160 research outputs found

    Two-sided asymmetric subduction; implications for tectonomagmatic and metallogenic evolution of the Lut Block, Eastern Iran

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    West directed subduction zones show common characteristics, such as low structural elevation, deep trench, steep slab and a conjugate back-arc basin that are opposite to those of the east directed subduction zones. The tectonomagmatic and metallogenic setting of the Lut Block is still a matter of debate and several hypotheses have been put forward. Despite some authors denying the influence of the operation of Benioff planes, the majority propose that it occurred beneath the Afghan Block, while others consider that oceanic lithosphere was dragged under the Lut Block. Cu-Au porphyry deposits seem to occur in an island arc geotectonic setting during the middle Eocene while Mo-bearing deposits are coincident with the crustal thickening during Oligocene. We introduce new trace element and isotope geochemical data for granitoids and structural evidences testifying the two-sided asymmetric subduction beneath both Afghan and Lut Blocks, with different rates of consumption of oceanic lithosphere

    Assessing of Preparedness for Disasters and Crisis in Centers of Trauma and Accidents of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in 2016

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    Background and aims: Natural and technologic disasters and accidents have great influence on people's lifestyle and their health. Main object of hospitals is providing fast and timely health care to reduce mortality and complications by the disaster. The aim of this study is to evaluate preparedness crisis and disasters in centers of trauma of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The present descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in three hospitals (A,B,C) of Kermanshah university of medical sciences, Iran, 2016. Data were collected using a self-administered checklist and questioner through observation and interview. The checklist included 220 yes/no questions in 10 domains of emergency (30 questions), admission (24 questions), evacuation and transfer (30 questions), traffic (15 questions), communication (16 questions), security (17 questions), education (17 questions), support (28 questions), human workforce (21 questions), and leadership and management (22 items). Scores 0 and 1 were given to “No” and “Yes” choices, respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS and descriptive statistics. Results: Overall, the relative mean of disaster preparedness in the study hospitals A, B and C was 99.1, 43.4and 84.7, respectively. Generally, the average readiness score for all hospitals was 75. The most and lowest preparedness was related to the management and traffic domains. Conclusion: According to the results, preparedness of hospitals was in the suitable level. Officials of medical centers have the necessary programs and educations in all areas of disaster preparedness for quick response and timely in hospitals

    Callostoma oezbeki (Dip.: Bombyliidae), a species new for the Iranian bee fly fauna

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    مگس زنبور‌مانند Callostoma oezbeki Dils & Özbek, 2006 برای اولین‌بار از ایران گزارش می‌شود. با در نظر گرفتن این گزارش، دامنه انتشار جغرافیایی این گونه که تاکنون تنها از کشور ترکیه جمع‌آوری شده بود، شامل شمال‌غرب ایران نیز می‌شود

    Muslim Work Ethics: Relationships with Religious Orientations and the “Perfect Man” (\u3ci\u3eEnsan-e Kamel\u3c/i\u3e) in Managers and Staff in Iran

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    Weber’s association of a work ethic with Protestantism has been extended to religions, including Islam, more generally. Managers and staff in a bank and department store in Tehran responded to Muslim religiousness measures along with the multidimensional work ethics profile (MWEP). The MWEP is a 7-factor instrument that records Weber’s interpretation of work ethics. Intrinsic, extrinsic personal, and extrinsic cultural religious orientations predicted a higher work ethic. Two extrinsic cultural religious orientation factors exhibited especially strong connections with MWEP factors. The morality/ethics MWEP factor most consistently predicted Muslim commitments. Integrative self-knowledge and self-control served as empirical markers of an Iranian Muslim spiritual ideal called ensan-e kamel or the “perfect man.” Both correlated positively with morality/ethics and with three of the four extrinsic cultural religious orientations. Managers scored higher than staff on morality/ethics, on the two characteristics of the “perfect man”, and on the three of four extrinsic cultural religious orientation factors. These data supported the existence of a Muslim work ethic

    Petrography, geochemistry and tectonic significance of the Mahoor granitoids (Lut Block, Eastern Iran)

