578 research outputs found

    Quasiequational Theories of Flat Algebras

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    We prove that finite flat digraph algebras and, more generally, finite compatible flat algebras satisfying a certain condition are finitely q-based (possess a finite basis for their quasiequations). We also exhibit an example of a twelve-element compatible flat algebra that is not finitely q-based

    The endomorphism semiring of a semilattice

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    We prove that the endomorphism semiring of a nontrivial semilattice is always subdirectly irreducible and describe its monolith. The endomorphism semiring is congruence simple if and only if the semilattice has both a least and a largest element

    Polar communications: Status and recommendations. Report of the Science Working Group

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    The capabilities of the existing communication links within the polar regions, as well as between the polar regions and the continental United States, are summarized. These capabilities are placed in the context of the principal scientific disciplines that are active in polar research, and in the context of how scientists both utilize and are limited by present technologies. Based on an assessment of the scientific objectives potentially achievable with improved communication capabilities, a list of requirements on and recommendations for communication capabilities necessary to support polar science over the next ten years is given

    Nucleation in dilute 3He-4He liquid mixtures at low temperatures

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    We present a study of phase separation from supersaturated 3He-4He liquid mixtures at low temperatures addressing both the degree of critical supersaturation Dx and the thermal-to-quantum crossover temperature T* for the nucleation process. Two different nucleation seeds are investigated, namely 3He droplets and 4He vortex lines with cores filled with 3He. We have found that the experimental T* is reproduced when we consider that nucleation proceeds from 3He droplets, whereas Dx is reproduced when we consider 4He vortex lines filled with 3He. However, neither nucleation configuration is able to simultaneously reproduce the current experimental information on Dx and T*.Comment: To appear in J. of Low Temp. Physic

    The variety generated by order algebras

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    Every ordered set can be considered as an algebra in a natural way. We investigate the variety generated by order algebras. We prove, among other things, that this variety is not finitely based and, although locally finite, it is not contained in any finitely generated variety; we describe the bottom of the lattice of its subvarieties

    Quantum cavitation in liquid helium

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    Using a functional-integral approach, we have determined the temperature below which cavitation in liquid helium is driven by thermally assisted quantum tunneling. For both helium isotopes, we have obtained the crossover temperature in the whole range of allowed negative p essures. Our results are compatible with recent experimental results on 4He.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 10 pages and 2 figures, Phys. Rev B (1996

    Dipolar condensates confined in a toroidal trap: ground state and vortices

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    We study a Bose-Einstein condensate of 52Cr atoms confined in a toroidal trap with a variable strength of s-wave contact interactions. We analyze the effects of the anisotropic nature of the dipolar interaction by considering the magnetization axis to be perpendicular to the trap symmetry axis. In the absence of a central repulsive barrier, when the trap is purely harmonic, the effect of reducing the scattering length is a tuning of the geometry of the system: from a pancake-shaped condensate when it is large, to a cigar-shaped condensate for small scattering lengths. For a condensate in a toroidal trap, the interaction in combination with the central repulsive Gaussian barrier produces an azimuthal dependence of the particle density for a fixed radial distance. We find that along the magnetization direction the density decreases as the scattering length is reduced but presents two symmetric density peaks in the perpendicular axis. For even lower values of the scattering length we observe that the system undergoes a dipolar-induced symmetry breaking phenomenon. The whole density becomes concentrated in one of the peaks, resembling an origin-displaced cigar-shaped condensate. In this context we also analyze stationary vortex states and their associated velocity field, finding that this latter also shows a strong azimuthal dependence for small scattering lengths. The expectation value of the angular momentum along the z direction provides a qualitative measure of the difference between the velocity in the different density peaks.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure