654 research outputs found

    Texture development and transformation strain of a cold-rolled Ti50-Ni45-Cu5 alloy

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    Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are finding increased use as functional materials in the aerospace, energy and medical industries 1 J. van Humbeeck, Shape Memory Materials and Phenomena—Fundamental Aspects and Applications, p. 3771, vol. 246, MRS, Pittsburgh, PA (1992).(1), (2) and (3). Shape memory behaviour is based on the recovery of large amounts of induced strain upon heating and/or unloading. This transformation strain is a result of the reversible growth of certain favoured martensite variants during martensite transformation and/or stressing [4] and [5]. For single crystal SMAs, the favoured variants are those which result in the maximum transformation strain for a specific orientation. This has been well established for several common single crystal SMAs such as TiNi, CuZnAl and CuAlNi [4] and [6].\ud \ud For polycrystalline SMAs, it is not clear which variants are favoured. Anisotropic behaviour in SMAs has been interpreted based on the anisotropy data of single crystal materials using the concept of the selection of favoured martensite variants. This has met with only limited success in work on NiTi alloys due to the lack of information about which variants are formed [7] and [8]. An investigation of the anisotropic behaviour of textured SMAs was thus conducted in order to determine which martensite variants develop during thermal cycling of a commercial TiNiCu SMA. The relationship between the observed variant development, changes in texture and anisotropic shape memory behaviour are discussed in light of models using the concept of favoured martensite variants

    The diverse nature of island isolation and its effect on land bridge insular faunas

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    Aim: Isolation is a key factor in island biology. It is usually defined as the distance to the geographically nearest mainland, but many other definitions exist. We explored how testing different isolation indices affects the inference of impacts of isolation on faunal characteristics. We focused on land bridge islands and compared the relationships of many spatial and temporal (i.e., through time) isolation indices with community‐, population‐ and individual‐level characteristics (species richness, population density and body size, respectively). Location: Aegean Sea islands, Greece. Time period: Current. Taxon: Many animal taxa. Methods: We estimated 21 isolation indices for 205 islands and recorded species richness data for 15 taxa (invertebrates and vertebrates). We obtained body size data for seven lizard species and population density data for three. We explored how well indices predict each characteristic, in each taxon, by conducting a series of ordinary least squares regressions (controlling for island area when needed) and a meta‐analysis. Results: Isolation was significantly (and negatively) associated with species richness in 10 of 15 taxa. It was significantly (and positively) associated with body size in only one of seven species and was not associated with population density. The effect of isolation on species richness was much weaker than that of island area, regardless of the index tested. Spatial indices generally out‐performed temporal indices, and indices directly related to the mainland out‐performed those related mainly to neighbouring islands. No index was universally superior to others, including the distance to the geographically nearest mainland. Main conclusions: The choice of index can alter our perception of the impacts of isolation on biological patterns. The nearly automatic, ubiquitous use of distance to the geographically nearest mainland misrepresents the complexity of the effects of isolation. We recommend the simultaneous testing of several indices that represent different aspects of isolation, in order to produce more constructive and thorough investigations and avoid imprecise inference

    Struggles over access to the Muslim public sphere: Multiple publics and discourses on agency, belonging and citizenship (Introduction to the Themed Section)

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    Abstract This introductory essay provides the context for the articles in this Themed Section. Despite the diversity in locations, historical backgrounds and contemporary processes of change, all contributors to this Themed Section focus on the struggle of Muslim groups over access to an emergent Muslim public sphere. They highlight the contestations of and shifts in the notions of agency, belonging, and citizenship in nation-states with Muslim communities within its borders. The introduction consists of two parts. The first part reviews the notion of the public sphere as conceptualized by Habermas and critiqued by scholars of a diversity of backgrounds. In relation to the concept of the Muslim public sphere, three aspects of critique are given closer c

    A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of intraperitoneal topotecan

