111 research outputs found

    Torulaspora delbrueckii Yeast Strains for Small-scale Chenin blanc and Pinotage Vinifications

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    Nine Torulaspora delbrueckii yeast strains, a commercial T. delbrueckii strain and a commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain were used in the production of small‑scale Chenin blanc and Pinotage vinifications. The fermentations were carried out at 15°C and 24°C respectively. Four T. delbrueckii yeasts were used as single inoculants, while the remainder were inoculated sequentially. The commercial S. cerevisiae yeast strains were added at zero, 24 and 48 hours after the T. delbrueckii strain. The wines were evaluated chemically and sensorially and the data was analysed statistically. The results for the white wine vinification trial showed that two T. delbrueckii treatments could produce novel wines, either on their own or as a component of co‑inoculated fermentations. These compared well with, and even exceeded, the quality of wine produced by the S. cerevisiae reference treatment regarding chemical composition and overall sensory quality. One T. delbrueckii strain showed its robustness by being re-isolated from the yeast lees at the end of fermentation. The red wine vinifications were less conclusive, and no distinctive T. delbrueckii “fingerprint” was observed in the chemical and sensory data, neither was a pattern observed regarding the different inoculation times

    An overview of the implementation of Economic Value Added (EVA™) performance measures in South Africa

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    Although Economic Value Added (EVA™) might improve themeasurement of organisations’ performance, it seems not to be usedwidely in South Africa. The need to measure financial performanceand the different metrics that can be used should be investigatedto establish the best measure for each sector. The purpose of thereported study was to determine the extent to which EVA™ is usedby South African organisations. Furthermore, this investigationfocused on methods used by these organisations to calculate EVA™and aimed to determine the South African business sectors in whichit is most likely to be implemented. A focus group discussion wasconducted with financial experts, which included consultants,analysts and statisticians, to discuss EVA™ and challenges relating toits implementation. It was established that South African companieswill benefit from using EVA™ in conjunction with other metrics.Management needs to understand its own organisation to be able toimplement the most appropriate performance metric applicable tothe organisation. It is recommended that companies do a thoroughinternal analysis of their organisations to assist them in making aninformed decision regarding the appropriate performance metric,which includes EVA™

    The post-occipital spinal venous sinus of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) : its anatomy and use for blood sample collection and intravenous infusions

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    The post-occipital sinus of the spinal vein is often used for the collection of blood samples from crocodilians. Although this sampling method has been reported for several crocodilian species, the technique and associated anatomy has not been described in detail in any crocodilian, including the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). The anatomy of the cranial neck region was investigated macroscopically, microscopically, radiographically and by means of computed tomography. Latex was injected into the spinal vein and spinal venous sinus of crocodiles to visualise the regional vasculature. The spinal vein ran within the vertebral canal, dorsal to and closely associated with the spinal cord and changed into a venous sinus cranially in the post-occipital region. For blood collection, the spinal venous sinus was accessed through the interarcuate space between the atlas and axis (C1 and C2) by inserting a needle angled just off the perpendicular in the midline through the craniodorsal cervical skin, just cranial to the cranial borders of the first cervical osteoderms. The most convenient method of blood collection was with a syringe and hypodermic needle. In addition, the suitability of the spinal venous sinus for intravenous injections and infusions in live crocodiles was evaluated. The internal diameter of the commercial human epidural catheters used during these investigations was relatively small, resulting in very slow infusion rates. Care should be taken not to puncture the spinal cord or to lacerate the blood vessel wall using this route for blood collection or intravenous infusions.The Norwegian Council for Higher Education’s Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU 08/02) and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in South Africa (Prof. Nico Visser).http://www.jsava.co.zaam2014ab201

    Technique for the collection of clear urine from the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)

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    Urine samples can be a very useful diagnostic tool for the evaluation of animal health. In this article, a simple technique to collect urine from the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) was described, based on a similar unpublished technique developed for the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) using a canine urinary catheter. With this technique, it was possible to collect relatively clean urine samples from Nile crocodiles of different sizes using canine urinary catheters or small diameter stomach tubes. Based on the gross anatomical features of the cloaca of the Nile crocodile, it was confirmed that urine accumulates in a chamber consisting of the urodeum and coprodeum. Faecal material is stored temporarily in the very short rectum, which is separated from the urinary chamber by the rectocoprodeal sphincter.The Norwegian Council for Higher Education’s Program for Development, Research and Educationhttp://www.jsava.co.zamn201

    Moderate alcohol consumption increases insulin sensitivity and ADIPOQ expression in postmenopausal women: a randomised, crossover trial

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    Aims/hypothesis To determine whether 6 weeks of daily, moderate alcohol consumption increases expression of the gene encoding adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and plasma levels of the protein, and improves insulin sensitivity in postmenopausal women. Methods In a randomised, open-label, crossover trial conducted in the Netherlands, 36 apparently healthy postmenopausal women who were habitual alcohol consumers, received 250 ml white wine (~25 g alcohol/day) or 250 ml of white grape juice (control) daily during dinner for 6 weeks. Randomisation to treatment allocation occurred according to BMI. Insulin sensitivity and ADIPOQ mRNA and plasma adiponectin levels were measured at the end of both periods. Insulin sensitivity was estimated using the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Levels of ADIPOQ mRNA in subcutaneous adipose tissue were determined by RT-PCR. Results All subjects completed the study. Six weeks of white wine consumption reduced fasting insulin (mean¿±¿SEM 40.0¿±¿3.4 vs 46.5¿±¿3.4 pmol/l; p

    A community needs responsive management training model: Re-envisioning management training for pastors of the International Assemblies of God Church

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    Non-profit organisations (NGO�s) play an important role in helping satisfy society�s many needs. Churches, for example, are called upon to address critical challenges facing the South African society such as discrepancies in life chances, unemployment and corruption. It largely depends on the management skills of leaders of such organisations to succeed in their endeavour to meet community needs. In order to improve these skills, this study sought to redefine the initial training of student pastors, including their management training, at the colleges of the International Assemblies of God Church (IAG). A qualitative research approach was followed. Two focus group interviews and seven individual interviews were conducted. Interviews included members of the national and provincial executive committees of the IAG, serving pastors, directors of training colleges, pastor trainees in their final year of study, and a newly graduated student. The findings of the study support the importance of formal management training for pastors before being employed in the service of the IAG. This Church has moved away from accepting ministers for service based on their faith and profession of a call to ministry only. The investigation revealed shortcomings in the initial training programmes of pastors; for example, the emphasis on theological courses at the expense of courses that are responsive to community needs and management training issues. Leaders with the competency to respond to community needs are required. The implementation of a transformational management framework, which includes community responsive courses, is recommended as a way to effectively train church leaders.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: Although this article is written within the framework of Educational Management, it touches on other fields like Practical Theology and Curriculum Development. It reflects on the perceived need to include management training in the formal preparation of pastors; an aspect which has previously been sorely neglected. A training model is suggested to achieve this objective.Keywords: community;�training; pastors</p
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