearances. This paper describes a Hampton Roads Demonstration Project to investigate the challenges and opportunities of developing the “Electronic Chart of the Future.” In particular, a three-phase demonstration project is being planned: 1. Compile test datasets from existing and new hydrographic surveys using advanced data processing and compilation procedures developed at the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center (CCOM/JHC); 2. Investigate innovative approaches being developed at the CCOM/JHC to produce an interactive time- and tide-aware navigation display, and to evaluate such a display on commercial and/or government vessels; 3. Integrate real-time/forecast water depth information and port information services transmitted via an AIS communications broadcast

    Variable Stars in the Unusual, Metal-Rich Globular Cluster NGC 6388

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    We have undertaken a search for variable stars in the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6388 using time-series BV photometry. Twenty-eight new variables were found in this survey, increasing the total number of variables found near NGC 6388 to ~57. A significant number of the variables are RR Lyrae (~14), most of which are probable cluster members. The periods of the fundamental mode RR Lyrae are shown to be unusually long compared to metal-rich field stars. The existence of these long period RRab stars suggests that the horizontal branch of NGC 6388 is unusually bright. This implies that the metallicity-luminosity relationship for RR Lyrae stars is not universal if the RR Lyrae in NGC 6388 are indeed metal-rich. We consider the alternative possibility that the stars in NGC 6388 may span a range in [Fe/H]. Four candidate Population II Cepheids were also found. If they are members of the cluster, NGC 6388 would be the most metal-rich globular cluster to contain Population II Cepheids. The mean V magnitude of the RR Lyrae is found to be 16.85+/-0.05 resulting in a distance of 9.0 to 10.3 kpc, for a range of assumed values of for RR Lyrae. We determine the reddening of the cluster to be E(B-V)=0.40+/-0.03 mag, with differential reddening across the face of the cluster. We discuss the difficulty in determining the Oosterhoff classification of NGC 6388 and NGC 6441 due to the unusual nature of their RR Lyrae, and address evolutionary constraints on a recent suggestion that they are of Oosterhoff type II.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures, emulateapj5/apjfonts style. Astronomical Journal, in press. We recommend the interested reader to download instead the preprint with full-resolution figures, which can be found at http://www.noao.edu/noao/staff/pritzl/clusters.htm

    Estimated effectiveness of symptom and risk screening to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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    Traveller screening is being used to limit further spread of COVID-19 following its recent emergence, and symptom screening has become a ubiquitous tool in the global response. Previously, we developed a mathematical model to understand factors governing the effectiveness of traveller screening to prevent spread of emerging pathogens (Gostic et al., 2015). Here, we estimate the impact of different screening programs given current knowledge of key COVID-19 life history and epidemiological parameters. Even under best-case assumptions, we estimate that screening will miss more than half of infected people. Breaking down the factors leading to screening successes and failures, we find that most cases missed by screening are fundamentally undetectable, because they have not yet developed symptoms and are unaware they were exposed. Our work underscores the need for measures to limit transmission by individuals who become ill after being missed by a screening program. These findings can support evidence-based policy to combat the spread of COVID-19, and prospective planning to mitigate future emerging pathogens