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    The Mahoor granitoids are Cu–Zn-bearing porphyries that outcrop in the central part of the Lut Block, about 135 km south-west of Nehbandan (eastern Iran). These granitoids occur mainly as dykes and stocks that intrude Eocene volcanics. Petrographically, all the studied intrusives display porphyritic textures with mm-sized phenocrysts, most commonly of plagioclase and hornblende, embedded in a fine-grained groundmass with variable amounts of plagioclase, hornblende, clinopyroxene, quartz and opaques. Hydrothermal alteration affected these granitoids, as revealed by the common occurrence of sericite, chlorite, sphene/leucoxene, epidote and calcite. Chemical classification criteria show that the intrusives may be named as gabbrodiorites, diorites, monzodiorites and tonalites. Major element geochemistry reveals that all the studied lithologies are typically metaluminous (A/CNK ≤ 0.94) and, in addition, suggest, that they constitute a suite belonging to the high-K calc-alkaline series. Magnetic susceptibility (1485 × 10-5 SI) together with mineralogical and geochemical features show that they belong to magnetite granitoid series (I-type). In primitive mantle-normalized trace element spiderdiagrams, the analysed samples display strong enrichment in LILE compared to HFSE (15.5 ≤ RbN/YN ≤ 45.9), accompanied by negative anomalies of Nb, Ta and Ti. REE chondrite-normalized plots show slight to moderate LREE enrichment (4.9 ≤ LaN/LuN ≤ 8.4) and negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* ratios vary from 0.65 to 0.88). Tectonic characteristics also indicate that the study area is emplaced in a volcanic arc setting. The whole set of geochemical data suggest that the Mahoor granitoids are co-genetic, belong to the calc-alkaline series and have been originated in an active continental margin setting. Sulfide mineralizations (pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) related to these granitoids are common and occur both disseminated and as hydrothermal veins, indicating a high mineralization potential for this area

    Fluid inclusion geothermometry of various alteration – mineralization zones of Chah-shaljami prospect, Eastern Iran

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    منطقه اکتشافي چاهشلغمي در خراسان جنوبي و در کمربند آتشفشاني – نفوذي بلوک لوت قرار گرفته است. تودههاي نيمه عميق گرانيتوئيدي مربوط به اليگوسن، درون تواليهاي آتشفشاني - پيروکلاستيک ائوسن نفوذ کردهاند. انواع کانيهاي دگرساني شامل آلونيت، ژاروسيت، کلريت، ديکيت، سريسيت، مونتموريلونيت، کوارتز و اکسيدهاي آهن شناسايي شدهاند. کانيسازي شامل پيريت، آرسنوپيريت، موليبدنيت، کالکوپيريت، اسفالريت، گالن و انارژيت است. ميزان دما و شوري بالاي سيالات درگير در زون دگرساني سيليس - کلريت ميتواند در تعيين مرکز سيستم کانيسازي در اکتشافات بعدي مورد استفاده قرار گيرد. دما و شوري سيالات به سمت زون دگرساني کوارتز حفرهاي در حال کاهش است که احتمالا نشان دهنده افزايش دخالت آبهاي جوي ميباشد. شواهد زمينشناسي، دگرساني، کانيسازي و تحول سيالات هيدروترمال نشان دهنده کانيسازي اپيترمال سولفيداسيون بالا مرتبط با سيستم پورفيري عمقي در منطقه ميباشد. کليد واژهها: بلوک لوت، آلونيت، سيالات درگير، اپيترمال.Chah-shaljami exploration area is located in the Southern Khorasan and belongs to the Lut Block volcanic-plutonic belt. Oligocene subvolcanic granitoids intruded into Eocene volcanic - volcaniclastic sequences. Alteration minerals include alunite, jarusite, chlorite, dickite, sericite, montmorillonite, quartz and iron oxide. Mineralization includes pyrite, arsenopyrite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and enargite. High temperature – salinity of fluid inclusions from sericite alteration is an indicator that can direct the next exploration toward the mineralization center. Temperature – salinity of fluid inclusions decrease toward the vuggy quartz alteration which indicate the increase of the role of meteoric fluids. The gathered data on alteration, mineralization and hydrothermal fluids together with field evidence evidence indicate that the high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization is related to the deep porphyry system in the area

    Hydrothermal fluids evolution from various alteration – mineralization zones of Dehsalm porphyry type system, Lut block, Eastern Iran

