1,375 research outputs found

    Analysis of selective chopper radiometer data

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    Data from SCR-B on Nimbus 5 have been processed to yield global, orbital temperatures at 10, 5, 2, 1, and 0.4 mb for the period January 1977 through April 1978 under the current task. In addition gridded values at 10 deg latitude by 20 deg longitude were prepared by space-time interpolation for the period January 1975 through April 1978. Temperature retrieval was based on regression of radiances against Meteorological Rocket Network data, with regressions recomputed at approximately six-month intervals. This data now completes a consistent time series from April 1970 to April 1978 for all available radiance data from SCR A and SCR B on Nimbus 4 and 5. The processing details for the current period are discussed, but is also applicable to the previous data periods. The accuracy of the temperature retrievals for each 6-month period for the entire eight years is given in the Appendices

    Lunar surface engineering properties experiment definition. Volume 2: Mechanics of rolling sphere-soil slope interaction

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    The soil deformation mode under the action of a rolling sphere (boulder) was determined, and a theory based on actual soil failure mechanism was developed which provides a remote reconnaissance technique for study of soil conditions using boulder track observations. The failure mechanism was investigated by using models and by testing an instrumented spherical wheel. The wheel was specifically designed to measure contact pressure, but it also provided information on the failure mechanism. Further tests included rolling some 200 spheres down sand slopes. Films were taken of the rolling spheres, and the tracks were measured. Implications of the results and reevaluation of the lunar boulder tracks are discussed

    Return And Risk Of Iowa Cattle Feeding Under Two Alternate Programs, 1968-1978

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    Budgeted returns in Iowa from two cattle feeding-program • are summarized monthly in tables 5 and 6 (in Appendix A) and plotted in charts 1 and 2 (in Appendix B). The two feeding programs are finishing steer calves and yearling steers,. The monthly profit (loss)- figure provides an estimate of returns on cattle sold during that month, considering the initial purchase price of-the animal and estimated production costs during the feeding period..

    High diversity of microplankton surrounds deep-water coral reef in the Norwegian Sea

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    Coral reefs that exist in the depths of the oceans are surrounded by Eukarya, Archaea and bacterial communities that may play an important role in the nutrition and health of the reef. The first interdomain community structure of planktonic organisms in seawater from a deep-water coral reef is described. Community profiling and analysis of ribosomal RNA gene sequences from a coral reef system at 350 m depth in the Norwegian Sea revealed a rich diversity of Eukarya and Bacteria and a moderate diversity of Archaea. Most sequences affiliated with marine microplankton from deep-sea to cold-surface regions, with many sequences being similar to those described in studies of mesopelagic and oxygen minimum zones. Dominant phylotypes belonged to the Alveolata (group I, II, dinoflagellates), Stramenopiles (silicoflagellates), Alphaproteobacteria (Pelagibacter ubique), Gammaproteobacteria (ARCTIC96BD-19), Bacteroidetes (Flavobacteria) and mesophilic Crenarchaeota (Nitrosopumilus maritimus). Several rare and novel members of the community fell into distinct phylogenetic groups. The inferred function of dominant community members suggested autotrophs that utilise light, ammonium or sulphide, and lifestyles based on host associations. The high diversity reflected a microplankton community structure, which is significantly different from that of microplankton collected at the same depth at a pelagic station away from reefs

    Combining checkpointing and data compression for large scale seismic inversion

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    Seismic inversion and imaging are adjoint-based optimization problems that processes up to terabytes of data, regularly exceeding the memory capacity of available computers. Data compression is an effective strategy to reduce this memory requirement by a certain factor, particularly if some loss in accuracy is acceptable. A popular alternative is checkpointing, where data is stored at selected points in time, and values at other times are recomputed as needed from the last stored state. This allows arbitrarily large adjoint computations with limited memory, at the cost of additional recomputations. In this paper we combine compression and checkpointing for the first time to compute a realistic seismic inversion. The combination of checkpointing and compression allows larger adjoint computations compared to using only compression, and reduces the recomputation overhead significantly compared to using only checkpointing

    Establishing Vegetative Cover to Protect Roadside Soils in South Dakota

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    A vegetative cover has been the most practical protection against erosion of roadside soils. Since vegetation also has enhanced roads in safety and appearance, the establishment of a roadside cover has been a part of highway construction. Topsoil has greater organic matter content, tilth development, fertility level, and seed content. As a result, it has been used more successfully than subsoil to produce a vegetative cover and stabilize roadsides from erosion. Costs of salvaging and spreading topsoil make it desirable to seek ways of satisfactorily establishing a vegetative cover on subsoil materials along roadsides. Studies were conducted in 1962, ] 963 and 1964 for the South Dakota Department of Highways by South Dakota State University. Included were laboratory, greenhouse, and field examinations of several representative South Dakota soils in respect to management requirements for establishing satisfactory plant cover on disturbed areas

    Increased fluid flow activity in shallow sediments at the 3 km Long Hugin Fracture in the central North Sea

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    The North Sea hosts a wide variety of seafloor seeps that may be important for transfer of chemical species, such as methane, from the Earth's interior to its exterior. Here we provide geochemical and geophysical evidence for fluid flow within shallow sediments at the recently discovered, 3-km long Hugin Fracture in the Central North Sea. Although venting of gas bubbles was not observed, concentrations of dissolved methane were significantly elevated (up to six-times background values) in the water column at various locations above the fracture, and microbial mats that form in the presence of methane were observed at the seafloor. Seismic amplitude anomalies revealed a bright spot at a fault bend that may be the source of the water column methane. Sediment porewaters recovered in close proximity to the Hugin Fracture indicate the presence of fluids from two different shallow (<500m) sources: (i) a reduced fluid characterized by elevated methane concentrations and/or high levels of dissolved sulfide (up to 6 mmol L−1), and (ii) a low-chlorinity fluid (Cl ∼305 mmol L−1) that has low levels of dissolved methane and/or sulfide. The area of the seafloor affected by the presence of methane-enriched fluids is similar to the footprint of seepage from other morphological features in the North Sea