39 research outputs found

    Occlusion of Regulatory Sequences by Promoter Nucleosomes In Vivo

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    Nucleosomes are believed to inhibit DNA binding by transcription factors. Theoretical attempts to understand the significance of nucleosomes in gene expression and regulation are based upon this assumption. However, nucleosomal inhibition of transcription factor binding to DNA is not complete. Rather, access to nucleosomal DNA depends on a number of factors, including the stereochemistry of transcription factor-DNA interaction, the in vivo kinetics of thermal fluctuations in nucleosome structure, and the intracellular concentration of the transcription factor. In vitro binding studies must therefore be complemented with in vivo measurements. The inducible PHO5 promoter of yeast has played a prominent role in this discussion. It bears two binding sites for the transcriptional activator Pho4, which at the repressed promoter are positioned within a nucleosome and in the linker region between two nucleosomes, respectively. Earlier studies suggested that the nucleosomal binding site is inaccessible to Pho4 binding in the absence of chromatin remodeling. However, this notion has been challenged by several recent reports. We therefore have reanalyzed transcription factor binding to the PHO5 promoter in vivo, using ‘chromatin endogenous cleavage’ (ChEC). Our results unambiguously demonstrate that nucleosomes effectively interfere with the binding of Pho4 and other critical transcription factors to regulatory sequences of the PHO5 promoter. Our data furthermore suggest that Pho4 recruits the TATA box binding protein to the PHO5 promoter

    Maternal characteristics associated with the dietary intake of nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines in women of child-bearing age: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multiple <it>N</it>-nitroso compounds have been observed in animal studies to be both mutagenic and teratogenic. Human exposure to <it>N</it>-nitroso compounds and their precursors, nitrates and nitrites, can occur through exogenous sources, such as diet, drinking water, occupation, or environmental exposures, and through endogenous exposures resulting from the formation of <it>N</it>-nitroso compounds in the body. Very little information is available on intake of nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines and factors related to increased consumption of these compounds.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using survey and dietary intake information from control women (with deliveries of live births without major congenital malformations during 1997-2004) who participated in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), we examined the relation between various maternal characteristics and intake of nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines from dietary sources. Estimated intake of these compounds was obtained from the Willet Food Frequency Questionnaire as adapted for the NBDPS. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the consumption of these compounds by self-reported race/ethnicity and other maternal characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median intake per day for nitrates, nitrites, total nitrites (nitrites + 5% nitrates), and nitrosamines was estimated at 40.48 mg, 1.53 mg, 3.69 mg, and 0.472 μg respectively. With the lowest quartile of intake as the referent category and controlling for daily caloric intake, factors predicting intake of these compounds included maternal race/ethnicity, education, body mass index, household income, area of residence, folate intake, and percent of daily calories from dietary fat. Non-Hispanic White participants were less likely to consume nitrates, nitrites, and total nitrites per day, but more likely to consume dietary nitrosamines than other participants that participated in the NBDPS. Primary food sources of these compounds also varied by maternal race/ethnicity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results of this study indicate that intake of nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines vary considerably by race/ethnicity, education, body mass index, and other characteristics. Further research is needed regarding how consumption of foods high in nitrosamines and <it>N</it>-nitroso precursors might relate to risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes and chronic diseases.</p

    Development of estimates of dietary nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines for use with the short willet food frequency questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have suggested that nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines have an etiologic role in adverse pregnancy outcomes and chronic diseases such as cancer. Although an extensive body of literature exists on estimates of these compounds in foods, the extant data varies in quality, quantified estimates, and relevance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed estimates of nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines for food items listed in the Short Willet Food Frequency Questionnaire (WFFQ) as adapted for use in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Multiple reference databases were searched for published literature reflecting nitrate, nitrite, and nitrosamine values in foods. Relevant published literature was reviewed; only publications reporting results for items listed on the WFFQ were selected for inclusion. The references selected were prioritized according to relevance to the U.S. population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on our estimates, vegetable products contain the highest levels of nitrate, contributing as much as 189 mg/serving. Meat and bean products contain the highest levels of nitrites with values up to 1.84 mg/serving. Alcohol, meat and dairy products contain the highest values of nitrosamines with a maximum value of 0.531 μg/serving. The estimates of dietary nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines generated in this study are based on the published values currently available.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To our knowledge, these are the only estimates specifically designed for use with the adapted WFFQ and generated to represent food items available to the U.S. population. The estimates provided may be useful in other research studies, specifically in those exploring the relation between exposure to these compounds in foods and adverse health outcomes.</p