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    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and pharmacology of intraperitoneal (IP) topotecan. Patients and methods: Fifteen patients with recurrent ovarian cancer in a phase I trial were treated with escalating IP topotecan doses (5–30 mg/m2) for pharmacokinetic analysis. Results: Dose limiting toxicity (DLT) was acute hypotension, chills and fever at the 30 mg/m2 dose level. Haematological toxicity and abdominal pain were mild for all dose levels studied. Pharmacokinetics: Peak plasma levels of total topotecan were reached at 2.7 ± 1.1 h after IP instillation. The apparent V ss was 69.9 ± 25.4 L/m2, plasma clearance 13.4 ± 2.5 L/h/m2 and plasma T1/2 3.7 ± 1.3 h. The plasma AUC was correlated with the dose (R = 0.95, P < 0.01). The plasma AUC ratio of lactone versus total topotecan (lactone + carboxy-forms) increased with the dose from 16% to 55%, (R = 0.84, P < 0.01). Peritoneal total topotecan was cleared from the peritoneal cavity at 0.4 ± 0.3 L/h.m2 with a T1/2 = 2.7 ± 1.7 h. The mean peritoneal/plasma AUC ratio for total topotecan was 54 ± 34. Conclusion: A substantial dose of topotecan can be delivered by the IP route, achieving cytotoxic plasma levels of topotecan, with acceptable toxicity. The recommended dose for further phase II trials is 20 mg/m2 IP, which enables combination with active doses of other cytotoxic drugs, in view of its limited myelotoxicity when given by this route. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Serum contactin-1 as a biomarker of long-term disease progression in natalizumab-treated multiple sclerosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Natalizumab treatment provides a model for non-inflammation-induced disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS). OBJECTIVE: To study serum contactin-1 (sCNTN1) as a novel biomarker for disease progression in natalizumab-treated relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients. METHODS: Eighty-nine natalizumab-treated RRMS patients with minimum follow-up of 3 years were included. sCNTN1 was analyzed at baseline (before natalizumab initiation), 3, 12, 24 months (M) and last follow-up (median 5.2 years) and compared to 222 healthy controls (HC) and 15 primary progressive MS patients (PPMS). Results were compared between patients with progressive, stable, or improved disability according to EDSS-plus criteria. RESULTS: Median sCNTN1 levels (ng/mL,) in RRMS (baseline: 10.7, 3M: 9.7, 12M: 10.4, 24M: 10.8; last follow-up: 9.7) were significantly lower compared to HC (12.5; p ⩽ 0.001). It was observed that 48% of patients showed progression during follow-up, 11% improved, and 40% remained stable. sCNTN1 levels were significantly lower in progressors both at baseline and at 12M compared to non-progressors. A 1 ng/mL decrease in baseline sCNTN1 was consistent with an odds ratio of 1.23 (95% confidence interval 1.04-1.45) (p = 0.017) for progression during follow-up. CONCLUSION: Lower baseline sCNTN1 concentrations were associated with long-term disability progression during natalizumab treatment, making it a possible blood-based prognostic biomarker for RRMS

    Is the even distribution of insecticide-treated cattle essential for tsetse control? Modelling the impact of baits in heterogeneous environments

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    Background: Eliminating Rhodesian sleeping sickness, the zoonotic form of Human African Trypanosomiasis, can be achieved only through interventions against the vectors, species of tsetse (Glossina). The use of insecticide-treated cattle is the most cost-effective method of controlling tsetse but its impact might be compromised by the patchy distribution of livestock. A deterministic simulation model was used to analyse the effects of spatial heterogeneities in habitat and baits (insecticide-treated cattle and targets) on the distribution and abundance of tsetse. Methodology/Principal Findings: The simulated area comprised an operational block extending 32 km from an area of good habitat from which tsetse might invade. Within the operational block, habitat comprised good areas mixed with poor ones where survival probabilities and population densities were lower. In good habitat, the natural daily mortalities of adults averaged 6.14% for males and 3.07% for females; the population grew 8.46in a year following a 90% reduction in densities of adults and pupae, but expired when the population density of males was reduced to <0.1/km2; daily movement of adults averaged 249 m for males and 367 m for females. Baits were placed throughout the operational area, or patchily to simulate uneven distributions of cattle and targets. Gaps of 2–3 km between baits were inconsequential provided the average imposed mortality per km2 across the entire operational area was maintained. Leaving gaps 5–7 km wide inside an area where baits killed 10% per day delayed effective control by 4–11 years. Corrective measures that put a few baits within the gaps were more effective than deploying extra baits on the edges. Conclusions/Significance: The uneven distribution of cattle within settled areas is unlikely to compromise the impact of insecticide-treated cattle on tsetse. However, where areas of >3 km wide are cattle-free then insecticide-treated targets should be deployed to compensate for the lack of cattle

    Prospects for the development of odour baits to control the tsetse flies Glossina tachinoides and G. palpalis s.l.

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    Field studies were done of the responses of Glossina palpalis palpalis in Côte d'Ivoire, and G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides in Burkina Faso, to odours from humans, cattle and pigs. Responses were measured either by baiting (1.) biconical traps or (2.) electrocuting black targets with natural host odours. The catch of G. tachinoides from traps was significantly enhanced (~5×) by odour from cattle but not humans. In contrast, catches from electric targets showed inconsistent results. For G. p. gambiensis both human and cattle odour increased (>2×) the trap catch significantly but not the catch from electric targets. For G. p. palpalis, odours from pigs and humans increased (~5×) the numbers of tsetse attracted to the vicinity of the odour source but had little effect on landing or trap-entry. For G. tachinoides a blend of POCA (P = 3-n-propylphenol; O = 1-octen-3-ol; C = 4-methylphenol; A = acetone) alone or synthetic cattle odour (acetone, 1-octen-3-ol, 4-methylphenol and 3-n-propylphenol with carbon dioxide) consistently caught more tsetse than natural cattle odour. For G. p. gambiensis, POCA consistently increased catches from both traps and targets. For G. p. palpalis, doses of carbon dioxide similar to those produced by a host resulted in similar increases in attraction. Baiting traps with super-normal (~500 mg/h) doses of acetone also consistently produced significant but slight (~1.6×) increases in catches of male flies. The results suggest that odour-baited traps and insecticide-treated targets could assist the AU-Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) in its current efforts to monitor and control Palpalis group tsetse in West Africa. For all three species, only ~50% of the flies attracted to the vicinity of the trap were actually caught by it, suggesting that better traps might be developed by an analysis of the visual responses and identification of any semiochemicals involved in short-range interaction