36 research outputs found

    Andreev bound states probed in three-terminal quantum dots

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    We demonstrate several new electron transport phenomena mediated by Andreev bound states (ABSs) that form on three-terminal carbon nanotube (CNT) QDs, with one superconducting (S) contact in the center and two adjacent normal metal (N) contacts. Three-terminal spectroscopy allows us to identify the coupling to the N contacts as the origin of the Andreev resonance (AR) linewidths and to determine the critical coupling strengths to S, for which a ground state transition S-QD systems can occur. We ascribe replicas of the lowest-energy ABS resonance to transitions between the ABS and odd-parity excited QD states, a process called excited state ABS resonances. In the conductance between the two N contacts we find a characteristic pattern of positive and negative differential subgap conductance, which we explain by considering two nonlocal processes, the creation of Cooper pairs in S by electrons from both N terminals, and a novel mechanism called resonant ABS tunneling. In the latter, electrons are transferred via the ABS without creating Cooper pairs in S. The three-terminal geometry also allows spectroscopy experiments with different boundary conditions, for example by leaving S floating. Surprisingly, we find that, depending on the boundary conditions, the experiments either show single-particle Coulomb blockade resonances, ABS characteristics, or both in the same measurements, seemingly contradicting the notion of ABSs replacing the single particle states as eigenstates of the QD. We qualitatively explain these results as originating from the finite time scale required for the coherent oscillations between the superposition states after a single electron tunneling event. These experiments demonstrate that three-terminal experiments on a single complex quantum object can also be useful to investigate charge dynamics otherwise not accessible due to the very high frequencies.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Resonant and inelastic Andreev tunneling observed on a carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    We report the observation of two fundamental sub-gap transport processes through a quantum dot (QD) with a superconducting contact. The device consists of a carbon nanotube contacted by a Nb superconducting and a normal metal contact. First, we find a single resonance with position, shape and amplitude consistent with the theoretically predicted resonant Andreev tunneling (AT) through a single QD level. Second, we observe a series of discrete replicas of resonant AT at a separation of ∌145 Ό\sim145\,\mueV, with a gate, bias and temperature dependence characteristic for boson-assisted, inelastic AT, in which energy is exchanged between a bosonic bath and the electrons. The magnetic field dependence of the replica's amplitudes and energies suggest that two different bosons couple to the tunnel process.Comment: 5 pages + 9 pages supplementary materia

    Fork stamping of pristine carbon nanotubes onto ferromagnetic contacts for spin-valve devices

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    We present a fabrication scheme called 'fork stamping' optimized for the dry transfer of individual pristine carbon nanotubes (CNTs) onto ferromagnetic contact electrodes fabricated by standard lithography. We demonstrate the detailed recipes for a residue-free device fabrication and in-situ current annealing on suspended CNT spin-valve devices with ferromagnetic Permalloy (Py) contacts and report preliminary transport characterization and magnetoresistance experiments at cryogenic temperatures. This scheme can directly be used to implement more complex device structures, including multiple gates or superconducting contacts.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IWEPNM 2015 conference proceedings (physica status solidi (b)

    Resonators coupled to voltage-biased Josephson junctions: From linear response to strongly driven nonlinear oscillations

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    Motivated by recent experiments, where a voltage biased Josephson junction is placed in series with a resonator, the classical dynamics of the circuit is studied in various domains of parameter space. This problem can be mapped onto the dissipative motion of a single degree of freedom in a nonlinear time-dependent potential, where in contrast to conventional settings the nonlinearity appears in the driving while the static potential is purely harmonic. For long times the system approaches steady states which are analyzed in the underdamped regime over the full range of driving parameters including the fundamental resonance as well as higher and sub-harmonics. Observables such as the dc-Josephson current and the radiated microwave power give direct information about the underlying dynamics covering phenomena as bifurcations, irregular motion, up- and down conversion. Due to their tunability, present and future set-ups provide versatile platforms to explore the changeover from linear response to strongly nonlinear behavior in driven dissipative systems under well defined conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Carbon nanotube quantum dots on hexagonal boron nitride

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    We report the fabrication details and low-temperature characteristics of the first carbon nanotube (CNT) quantum dots on flakes of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as substrate. We demonstrate that CNTs can be grown on hBN by standard chemical vapor deposition and that standard scanning electron microscopy imaging and lithography can be employed to fabricate nanoelectronic structures when using optimized parameters. This proof of concept paves the way to more complex devices on hBN, with more predictable and reproducible characteristics and electronic stability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement scheme for the Lamb shift in a superconducting circuit with broadband environment

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    Motivated by recent experiments on quantum mechanical charge pumping in a Cooper pair sluice, we present a measurement scheme for observing shifts of transition frequencies in two-level quantum systems induced by broadband environmental fluctuations. In contrast to quantum optical and related set-ups based on cavities, the impact of a thermal phase reservoir is considered. A thorough analysis of Lamb and Stark shifts within weak-coupling master equations is complemented by non-perturbative results for the model of an exactly solvable harmonic system. The experimental protocol to measure the Lamb shift in experimentally feasible superconducting circuits is analysed in detail and supported by numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Subgap resonant quasiparticle transport in normal-superconductor quantum dot devices

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    We report thermally activated transport resonances for biases below the superconducting energy gap in a carbon nanotube quantum dot (QD) device with a superconducting Pb and a normal metal contact. These resonances are due to the superconductor`s finite quasi-particle population at elevated temperatures and can only be observed when the QD life-time broadening is considerably smaller than the gap. This condition is fulfilled in our QD devices with optimized Pd/Pb/In multi-layer contacts, which result in reproducibly large and ``clean`` superconducting transport gaps with a strong conductance suppression for subgap biases. We show that these gaps close monotonically with increasing magnetic field and temperature. The accurate description of the subgap resonances by a simple resonant tunneling model illustrates the ideal characteristics of the reported Pb contacts and gives an alternative access to the tunnel coupling strengths in a QD. Published by AIP Publishing

    Nonequilibrium properties of graphene probed by superconducting tunnel spectroscopy

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    © 2019 American Physical Society. We report on nonequilibrium properties of graphene probed by superconducting tunnel spectroscopy. A hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) tunnel barrier in combination with a superconducting Pb contact is used to extract the local energy distribution function of the quasiparticles in graphene samples in different transport regimes. In the cases where the energy distribution function resembles a Fermi-Dirac distribution, the local electron temperature can directly be accessed. This allows us to study the cooling mechanisms of hot electrons in graphene. In the case of long samples (device length L much larger than the electron-phonon scattering length le-ph), cooling through acoustic phonons is dominant. We find a crossover from the dirty limit with a power law T3 at low temperature to the clean limit at higher temperatures with a power law T4 and a deformation potential of 13.3 eV. For shorter samples, where L is smaller than le-ph but larger than the electron-electron scattering length le-e, the well-known cooling through electron out-diffusion is found. Interestingly, we find strong indications of an enhanced Lorenz number in graphene. We also find evidence of a non-Fermi-Dirac distribution function, which is a result of noninteracting quasiparticles in very short samples.This work has received funding from ERC project TopSupra (787414), the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 696656 (Graphene Flagship), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, the Swiss NCCR QSIT, Topograph, ISpinText FlagERA networks and from the OTKA FK-123894 grants. P.M. acknowledges support from the Bolyai Fellowship and as a Marie Curie fellow. This research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary within the Quantum Technology National Excellence Program (Project No. 2017-1.2.1-NKP-2017-00001). S.H., Sa.C., and R.W. acknowledge support from the EPSRC (EP/K016636/1, EP/M506485/1)

    Andreev bound states probed in three-terminal quantum dots

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