7 research outputs found

    Nucleolus: the fascinating nuclear body

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    Nucleoli are the prominent contrasted structures of the cell nucleus. In the nucleolus, ribosomal RNAs are synthesized, processed and assembled with ribosomal proteins. RNA polymerase I synthesizes the ribosomal RNAs and this activity is cell cycle regulated. The nucleolus reveals the functional organization of the nucleus in which the compartmentation of the different steps of ribosome biogenesis is observed whereas the nucleolar machineries are in permanent exchange with the nucleoplasm and other nuclear bodies. After mitosis, nucleolar assembly is a time and space regulated process controlled by the cell cycle. In addition, by generating a large volume in the nucleus with apparently no RNA polymerase II activity, the nucleolus creates a domain of retention/sequestration of molecules normally active outside the nucleolus. Viruses interact with the nucleolus and recruit nucleolar proteins to facilitate virus replication. The nucleolus is also a sensor of stress due to the redistribution of the ribosomal proteins in the nucleoplasm by nucleolus disruption. The nucleolus plays several crucial functions in the nucleus: in addition to its function as ribosome factory of the cells it is a multifunctional nuclear domain, and nucleolar activity is linked with several pathologies. Perspectives on the evolution of this research area are proposed

    Assembly and disassembly of the nucleolus during the cell cycle

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    The nucleolus is a large nuclear domain in which transcription, maturation and assembly of ribosomes take place. In higher eukaryotes, nucleolar organization in three sub-domains reflects the compartmentation of the machineries related to active or inactive transcription of the ribosomal DNA, ribosomal RNA processing and assembly with ribosomal proteins of the two (40S and 60S) ribosomal subunits. The assembly of the nucleoli during telophase/early G1 depends on pre-existing machineries inactivated during prophase (the transcription machinery and RNP processing complexes) and on partially processed 45S rRNAs inherited throughout mitosis. In telophase, the 45S rRNAs nucleate the prenucleolar bodies and order the dynamics of nucleolar assembly. The assembly/disassembly processes of the nucleolus depend on the equilibrium between phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the transcription machinery and on the RNP processing complexes under the control of the CDK1-cyclin B kinase and PP1 phosphatases. The dynamics of assembly/disassembly of the nucleolus is time and space regulated

    Compartmentation of the Nucleolar Processing Proteins in the Granular Component Is a CK2-driven Process

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    To analyze the compartmentation of nucleolar protein complexes, the mechanisms controlling targeting of nucleolar processing proteins onto rRNA transcription sites has been investigated. We studied the reversible disconnection of transcripts and processing proteins using digitonin-permeabilized cells in assays capable of promoting nucleolar reorganization. The assays show that the dynamics of nucleolar reformation is ATP/GTP-dependent, sensitive to temperature, and CK2-driven. We further demonstrate the role of CK2 on the rRNA-processing protein B23. Mutation of the major CK2 site on B23 induces reorganization of nucleolar components that separate from each other. This was confirmed in assays using extracts containing B23 mutated in the CK2-binding sites. We propose that phosphorylation controls the compartmentation of the rRNA-processing proteins and that CK2 is involved in this process

    Nucleolar Protein Anchoring and Translocation

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