879 research outputs found

    Clustering and information in correlation based financial networks

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    Networks of companies can be constructed by using return correlations. A crucial issue in this approach is to select the relevant correlations from the correlation matrix. In order to study this problem, we start from an empty graph with no edges where the vertices correspond to stocks. Then, one by one, we insert edges between the vertices according to the rank of their correlation strength, resulting in a network called asset graph. We study its properties, such as topologically different growth types, number and size of clusters and clustering coefficient. These properties, calculated from empirical data, are compared against those of a random graph. The growth of the graph can be classified according to the topological role of the newly inserted edge. We find that the type of growth which is responsible for creating cycles in the graph sets in much earlier for the empirical asset graph than for the random graph, and thus reflects the high degree of networking present in the market. We also find the number of clusters in the random graph to be one order of magnitude higher than for the asset graph. At a critical threshold, the random graph undergoes a radical change in topology related to percolation transition and forms a single giant cluster, a phenomenon which is not observed for the asset graph. Differences in mean clustering coefficient lead us to conclude that most information is contained roughly within 10% of the edges.Comment: 11 pages including 14 figures. Uses REVTeX4. To be published in a special volume of EPJ on network

    Limited resolution and multiresolution methods in complex network community detection

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    Detecting community structure in real-world networks is a challenging problem. Recently, it has been shown that the resolution of methods based on optimizing a modularity measure or a corresponding energy is limited; communities with sizes below some threshold remain unresolved. One possibility to go around this problem is to vary the threshold by using a tuning parameter, and investigate the community structure at variable resolutions. Here, we analyze the resolution limit and multiresolution behavior for two different methods: a q-state Potts method proposed by Reichard and Bornholdt, and a recent multiresolution method by Arenas, Fernandez, and Gomez. These methods are studied analytically, and applied to three test networks using simulated annealing.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures.Minor changes from previous version, shortened a couple of page

    Dynamics of polymer ejection from capsid

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    Polymer ejection from a capsid through a nanoscale pore is an important biological process with relevance to modern biotechnology. Here, we study generic capsid ejection using Langevin dynamics. We show that even when the ejection takes place within the drift-dominated region there is a very high probability for the ejection process not to be completed. Introducing a small aligning force at the pore entrance enhances ejection dramatically. Such a pore asymmetry is a candidate for a mechanism by which a viral ejection is completed. By detailed high-resolution simulations we show that such capsid ejection is an out-of-equilibrium process that shares many common features with the much studied driven polymer translocation through a pore in a wall or a membrane. We find that the escape times scale with polymer length, τNα\tau \sim N^\alpha. We show that for the pore without the asymmetry the previous predictions corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations do not hold. For the pore with the asymmetry the scaling exponent varies with the initial monomer density (monomers per capsid volume) ρ\rho inside the capsid. For very low densities ρ0.002\rho \le 0.002 the polymer is only weakly confined by the capsid, and we measure α=1.33\alpha = 1.33, which is close to α=1.4\alpha = 1.4 obtained for polymer translocation. At intermediate densities the scaling exponents α=1.25\alpha = 1.25 and 1.211.21 for ρ=0.01\rho = 0.01 and 0.020.02, respectively. These scalings are in accord with a crude derivation for the lower limit α=1.2\alpha = 1.2. For the asymmetrical pore precise scaling breaks down, when the density exceeds the value for complete confinement by the capsid, ρ0.25\rho \gtrapprox 0.25. The high-resolution data show that the capsid ejection for both pores, analogously to polymer translocation, can be characterized as a multiplicative stochastic process that is dominated by small-scale transitions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The “broken escalator” phenomenon: Vestibular dizziness interferes with locomotor adaptation

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    BACKGROUND: Although vestibular lesions degrade postural control we do not know the relative contributions of the magnitude of the vestibular loss and subjective vestibular symptoms to locomotor adaptation. OBJECTIVE: To study how dizzy symptoms interfere with adaptive locomotor learning. METHODS: We examined patients with contrasting peripheral vestibular deficits, vestibular neuritis in the chronic stable phase (n = 20) and strongly symptomatic unilateral Meniere’s disease (n = 15), compared to age-matched healthy controls (n = 15). We measured locomotor adaptive learning using the “broken escalator” aftereffect, simulated on a motorised moving sled. RESULTS: Patients with Meniere’s disease had an enhanced “broken escalator” postural aftereffect. More generally, the size of the locomotor aftereffect was related to how symptomatic patients were across both groups. Contrastingly, the degree of peripheral vestibular loss was not correlated with symptom load or locomotor aftereffect size. During the MOVING trials, both patient groups had larger levels of instability (trunk sway) and reduced adaptation than normal controls. CONCLUSION: Dizziness symptoms influence locomotor adaptation and its subsequent expression through motor aftereffects. Given that the unsteadiness experienced during the “broken escalator” paradigm is internally driven, the enhanced aftereffect found represents a new type of self-generated postural challenge for vestibular/unsteady patients

    Dynamic asset trees and Black Monday

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    The minimum spanning tree, based on the concept of ultrametricity, is constructed from the correlation matrix of stock returns. The dynamics of this asset tree can be characterised by its normalised length and the mean occupation layer, as measured from an appropriately chosen centre called the `central node'. We show how the tree length shrinks during a stock market crisis, Black Monday in this case, and how a strong reconfiguration takes place, resulting in topological shrinking of the tree.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figues. Elsevier style. Will appear in Physica A as part of the Bali conference proceedings, in pres

    The International Trade Network: weighted network analysis and modelling

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    Tools of the theory of critical phenomena, namely the scaling analysis and universality, are argued to be applicable to large complex web-like network structures. Using a detailed analysis of the real data of the International Trade Network we argue that the scaled link weight distribution has an approximate log-normal distribution which remains robust over a period of 53 years. Another universal feature is observed in the power-law growth of the trade strength with gross domestic product, the exponent being similar for all countries. Using the 'rich-club' coefficient measure of the weighted networks it has been shown that the size of the rich-club controlling half of the world's trade is actually shrinking. While the gravity law is known to describe well the social interactions in the static networks of population migration, international trade, etc, here for the first time we studied a non-conservative dynamical model based on the gravity law which excellently reproduced many empirical features of the ITN.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of fracture in dissipative systems

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    Dynamics of fracture in two-dimensional systems is studied with a dissipative network model by including the local relaxation of the force field via Maxwellian viscoelasticity. In addition to disorder the fundamentals of crack formation and propagation depend on the strength of dissipation compared to the loading rate. We investigate the dynamics of a single crack and the role of stress reduction at the crack tip when dissipation is increased. As a consequence, the crack starts to propagate slowly and it reaches terminal velocity later. If the relaxation of local forces is strong enough compared with crack velocity, crack arrest takes place. For a disordered system, the presence of strong dissipation in local dynamics is reflected as ductility and as an increase in the damage, accumulated during the fracture process.Peer reviewe