    DNA origami-based single-molecule forcespectroscopy elucidates RNA Polymerase IIIpre-initiation complex stability

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    The TATA-binding protein (TBP) and a transcription factor (TF) IIB-like factor are important constituents of all eukaryotic initiation complexes. The reason for the emergence and strict requirement of the additional initiation factor Bdp1 in the RNA polymerase (RNAP) III system, however, remained elusive. A poorly studied aspect in this context is the effect of DNA strain arising from DNA compaction and transcriptional activity on initiation complex formation. We made use of a DNA origami-based force clamp to follow the assembly of human initiation complexes in the RNAP II and RNAP III systems at the single-molecule level under piconewton forces. We demonstrate that TBP-DNA complexes are force-sensitive and TFIIB is sufficient to stabilise TBP on a strained promoter. In contrast, Bdp1 is the pivotal component that ensures stable anchoring of initiation factors, and thus the polymerase itself, in the RNAP III system. Thereby, we offer an explanation for the crucial role of Bdp1 for the high transcriptional output of RNAP III

    Affinity Purification of Specific Chromatin Segments from Chromosomal Loci in Yeast

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    Single-copy gene and promoter regions have been excised from yeast chromosomes and have been purified as chromatin by conventional and affinity methods. Promoter regions isolated in transcriptionally repressed and activated states maintain their characteristic chromatin structures. Gel filtration analysis establishes the uniformity of the transcriptionally activated state. Activator proteins interact in the manner anticipated from previous studies in vivo. This work opens the way to the direct study of specific gene regions of eukaryotic chromosomes in diverse functional and structural states

    In yeast cells arrested at the early S-phase by hydroxyurea, rRNA gene promoters and chromatin are poised for transcription while rRNA synthesis is compromised

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    Hydroxyurea (HU) is an inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase that is used as a chemotherapeutic agent to treat a number of chronic diseases. Addition of HU to cell cultures causes reduction of the dNTP cellular pool below levels that are required for DNA replication. This trigger dividing cells to arrest in early S-phase of the cell cycle. Cell division hinges on ribosome biogenesis, which is tightly regulated by rRNA synthesis. Remarkably, HU represses the expression of some genes the products of which are required for rRNA maturation. To gain more information on the cellular response to HU, we employed the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organism and analyzed the changing aspects of closed to open forms of rRNA gene chromatin during cell cycle arrest, the arrangement of RNA polymerase-I (RNAPI) on the open genes, the presence of RNAPI transcription-factors, transcription and rRNA maturation. The rRNA gene chromatin structure was analyzed by psoralen crosslinking and the distribution of RNAPI was investigated by chromatin endogenous cleavage. In HU arrested cells nearly all rRNA genes were in the open form of chromatin, but only a portion of them was engaged with RNAPI. Analyses by chromatin immunoprecipitation confirmed that the overall formation of transcription pre-initiation complexes remained unchanged, suggesting that the onset of rRNA gene activation was not significantly affected by HU. Moreover, the in vitro transcription run-on assay indicated that RNAPI retained most of its transcription elongation activity. However, in HU treated cells, we found that (1) RNAPI accumulated next to the 5'-end of rRNA genes; (2) considerably less rRNA filaments were observed in electron micrographs of rDNA transcription units; and (3) rRNA maturation was compromised. It is established that HU inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase holds back DNA replication. This study indicates a hitherto unexplored cellular response to HU, namely altered rRNA synthesis, which could participate to hamper cell division