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    منطقه اکتشافي دهسلم در خراسان جنوبي و در کمربند آتشفشاني – نفوذي بلوک لوت قرار گرفته است. تودههاي نيمه عميق حدواسط تا اسيدي مربوط به اليگوسن، درون تواليهاي آتشفشاني، ماسهسنگ و سيلتستون ائوسن نفوذ کردهاند. زونهاي دگرساني شامل انواع پتاسيک، پروپليتيک، سريسيت- رسي، اپيدوتي، سريسيت - کلسيت - سيليس و سيليسي ميباشند. کانيسازي بصورت رگه – رگچهاي و پراکنده شامل مگنتيت، پيريت، موليبدنيت، کالکوپيريت، بورنيت، طلا، آرسنوپيريت، اسفالريت، گالن، کوليت، ديژنيت و کانيهاي سولفوسالت ميباشد. مطالعه سيالات درگير تاثير فرايندهاي جوشش، ناآميختگي، سرد شدن و رقيق شدگي توسط آيهاي جوي را طي تحول سيالات کانهساز نشان داده است. ميزان دما و شوري سيالات درگير از زون دگرساني پتاسيک به سمت زون دگرساني سريسيتي - رسي در حال کاهش است که احتمالا نشان دهنده افزايش دخالت آبهاي جوي ميباشد. شواهد زمينشناسي، دگرساني، کاني- سازي و تحول سيالات هيدروترمال نشان دهنده کانيسازي سيستم پورفيري در منطقه ميباشد. کليد واژهها: بلوک لوت، سيالات درگير، جوشش، سيستم پورفيريDehsalm exploration area is located in the Southern Khorasan and belongs to the Lut Block volcanic-plutonic belt of the Lut block. Oligocene intermediate to acidic subvolcanic rocks intruded into Eocene volcanic, sandstone and siltstone sequences. Alteration zones include potassic, propylitic, sericite – calcite – silica, sericite – argillic, epidote and silicification. Vein – veinlet and disseminated mineralization comprise magnetite, pyrite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena, covellite, digenite and sulfosalts. Fluid inclusion studies have shown the affect of boiling, fluid immiscibility, cooling and dilution processes by meteoric fluids during the evolution of mineralizing fluids. Temperature – salinity of fluid inclusions decrease from potassic through sericite – argillic alteration which indicate the increase of the role of meteoric fluids. The gathered data on alteration, mineralization and hydrothermal fluids together with field evidence indicate that a porphyry type mineralization system occurs in the area

    Geochemistry, Sr-Nd Isotopes and Zircon U–Pb Geochronology of Intrusive Rocks: Constraint on the genesis of the Cheshmeh Khuri Cu mineralization and its link with granitoids in the Lut Block, Eastern Iran

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    The Cheshmeh Khuri prospecting area, part of the Tertiary volcanic-plutonic rocks in the Lut Block (central eastern Iran), comprises Middle Eocene granitoid and volcanic (with basaltic andesite to rhyolite composition) sequences that intruded pyroclastic rocks. Copper mineralization is related to the granitoid rocks. The mafic rocks occur mainly as dykes and are related to a younger magmatic activity (post-mineralization) in the area. The main hydrothermal alteration zones include quartz-sericite-pyrite ± carbonate (QSP ± C), argillic, and propylitic. Mineralization (pyrite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and magnetite) occurs as disseminated, stockwork and vein-type. The granitoids have features typical of high-K calk-alkaline, metaluminous, and belong to magnetite granitoid series. Primitive mantle normalized trace element spider diagrams display enrichment in LILE, such as Rb, Ba, and Cs, compared to those of HFSE. Chondrite-normalized REE plots show moderately to slightly strong LREE enriched patterns, and a negligible negative Eu anomaly. Rb-Sr whole rock–feldspar–biotite-hornblende and zircon U-Pb ages between ~44.6 and ~43.4 Ma (Middle Eocene) were obtained in granitoid samples. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of granitoids range from 0.7047 to 0.7054, and their εNdi values vary from −1.1 to +0.8. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of mafic rocks range from 0.7043 to 0.7047, and the εNdi values vary from +0.7 to +3.5. The whole set of geochemical data of rocks in the study area indicate an origin of the parental melts in a subduction-modified upper mantle in post-collisional extension-related zone. The primitive magmas of granitoids underwent contamination and assimilation through being exposed to the continental crust, while primitive magmas of the mafic rocks do not have relevant crustal contribution. The geochemical and radiogenic isotope data for the granitoids associated with mineralization in the Cheshmeh Khuri area in comparison with those of other prospects in the Lut Block indicate that mantle has played a crucial role in their petrogeneses and metallogeneses. Due to the crustal contamination and assimilation, the proportion of mantle component that was involved in the granitic magma shows a decrease in the Cheshmeh Khuri area. It seems that the Cheshmeh Khuri area has the lowest potential for a significant amount of Cu-Au agglomeration.publishe

    Fast computation by block permanents of cumulative distribution functions of order statistics from several populations

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    The joint cumulative distribution function for order statistics arising from several different populations is given in terms of the distribution function of the populations. The computational cost of the formula in the case of two populations is still exponential in the worst case, but it is a dramatic improvement compared to the general formula by Bapat and Beg. In the case when only the joint distribution function of a subset of the order statistics of fixed size is needed, the complexity is polynomial, for the case of two populations.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure