480 research outputs found

    CHAP Enhances Versatility in Colloidal Probe Fabrication

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    A colloidal probe, comprising a colloidal particle attached to an atomic force microscope cantilever, is employed to measure directly interaction forces between the particle and a surface. It is possible to change or even destroy a particle while attaching it to a cantilever, thus limiting the types of systems to which the colloidal probe technique may be applied. Here we present the Controlled Heating and Alignment Platform (CHAP) for fabricating colloidal probes without altering the original characteristics of the attached particle. The CHAP applies heat directly to the atomic force microscope chip to rapidly and precisely control cantilever temperature. This minimizes particle heating and enables control over the viscosity of thermoplastic adhesive, to prevent it from contaminating the particle surface. 3D-printed components made the CHAP compatible with standard optical microscopes and streamlined the fabrication process while increasing the platforms versatility. Using the CHAP with a thermoplastic wax adhesive, colloidal probes were fabricated using polystyrene and silica particles between 0.7 and 40 m in diameter. We characterized the properties and interactions of the adhesive and particles, as well as the properties of the completed probes, to demonstrate the retention of particle features throughout fabrication. Pull-off tests with CHAPs probes measured adhesive force values in the expected ranges and demonstrated that particles were firmly attached to the cantilevers

    Improving Tracer Particle Surface Properties for Wind Tunnel Research

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    The surface properties of micron size polystyrene latex microspheres (PSLs) modified with quaternary alkylammonium (QA) surfactants were investigated, with a focus on the relationship between surface chemistry and adhesion. These investigations were motivated by the need to develop non-fouling tracer particles for wind tunnel studies. The goals were to relate the work of adhesion between particles and substrates to the type and amount of QA modifier in order to optimize the performance of PSL tracers. Surfactant-free emulsion polymerization (SFEP) can produce PSLs for wind tunnel tracers. Covalentlybound charged groups (derived from the initiator) stabilize PSL surfaces in water. This work used PSLs with anionic surface groups. Previous studies indicated that surface-bound charged groups on PSLs have a significant impact on their interfacial energy. Modifying charged surface groups therefore offers a method to modulate PSL interfacial properties. In this work, PSLs and films were modified by adsorption of QA surfactants

    Reduction of Wind Tunnel Contamination During Flow Visualization Experiments Using Polystyrene Microspheres

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    Evaluation of novel methods and materials for seeding tracer particles for particle image velocimetry (PIV) was carried out in the Basic Aerodynamic Research Tunnel (BART) at NASAs Langley Research Center (LaRC). Seeding of polystyrene latex microspheres (PSLs) from ethanol/water suspensions and from the dry state was carried out using custom built seeders. PIV data generated using the novel methods were found to be in general agreement with data collected using the current seeding methods. Techniques for assessing PSL fouling of wind tunnel surfaces were identified and refined. Initial results suggest that dry seeding PSLs may allow comparable data quality to wet seeding while reducing wind tunnel screen fouling. Results also indicate that further developments to the dry seeding system should focus on increasing single particle flux into the wind tunnel. Modifications to PSLs and seeding equipment to achieve this have been identified and are discussed

    Measuring Work of Adhesion of Polystyrene Microspheres

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    Particle adhesion is relevant in fields ranging from aerospace and energy to civil engineering and medicine. The functions of aerodynamic surfaces, heat exchangers, solar panels, ventilation systems, and blood vessels are affected by the buildup of particulates on their surfaces. Direct measurement of the adhesive force between a particle and a surface is key to understanding and mitigating particle fouling. Approaches such as the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) and Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov (DMT) models offer a first approximation of the forces involved but do not account for non-idealities like roughness or plastic deformation. Experimental measurements of adhesive forces often deviate significantly from predictions. One approach to measure adhesion is the colloidal probe technique, which uses a particle attached to the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever. The particle is touched to a surface and then withdrawn and a pull-off force (FPO) determined by cantilever deflection. FPO can be used to estimate work of adhesion (Wa) and other properties from existing models. We describe a new method for producing colloidal probes using wax as an adhesive to attach micrometer-scale spheres to AFM tips. This method can be used with a range of particles and minimizes the potential for changes to the particle surface chemistry or geometry from exposure to heat, chemicals, radiation, or external forces. Particle attachment to AFM tips is robust and reversible, allowing old particles to be replaced with new ones in a few minutes. Pull-off measurements using polystyrene (PS) particles, pristine and modified with myristyltrimethylammonium bromide (14-TAB), were collected from various substrates to demonstrate the viability of this technique and investigate the impact of particle surface modification

    Further Insight into the Mechanism of Poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) Microsphere Formation

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    Polymeric microspheres have been utilized in a broad range of applications ranging from chromatographic separation techniques to analysis of air flow over aerodynamic surfaces. The preparation of microspheres from many different polymer families has consequently been extensively studied using a variety of synthetic approaches. Although there are a variety of methods of synthesis for polymeric microspheres, free-radical initiated emulsion polymerization is one of the most common techniques. In this work, poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) microspheres were synthesized via surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. The effect of comonomer composition and addition time on particle size distribution, particle formation, and particle morphology were investigated. Particles were characterized using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to gain further insight into particle size and size distributions. Reaction kinetics were analyzed alongside of characterization results. A particle formation mechanism for poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) microspheres was proposed based on characterization results and known reaction kinetics

    Nano-scale superhydrophobicity: suppression of protein adsorption and promotion of flow-induced detachment

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    Wall adsorption is a common problem in microfluidic devices, particularly when proteins are used. Here we show how superhydrophobic surfaces can be used to reduce protein adsorption and to promote desorption. Hydrophobic surfaces, both smooth and having high surface roughness of varying length scales (to generate superhydrophobicity), were incubated in protein solution. The samples were then exposed to flow shear in a device designed to simulate a microfluidic environment. Results show that a similar amount of protein adsorbed onto smooth and nanometer-scale rough surfaces, although a greater amount was found to adsorb onto superhydrophobic surfaces with micrometer scale roughness. Exposure to flow shear removed a considerably larger proportion of adsorbed protein from the superhydrophobic surfaces than from the smooth ones, with almost all of the protein being removed from some nanoscale surfaces. This type of surface may therefore be useful in environments, such as microfluidics, where protein sticking is a problem and fluid flow is present. Possible mechanisms that explain the behaviour are discussed, including decreased contact between protein and surface and greater shear stress due to interfacial slip between the superhydrophobic surface and the liquid

    Polymer model with Epigenetic Recoloring Reveals a Pathway for the <i>de novo</i> Establishment and 3D Organization of Chromatin Domains

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    One of the most important problems in development is how epigenetic domains can be first established, and then maintained, within cells. To address this question, we propose a framework which couples 3D chromatin folding dynamics, to a "recolouring" process modelling the writing of epigenetic marks. Because many intra-chromatin interactions are mediated by bridging proteins, we consider a "two-state" model with self-attractive interactions between two epigenetic marks which are alike (either active or inactive). This model displays a first-order-like transition between a swollen, epigenetically disordered, phase, and a compact, epigenetically coherent, chromatin globule. If the self-attraction strength exceeds a threshold, the chromatin dynamics becomes glassy, and the corresponding interaction network freezes. By modifying the epigenetic read-write process according to more biologically-inspired assumptions, our polymer model with recolouring recapitulates the ultrasensitive response of epigenetic switches to perturbations, and accounts for multi-domain conformations, strikingly similar to the topologically-associating-domains observed in eukaryotic chromosomes.Comment: Accepted version. To appear in Physical Review X. Combined main text + SI; Suppl. Movies at http://www2.ph.ed.ac.uk/~dmichiel

    Effects of the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm as Measured by MSL REMS in Gale Crater

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    The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) instrument is on board NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover. REMS has been measuring surface pressure, air, and ground brightness temperature, relative humidity, and ultraviolet (UV) irradiance since MSL’s landing in 2012. In Mars Year (MY) 34 (2018) a global dust storm reached Gale Crater at Ls ~ 190°. REMS offers a unique opportunity to better understand the impact of a global dust storm on local environmental conditions, which complements previous observations by the Viking landers and Mars Exploration Rovers. All atmospheric variables measured by REMS are strongly affected albeit at different times. During the onset phase, the daily maximum UV radiation decreased by 90% between sols 2075 (opacity ~1) and 2085 (opacity ~8.5). The diurnal range in ground and air temperatures decreased by 35 and 56 K, respectively, with also a diurnal-average decrease of ~2 and 4 K respectively. The maximum relative humidity, which occurs right before sunrise, decreased to below 5%, compared with prestorm values of up to 29%, due to the warmer air temperatures at night, while the inferred water vapor abundance suggests an increase during the storm. Between sols 2085 and 2130, the typical nighttime stable inversion layer was absent near the surface as ground temperatures remained warmer than near-surface air temperatures. Finally, the frequency domain behavior of the diurnal pressure cycle shows a strong increase in the strength of the semidiurnal and terdiurnal modes peaking after the local opacity maximum, also suggesting differences in the dust abundance inside and outside Gale.Key PointsAtmospheric opacity over Gale Crater was increased by more than 8 times and disturbed all the atmospheric variables measured by REMSREMS data suggest that the nighttime near-surface atmosphere stability was reduced and its water abundance increased during the GDSThe semidiurnal mode peaked after the local opacity maximum, suggesting different dust abundance inside and outside GalePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151294/1/jgre21177_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151294/2/jgre21177.pd

    Near-edge absorption fine structure and UV photoemission spectroscopy studies of aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes on Si(100) substrates

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    The self-assembled films of single-walled carbon nanotubes were studied. The study was carried out by using near-edge absorption fine structure (NEAFS) and UV photoemission spectroscopy (UPS). It was found that at lower angles of incidence, the intensity of π * core exciton at 284.4 eV, which attributed to the greater accessibility of the π * orbitals. The results from UPS spectra of the films showed little angular dependence and included features consistent with total density of states of graphite